Yay to me today. Since its the Melbourne Cup today and I'm in Victoria (Australia) I have a day off. Suck! Although it is giving me the chance to post some stuff so that's good. I like this even if it is short.
P.S: Go Zipping and Efficient!

Disclaimer: Don't own KH, so don't ask

The sound of turning pages. The only sound breaking the silence. That was how Zexion liked it. No interruptions, just the comforting world of his book and –

"Hey Zex!"

Only thing wrong was that voice.

"What cha reading?"

And the red head who owned it.

"None of your business."

"By?" The red head annoyance sat down and became even more of a annoyance.

"Go away Axel." Zexion edged away from the red head further down the couch.

"So your reading 'None of your business' by 'Go Away Axel'." Axel smirked. "Good book?"

"Axel, what do you want?"

"I'm offended." Axel feigned a hurt look. "You just assume I'm here wanting something."


"Yeah, well," the red head stretched out to lay the full length of the couch, feet in the schemer's lap. "'Assume' makes an ass out of me and you, so tough."

"What do I have to do to make you leave?"

Zexion attempted to push the feet off his lap, but they kept replacing themselves to his annoyance.

A blonde head poked into the room.

"Axel, hurry up!" Roxas ordered. "Bring him along too."

The head retreated from the doorway as its owner walked off. Axel stood up.

"Right, let's go." Axel grabbed the arm of the slated haired other and began dragging him after the blonde.

"I'm six, I don't take orders from thirteen. Or eight for that matter."

The protest failed and number six soon found himself sitting next to thirteen, in circle that also consisted of eight, nine and twelve. He'd been dragged into a game of truth or dare.

"This is pointless -"

"Axel you're first. Choose," said Roxas.

"And childish -"

Axel chose. "Dare"

"- and a complete waste of my time."

"I dare you to kiss the guy you have a crush on," Roxas challenged. "And Zexion shut up."

"Yeah, you're a bit of a downer," number nine, Demyx, added. Both blondes' comments earned a glare from the one they were directed at.

"Okay, let's ignore emo boy and watch Axel kiss his best friend," came from Larxene the only girl.

"Larxene, one he's not emo," Axel pointed out. "And two, you're assuming its Roxas, cause -"

Yeah, that line is old and hurry up so I can get my twenty dollars from Luxord and Marluxia," Larxene snapped.

"You three bet on who Axel liked?" questioned Demyx. He was ignored.

Axel turned to his best friend. "You planned this, didn't you?"

Roxas smiled. "Yep."

Axel stood up and walked across the circle. He knelt in front of his chosen person and lightly kissed him on the lips.

"What do you think, Zexy?"