101 Ways to Annoy Azula

Call her Bitch Queen.

Call her Psycho.

Rub it in that she can't firebend.

Snicker quietly whenever you see her.

Set her up with Jet. What?! They're both psycho...

Set her up with Aang.

Set her up with Zuko. (YUCK!)

Flick food in her face.

Tell her how pathetic she really is.

Only yell, "I can't believe it's not butter!" for an entire day.

Force her to go on a vacation to Disneyland

Be peppy. "Hi! I'm Peppy Paige, and we're gonna be the bestest friends EVER!!"

Sell her on Ebay

Stick a "Kick Me. Hard!" on her back.

Sign her up for Bitch Management classes.

Tell all the nobility Azula is going through puberty at the age of 19. (I have no idea how old she really is...)

Don't answer any questions afterward unless they're sure to embarrass.

Yell fire while she's bathing.

Whenever she's talking to someone important, loudly say, "The pregnacy tests are in. You really are pregnant."

Then add, "Guess you really shouldn't have been such a kiss ass to Asslord..."


Narrate her every move.

Speak to her only in third person.

Speak to her in German.

Dye her bathing water blue.

"I dub thee, Bitch Queen, a smurf."

Give her AzulaxZuko fics for her birthday.

Force her to read them. Dunno how...

Whenever you see her, yell, "STALKER!!!" and run away.

Every time she eats soup yell, "Cambells, chicken noodles, possibilities!"

Make moose calls during important war meetings.

Make them in her ear.

Lead a protest against her existence.

Celebrate "Azula's a Bitch Day."

With a parade.

Through the palace.

Put her hand in cold water while she sleeps.

Lock her in a utility closet with Jet.

Lock her in a utility closet with Zuko.

Lock her in a utility closet with Aang. (Note: This may result in death for Aang...)

Dye all her clothes pink.

Add laces and frills.

Ask her how many sex changes she's had so far.

Talk to her only in baby talk. (ie: Who's a nasty wittle bitch? You are! You are!)

Put green dye in her shampoo bottle right before a ball.

Then, give her acne-inducing cream.

Next, cut out the back of her special, new dress.

Go to the ball, and laugh your ass off.

Run like hell! I mean RUN!!

Go to a room on the third floor with a window. Wait until she passes beneath it, then egg her.

Blame it on the flying llamas.

Say, "Look! I just saw one now!" then, RUN AWAY!!

Sign her up for a needle point class.

Tell Zhao that she thinks he's a total hunk!

Set them up on a date without her knowledge.

Tie her to a chair, then force her to listen to "rap polka."

Leave her there for a few hours, days, moths, years...

Throw her a surprise birthday party.

A Disney Princesses Party.

Invite all the Disney Princesses.

Make sure there's lots of girly, pink, happy decorations.

Give her a theme song.

Make it Barney's "I Love You!" song.

Sing it whenever you see her.

The next time she says something bitchy, retort with, "You really need to kick that nasty habit of breathing."

Give her a medal for breaking the bitchy record.

Make it a national holiday...(see steps 34-36.)

Sign her up to be one of those chicks in rap videos.

Tell everyone she's secretly a prostitute.

And that at night she puts on her black, spandex outfit, plastic go-go boots, carries a whip, and goes to nightclubs.

Give her the address of a local nightclub, and say rebels are conspiring against her.

Tell her to blend in, she has to go undercover. (see step 70.)

Bring all the generals, etc. to the said nightclub.

Laugh at their reactions to seeing Azula aka Catwoman!!

Run. You know the drill.

Fill her room with Zuko action figures.

Steal all the towels.

Then, tell her the Avatar was seen outside her door while she's bathing.

Search her room for happy pills.

When you find them, sell them them to the highest bidder.

Publish her diary.

Use earthbending to trip her.

Into a conveniently placed mud hole...

Then, nickname her Clutzula.

Pour water on her when she's wearing white.

Shout, "O.M.F.G! BESTEST BUDDIES!!" whenever you see her.

Sing the Dora the Explorer theme song off key all day.

Whenever she turns around, be right behind her, like in horror movies.

Stalk her really, really badly.

Deny it when she confronts you.

Ask her if she's been sleeping well when she persists.

When she loses her temper, (if you're still alive) tsk, and say, "Temper, temper!"

Refuse to call her anything but Sparky.

Except for Bitch Queen. (see step 1)

Give her light bulbs for Christmas.

Ask if she can make them work.

Throw popcorn at her.

Blame it on your invisible friend that only you can see.

Proceed to punish you invisible friend.

When she says there's no one there, look at her like she's crazy.

Repeat steps 1-100 FOREVER! FOREVER! FOREVER! FOREVER! Forever! Forever...

a/n: Rose0404: OZAI KILLED MY MUSE!! So I kinda borrowed a few things, they're the ones in bold...But he ghost came back and killed him. Oh, and she gave Zuko a cookie too, so he's happy.

Zuko: -munch munch-

Rose0404: Yeah, I changed the title. Again. I'm SO fickle...


Rose0404: Ummm...well, you see...thing is...CRAP!! -runs like hell- Zuko! Save me!

Zuko: Hell no. I'm eating my cookie. -munch munch-

Rose0404: Oh, wait! I'm the author. I can do whatever I want...

Azula: -poofs away-

Zuko and Rose0404: YAY!! SHE'S GONE!!

Rose0404's muse: If you don't review, Appa will eat Zuko...