A/N: Yo, Ray x Cy fans!! It's that kid that sorta disappears time again. Some people were actually interested in a sequel with Troubles with Emotions, well here it is, in all it's I'm-older-know-so-it's-written-better glory. Here goes!!

Title: Emotional Storm

Summary: Raven and Cyborg have their pie and are eating it too, but how long will this peaceful atmosphere last? And what of this stalking shadow that seems to have taken an interest in Raven?

Disclaimer: Because I don't want to keep writing this in every chapter let me say it now and have it be true for every page afterwards. I do not own anything in relation to the Teen Titans; I'm just using them for my sometimes-warped mind. The only character that I take claim to is Gothic Blood and that's it, if more come, I will claim them, but yeah, no. I also don't own any brand names in that might be used in this story, and you know the ones I'm talking about, so don't give me that look…

Chapter 1 Eye of the Storm

There is nothing. All is dark. All is quite. Words are heard in the distance. Slow. Rhythmic. Whispered. The words echo in a meditated state.

'Azirath…Metreone…Zinthos' the voice's barer speaks in a graceful, yet low and sharp manner. As the words continue to flow, the scenery changes, highlights of purple surge by in an electrical fashion. Shapeless colors, mostly dark shades, float by in streams to fill the darkness. The scene continues for what seems like hours…until. The colors are interrupted.

Did something move? Over there. A dark shadow? What could it be? The voices barer words become strained and harsh; her focus brought away from meditation and onto the possible plague. She sees it again, this time it has a shape and it's moving closer. Faster. She begins to panic as the form in question takes on a familiar malevolent shape. Her breathing stilted, she can't feel her body. She can't remember what to do?

The words flow stops completely. The darkness is back. The figure is still there. Its presence is too easily felt. Her fear begins to overwhelm her. She can't breathe. She feels the malevolent force choking her. It so close that it could easily overwhelm her. Is this the end? No. A voice in the distance? That voice!


Raven jolted up from her bed, the jewel embedded in her head burning as if its ruby shades were actually blazing with fire. She let out a small whimper as she grazed a hand over the protruding pain. She began to gain her bearings as she felt the comfort of her mattress on her darkly inspired bed frame. She looked around to see everything in the places they should be; no books, or mirrors for that matter, out of place.

She let out a pained sigh as she gently levitated out of bed; being far passed the triviality of walking in this state. She added time to her hubristic thinking as she noticed her raven shaped digital clock beeping 3:30 am. She mumbled under her breath and stepped into her bathroom to gain a look at herself in the mirror. The face staring back at her was nothing as it used to be; and it wasn't all due to the recent lack of sleep she has been experiencing lately. She smiled at the reason as a small reminder stuck to the corner of the mirror.

A small Polaroid was attached to the top left corner of her gothic mirror frame. It displayed Raven in a flowing black gown with a complementing purple rose corsage with a nervously grinning Cyborg in a well fashioned tux and, for his own benefit, the Cloaking Rings; giving him his human like appearance that, in all honesty, Raven felt indifferent about, but Cyborg insisted. His hand was timidly, yet affectionately placed around Raven's waist, which was overlapped by Raven's biggest change in appearance. She picked up a brush nearby and began to tangle with it once she noticed what sleeping had done to it.

Her once short cut hair was now at low waist level, usually straight but at the moment quite untamed. Giving up on the brush, she just skipped the epic battle and went straight to her shower. Besides her hair, nothing really stuck out that was life changing. She was still deathly pale, her red jewel, now only tingling here and there, still placed in her forehead, her eyes still radiating a hidden power.

She washed quickly and walked back to her room where she flopped on her bed, the clock now blinking an incriminating 4:45am. The others, most importantly Cyborg, woke up in about another hour and sleep didn't feel like gracing her presence. She glanced half asleep over at her wardrobe, to one drawer specifically. Inside the drawer there lay a small reflective looking glass that lead to a world much like the one Alice falls into; where it all began just a few months ago with the arrival of a meddlesome blonde.

Raven gave off a very uncharacteristic fit of soft laughter. That night was one of the longest and most unforgettable nights she can name to date; it started everything. Raven gave a small sigh; still not weary enough to make that final leap into a peaceful slumber. She glanced over at the clock and gave an annoyed stare to find her spacing only wasted two minutes, non-the-less she decided to get up and start her morning ritual off with her favorite herbal tea.


Outside of the Titan's Tower, an ominous figure stood covered by a deep, receding shadow as day began to break. Blue hair wrapped in a messy, spiked ponytail waved in a slight breeze in the chilly autumn air, yet the figure neither flinched nor shivered in its wake. A small grin could be seen as the sun revealed his sharp-toothed, Cheshire smile. A blue flame started ablaze behind him in a dull light. It blinked, bright to dull, as if waiting for a response from the figure. Blue hair flicked as the figure seemed to take notice of its presence.

"Our little blossom is still to immature to bud, but by the end of the day," He brushed spiked bangs away from his brow. "She'll be the ripest fruit to be plucked."


A/N:... I hate Mac, and I do have a bias, cause I'm totally working with it right now and I find it crap-tabular, so I have no idea how this is going to turn out. Hope you enjoyed it...if you can read it, cause from what I see, it's formatted weird...Chapter two will come up soon...hopefully...again this is a sequel, read Troubles with Emotions for the first, badly written, part of the story. Thank ya.