Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, or any of the show's characters. I only own Taylor Hecter.

The Third Ghost Hybrid His Foolishness Created. . .

What happens when you mix a crime fighting teenager that has difficulty doing algebra , a new girl from Delaware, and a world of ghosts? You get two best friends that are drawn closer together after a freak accident! Can Taylor Hecter learn to deal as Danny did, or will she give in to the very power of power? Let's just hope that Vlad Plasmius doesn't have anything to do with this. . . though we know he does!

Large golden rays of morning sun hit a large, newly plastered sign that read, "Amity Park, Home of Danny Phantom." On it was a large picture of Danny Phantom himself, his arms crossed confidently, glowing green eyes oozing with arrogance, yet a hint of modesty. Passed the sign was a moderately large city, tall buildings sticking up like candles on a fresh birthday cake. Already in the early morning cars were zooming passed each other on the paved streets, and slight smoke from the opening restaurants could be seen.

In other words, it was the start of an ordinary day in Amity Park.


Of course, as normal as any town could get when it was the favorite haunt of dangerous ghosts, literally.

The sudden screeching of a car, a slight lunge, and the shrieks of a terrified civilian were heard quite suddenly. A great giant glob of green ectoplasmic puss, as Jack Fenton called them, had slithered it's way through the sewage system and into the busy streets above. As it went up it picked up a rusty blue car, the man inside shocked and fearful for his life. People around on the sidewalks pointed and screamed as they watched the ghost shake the car around violently.

"Someone, please!" he called desperately, hanging onto his steering wheel as tightly as he could. It was clear that he needed a miracle, so he decided to use every ounce of faith he had to pray.

His prayer was answered in the form of a small figure, flying towards him with incredible speed. He was very human looking, only an unnatural white glow emanated from him. Bright white hair and lazer green eyes marked him again, some sort of a supernatural being. The attire he was donned with was all black with white boots, a belt, gloves, and a neatly trimmed color. Decorating his abdomen was the crafty letter D.

"Hey egghead! Couldn't you have waited until after breakfast?!"the boy asked sarcastically, flying just in front of the monstrous creature.

"It's Danny Phantom!" screamed a citizen on the ground with relief. Around him people cheered, filling the teenaged ghost with confidence.

The ghost responded by turning around, it's large red eyes shocked. It made a sort of confused sound before growling and snarling again, it's voice echoing off the buildings. The ghost boy pretended to understand it's grumbling, looking highly insulted.

"You don't care? Well then. . . I guess I'll just have to scramble you!"

Danny raised a fist and went at the ghost, punching the gooey arm and sending the car high into the air. The ghost recoiled and screamed, as did the man in the car. Danny quickly flew up,catching the citizen, vehicle and all, and putting him down on the road.

"Thanks man!" he shouted to Danny with a grateful look.

"No problem." Danny replied with a smile to him, then turned his attention once again to the ghost. The arm had faded into mist, leaving a much smaller ghost behind.

"Now to finish you off!"

Danny's arm flew like a bullet to his Fenton Thermos, pulling it out with one fluid move. He aimed it with speed at the ghost, and immediately green goo filtered into the thermos as though a spaghetti strand into a hungry mouth.

"Got him!" he said to himself with a triumphant smile.

The crowd below seemed to erupt in one great cheer, and the flashes of video camera's could be seen in the crowd as the 8:00 News filmed yet another great save by Danny Phantom.

Deep within the blackness of the lens, through the wires, and into a new plasma TV, the video was now being played in the Hecter family's kitchen. . .

And here our story begins.

"Ugh. . . why can't today be Sunday?" sounded a cranky young voice from under her pillow. Taylor Hecter sighed irritably, rolling over on her stomach. Immediately the bright morning light hit her, making her close her golden brown eyes to shield them. Taylor was never quite the morning person, though everyone else in her family seemed to be.

"Good morning Miss Casper High Student!" said her mother as she walked into the room. Taylor groaned and pulled her blankets around her tighter, ignoring yet another morning session with her mother. Amy Hecter frowned at her daughter's lack of consciousness and pulled her dark blue blankets off her small form.


