A knock on the door.

Johnny raised his eyes from the television that sat in front of the couch, taking in the stains upon the carpet and mysterious holes in the wall that may or may not have come from his father's fists.

His parents weren't home tonight, his mother was out with one of her many lovers and his father was out drinking. It wasn't much of a shock, of course. Johnny could time these things, and would be halfway home by the time his father's old pickup truck had pulled away from the curb.

Nobody bothered to knock at Johnny's house because nobody came by the Cade's home. Social Services had given up trying to take him away, not only because Robert Cade would throw them out, but because Johnny had no desire to leave. His whole life was on the East Side of Tulsa and, while he wished for something better, he was sure that there wasn't anything better in store for him, so he would stick with what he had.

Another knock.

He got up and stumbled over a plate that lay on the floor. After some careful maneuvering he reached the door and pulled it open to find...

A girl.

She was small, roughly his height with dark eyes that were heavily outlined, making them appear larger. Her skin was tan, and her hair was black, the roots showing the original colour was actually a light blonde. Covering a black t-shirt was a jean jacket eerily similar to his.


Johnny got a sudden urge to close the door. "Uh... hi..."

"I'm Janie, but my friends call me Janiecake... heh, see, it's like yours except I'm a girl an' my names Janie..." Janie looked at him curiously. "You going to invite me in?"

At this, the young man stepped out of the door and motioned for her to come inside. "Sorry uhm... please... come in." Mentally he was praying to God for the girl to spontaneously combust.

"I've been watching you, y'know," she commented, taking in the dirty living room and moving on to the kitchen to inspect the sink filled with dirty dishes. "And I'm a big fan of you. See, I've never seen anyone so... sweet, and just... deep. Like your home is a pile of shit and you deal with your parents all the time but y'don't get all mean."

"Is this going anywhere?"

Janie glared at Johnny. "Yes. I want to be just like you. In fact, I've been studying everything you do. Every move, every time you go to the fucking bathroom, I know. I have this huge file..."

As she continued to list the various times she had been watching him, Johnny felt both disturbed and... just disturbed. There was no way this girl could be normal. She watched him pee, for Gods sake!

"...and then I 'membered this time you got jumped so I've been hangin' out in all these alleys... gotta hand it to ya, you sure picked a day to get jumped 'cause nobody's been looking for me or anything."

Johnny had finally had enough. He snatched a particularly large butcher knife off the counter (one his mother had used to make herself a sandwich; there was still cheese stuck to it), and hurled it at Janie's head.

It struck her eye, going right through, and in her final hours of life she stared horrified at Jonathan Cade. "But... I don't understand. I'm just like you... we can be together and... and..."

Johnny's foot hovered dangerously close to the handle of the knife and he brought his foot down, issuing a scream from the girl as she died.

"I don't like myself much."

-the end-

Because his name is Johnny C, and that's what Johnny's name is... heeeee...
And the last line was taken from there, but I can easily imagine this happening.
With all the Mary Sues that are around an' all. xD