The sun was peeking its head over the horizen, accompanied by the cool breeze of dawn.

Claire rode her motorcycle down the rodes outside town, taking in every chill the new day brought. As she clenched her fingers tightly around the handle bars, Claire knew there was no other place in the world she'd rather be.

Alone with her own thoughts, she rode with only the winds as a companion.

It had been five months since she and Chris left the artic for home.

Where ever home was suppose to be.

Though in these months following, nothing what so ever had happen to any of them. Umbrella hadn't come after them, or at least those who worked for them that weren't dead. It had been a peacful and quiet existence. But for Claire, it had been horrific.

The nightmares that haunted her sleep, the jumping at every sound. Worst of all, the waiting.

They all knew, Chris, Jill, Rebecca, Leon and herself, they all knew it wasn't over. Someone would always be there, watching and waiting to kill them. Claire had come to terms with it. That someone could only be one man, Claire thought, the man that wanted the Redfields dead.

Albert Wesker.

Entering town, Claire slowed the speed of her cycle and directed herself twards home. She, Chris and Jill shared a small two bedroom house . Rebecca and Leon both lived nearby them. After returning to civilazation, the five had band togather to take down Umbrella, no matter what it would take.

Rounding the corner of the street, Claire steadied into the parking space by Chris's shabby car that he bought for transportation, and nothing more. Claire slipped off the motorcycle and took off her helmet, staring at her house.

It was small and comfy, exactly Chris's style.

Claire wondered if her brother or Jill were awake at these hours, hoping they were not. She pulled out a key from her pocket, and open the door, quietly so to not disturb anyone. Warmth from the living room prickled the skin on Claires arms, making her shiver off the receding cold. The entire house was silent. for no apparent reason, her heart began to thud in her chest.

It was too quiet.

Chris wasn't snoring like usually and when Claire had waken up this morning, the tv in his room was left on, a usual gesture of Chris's to fall asleep with it going. Not a single sound.

Claire dismissed the fear and went to her room, slipping off her usual motorcycle body suite that barley cover her at all in the legs and arms, and slipped into a black tank top and fitting jeans. Claire looked herself in the mirror. The girl that stared back looked like Claire, but wasn't her. The girl in the mirror had fearce sharp eyes that knew more then the owner let on. She looked older, mature. Not like the girl who went to collage and majored in writing. Inside Claire knew that the girl she once was died the moment she entered raccoon that night. She pulled out her ponytail, letting her gorgeous fire red hair cascade to her shoulder blades. Claire sighed and turned away from the imposter she saw in her image. Outside her room, Claire heard somthing.

It sounded like Chris's bedroom door closing.

"Jill?" Claire called, higher then a whisper.

Jill and Claire got along well, but only because they made a point to rarley speak to one another. A casual 'Morning' was the most they had said to each other on their own. It wasn't that they disliked each other, Claire knew, it was because her presance was akward. Jill was Chris's girlfriend, and she was alright with that, it was just...

Claire felt like an invader in their relationship, as did Jill in their sibling bond.

But now more then ever Claire wanted to see Jill walk out and greet her.

No answer came from her call.

She decided to go to their room and see if their were in there. Catiously Claire edged her way to the room, as if she were approaching a clueless enemy.


Still nothing.

Damn it...what the hells going on?

It was odd that no one replied. Chris had made a plea to everyone to be protective with Claire, the last thing he wanted was his baby sister in trouble.

She hated that, she didn't need any protection. 'What about Rebecca;, Claire would say, ;The girl is just a kid'. Even Leon, her best friend, had agreed to hover over Claire's every action to ensure safty.

With her back against the wall beside the door, she reached over and grabbed the knob. Turning it slowly, her heart pounding so loudly, any nemesis would overhear, Claire pushed open the door.

Chris lay on the bed, asleep with his mouth open. Jill to his right, looking less like a slumbering animal like Chris. Neither stirred in disturbance when Claire flung open the door like a mad women.

She breathed relief, and shut the door.

Leaning against the wall, she chuckled.

God Claire, get a hold of youself.

Claire crossed her arms and headed to the kitchen to get somthing to eat, the early morning ride had left her starved.

She felt a bit foolish. Claire knew she was over reacting, and had to stop being so paranoid.

Walking into the kitchen, Claire made it to the counter before she stopped dead in her tracks. Her blue eyes grew wide, her mouth fell open.

Sitting at the table, his back to her, a man with blonde hair in all black sat comfitably.

Claire tried to yell for Chris, all that escaped her lips was a studdered fragment.

"Good morning Miss Redfield, I've been waiting for your arrival for quiet some time now."


"You...what do you want?" Claire couldn't hide the shock in her voice.

Wesker stood and turned twards Claire, pushing in the chair he sat in. A smile wesker often exumed when he sensed fear spread over his face. The dark glasses hide from her the comfort of knowing where he was looking, though she knew he watched only her.

When Wesker took a step twards Claire, she took an atomatic one back. The smile widen.

"No need to fear me dear heart, I'm not here to hurt you. If you don't force my hand."

Wesker took no further steps to her, Claire stood at the mouth of the doorway, ready to run to Chris's room.

"I won't let you touch Chris, you'll have to go through me first." she said, with not much confidence.

Wesker chuckled ironicly.

"Intresting way to put things Miss Redfield. That was accually my plan."

Quicker than a blink of an eye, Wesker was right in front of her, using a steel grip on her arms to keep Claire from running. Even in this position, Claire still struggled and kicked at her captor.

Claire was about to scream, in hopes that Chris or Jill would fall from sleep and help her. Wesker let go of one of her arm, quickly digging in his pocket. Before Claire knew it, Wesker brought up a cloth to her nose.

No! No! You bastard!

Within moments, she feel into the darkest sleep she'd ever had.