101 Ways to Annoy Zuko

1. Call him Zuzu.

2. Tell Sokka Zuko thinks he's "yummy-licious!"

3. Tell Aang Zuko thinks he's "yummy-licious!"

4. Tell Azula Zuko thinks she's "yummy-licious!"

5. Poke him.

6. Repeatedly.

7. If he asks you to stop, poke him in a different area.

8. Repeat.

9. Then, do the same thing, only this time poke him with a stick.

10. Every time you enter a room that he's in, yell, "SAY WHAT?!"

11. Tell Uncle Zuko wants him to take him tea shopping.

12. Laugh at his misery.

13. Dye his hair pink.

14. All of it. (That includes chest hair, etc.)

15. Laugh at him.

16. Get your friends to laugh at him too.

17. Call him Pinky.

18. Yell random phrases such as, "PURPLE LLAMAS!" "CHICKEN BUTT!" etc.

19. Yell them in his ear.

20. If he slaps you, laugh hysterically for 5 seconds, then drop down and play dead.

21. Wake him up at 2 am, because flying llamas are attacking.

22. Then go, oh wait, that's just Momo.

23. Ask him to juggle for you.

24. Quietly hum, "It's a small world after all." next to him.

25. Follow him around, making faces behind his back.

26. When he looks over his shoulder, hide.

27. Repeat for several hours, until he goes insane.

28. Laugh at his insanity.

29. Throw a bucket of ice water at him.

30. Throw the bucket at him.

31. If he gets mad say, "I just wanted to cool ya down, Hotstuff."

32. Then, kiss him.

33. Next, say, "You suck at kissing." before randomly disappearing.

34. Shave his head.

35. Draw an arrow on his head like Aang's in permanent marker.

36. Call him Aangy-poo until his hair grows back.

37. Call him Princey Boy.

38. Call him Prince Asshole.

39. Call him Princess.

40. Call him Missy.

41. Call him Hothead.

42. Spit in his food.

43. Hum the Jaws theme song.

44. Follow him around humming it.

45. Don't let him see you.

46. Draw a mustache on him while he sleeps.

47. Draw a goatee too.

48. And a unibrow.

49. Braid his hair.

50. Dye it blond.

51. Dress him up in a pink dress and tutu.

52. Wake him up, and tell him he's gonna be late for his date with Mai.

53. Laugh when he gets there with in a dress, tutu, blond hair, mustache, and goatee.

54. Yank his ponytail.

55. Tell him it makes him look like a girl.

56. Tell him it makes him look like Sokka.

57. Hit him in the head with Sokka's boomerang.

58. Shave his legs while he sleeps.

59. Cut off all his pants at mid thigh length.

60. Laugh at his shaved legs.

61. Tell Uncle he wants to play the Sugi horn for Music Night.

62. Invite everyone to watch.

63. Wash his (silk) clothes, and then dry them. 'Cuz they'll all shrink...

64. Ditto with his boxers.

65. When they're shrunk, say, "Just a little smaller, and they'll fit..."

66. Ignore him.

67. Completely.

68. Every time you see him, snicker quietly.

69. If he asks why you're snickering, say, "Oh, it's -snicker- nothing. -snicker"

70.Refuse to tell him, no matter how much he pleads, begs, or asks.

71.Finally, when he's groveling, tell him it's because you have a medical condition.

72. Snicker again.

73. Run around in circles screaming about baby chicken-lion-panda-moose cubs.

74. At 2 AM.

75. Have Toph make the ground swallow him from the neck down.

76. Then read him stories about Zukaang.

77. Then read him stories about Zokka.

78. Next, it's AzulaxZuko!

79. Beat him at Pai Sho.

80. Repeatedly.

81. Spill tea on him.

82. Spill hot tea on him.

83. Touch his swords.

84. Use them to cut your meat.

85. Use them to cut down a tree.

86. Push him in a lake.

87. Full of piranhas.

88. Run like hell when he gets out.

89. Sneak up behind him and yell, "BOO!"

90. Put shaving cream in his shoes.

91. Spray Essence of Moose on him.

92. Put make up on him while he sleeps.

93. Kick him in the shins, yell, "Die, Demon!" and then run like hell.

94. Get Appa to lick him.

95. Push him into a mud hole.

96. Do an evil-Barbie-doll smile whenever you see him.

97. Dip his boxers in meat juices.

98. Sick a pack of vicious Chihuahuas on him.

99. Tell everyone he's gay.

100. Review.

101. Repeat steps 1-100 every day for the rest of EVER!!

a/n: Rose0404: I just had to write this! Oh, and every time you don't review:

For Zutara fans: Aang and Katara kiss. MY EYES!! THE KATAANG-NESS!!

For Kataang fans: Zuko and Katara kiss. IT BURNS!!

For neither: Someone near you gets lemurpox. SAVE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY BY REVIEWING!!

Zuko: I'd like to have a word with you, Rose0404!

Rose0404: Oh, crap! -runs-

Zuko: Get back here! -chases-