Taylor opened her eyes and made a face at her mother, who disregarded it with a small wave of her hand.

"I'll have none of this, new student! It's time for breakfast."

Taylor growled in annoyance and sat up in her bed. Her mother soon disappeared out the door,Taylor's angry brown eyes following her. Though she was quite used to her mother's wake up antics, she still got thoroughly annoyed. It was worse now that her parents enrolled her in the local school, Casper High. The comments and blurbs about being a new student would never end now.

"Enthusiasm is good. . . unless it's 7:50 in the morning," mumbled Taylor, standing up and walking to her bathroom

Today was going to be quite the interesting day, she knew.

It wasn't only because Casper High happened to be the most haunted school in America, or the fact that Danny Phantom had been seen there frequently; it was simply because she would be alone. The school was as unfamiliar as her new house. . .

Everything would be different from Delaware.

Her thin, tan, feet hit cold tile as she walked into the shower. She automatically reached for her right side for the water tap, still not quite used to her new surroundings. Back in Delaware her shower had been set up differently, and she still had the memory.

Taylor and her family just moved in a month before. The house still had a cold impersonal feeling to it, and the smell was foreign to her. All she needed was some time to adjust.

Why not start by remembering where the water tap is?

Soon hot jets of water hit her bare back as she scrubbed her scalp with Spring Fresh shampoo. The smell of it comforted her, as it was familiar. Ever since she was younger she had used the same shampoo.

Some things never change I suppose. . .

Too bad that anything had to change. She would have much preferred to be back home in Delaware. All of her best friends would have called her by now, babbling happily about the outfits they were going to wear the first day of school. She gritted her teeth and stepped out of the shower. No way in hell was she going to think about that anymore. She had already wasted a month being depressed.

The fog from the bath obscured her reflection in her mirror as she began to dry off. Every now and then she would catch her image, her eyes blank and dead. Lately she had been wearing the same lost expression. It was almost as if she didn't fit. Her soul was back in Delaware, while her body was here. She hated feeling split apart like that, being two things at once.

"After this, mom and dad won't move. I can be whole again.." she told herself silently.

If only she knew the irony of her words.

Danny Phantom phased through the thick wall to his room. As soon as he hit the floor, two bright blue rings whirled around him, turning him back into his alter ego, Danny Fenton. The transformation revealed thick dark circles under his bright blue eyes, disheveled jet black hair, and bruises covering his thin body.

"Great. . . another night spent chasing ghosts…" muttered Danny tiredly.

The passed few days had been that way. Whenever Danny would try to relax, sleep, or catch up on homework, a ghost would zoom by terrorizing someone. He hadn't had an ounce of rest, or a bit of time to prepare for the upcoming school-year. Now it was up to his own ingenuity to get to school on time, or else.

Today was Danny's first day of 10th grade. He wasn't quite so nervous, as he had been to Casper High a whole year already. However, going back to school meant waking up early, homework, Lancer, Dash beating him up, more homework, Lancer, and Lancer. It also meant dealing with the daily life and his ghost powers at the same time.

That was always interesting.

Danny tiredly made his way to the bathroom to shower.

"One year older . . . no difference at all." He grumbled as he pulled off his shirt. It had grown a bit tighter due to his. .. later development. Danny was proud to say he was getting a bit muscular, but just a little. He still wasn't any comparison to Dash or the other guys. But hey, he had something. Besides his shirt being tight, his age had brought no change. Despite what he once thought, being 16 was no different than being 15, except the fact that he could drive.

Though, who needed a car when they had ghost powers to fly them to school?

Author's Comments: This is my very first FanFiction, featuring my very own original character Taylor Hecter. I would really enjoy reading what anyone has to say, even if it may sometimes be negative. I'm well aware of the fact that I need alot of improvement, and criticism will definitely help.

The story is going to start out very slow, but it will start to get more interesting. My purpose is to provide the character's with a background and to illustrate how they feel, therefore developing their relationships better. Taylor is really what I'm talking about here.

Thanks! Read and Review!