Chapter 22

Red eyes turned from the window to look over at the still sleeping figure lying bundled amongst the furs, pillows and blankets that made up his bed. It was almost mid morning and calculating from the other two times he'd opened the mental connection with Kurama, the red head was going to be out for another hour or so.

The two had made it inside before the frost had formed. The nights here in the Makai were getting colder by the day. Unlike the Ningenkai, the spring and fall did not last very long, only a couple weeks compared to a couple of months.

Hiei turned his attention to the fireplace. While placing more wood and watching the flames, his mind thought back to the conversation he and Kurama had had earlier.

After getting inside and getting a fire started, the two had immediately fallen asleep. It was still dark out when Hiei awoke sometime later to the feelings of kisses and groping. Kurama, nor he, said anything as he let the red head take him. They both dozed again and then sometime in the early dawn, still snuggled together, they began to talk. While Kurama started first, they subconsciously toyed with each other, fingers caressing chests, twirling hair and rubbing backs.

Kurama made it clear that he and Youko were acknowledging Kuma as their son. He also made it clear that they would be spending quite a bit of time with the boy since he had asked them to teach and train him. Hiei never once interrupted as Kurama's tone became more defensive, seeming to think he had to defend his choice. He couldn't tell if the red head was surprised or not when he told him he understood, offered to help and even went as far as suggesting Kuma come and stay with them sometimes, also maybe go out on a few patrols.

Hiei went next, explaining his duties and that he would need to hire more men to help patrol. Kurama offered, as well as Youko, to help in the hiring and patrolling. The fire demon also decided to make his own point and told Kurama that, after things settled down, he would be visiting his sister more often, which seemed to please the red head. Hiei even made the joke 'I'm sure the boss won't mind'.

The two never at any point made any promises about the future, both seemingly to silently agree to take their relationship one day at a time.

Quietness settled over them as the conversation seemed to wind down. Kurama's fingers were lightly tracing up and down the fire demon's chest, while Hiei's finger made lazy patterns on the red head's back.

Hiei felt and heard the figure laying against him sigh. "I just have one last thing…a request really." Kurama said.

When the red head didn't say anything, Hiei grabbed the hand that was still on his chest and looking to him, gave a nod for him to continue.

"Could you re-establish the mental connection?" The red head asked.

Watching Kurama bite his bottom lip, Hiei wondered if that was what the red head really wanted. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked back.

Kurama tried to pull his hand away, put when Hiei didn't let go, he took a deep breath and said. "If you want me to say it, I will…I promise you." He looked at the fire demon as he stated. "I will never ask you to mark me."

Pushing away from the red head and sitting up, Hiei went to say. "That's not…"

Kurama sat up and placed a finger on the fire demon's lips. "Though I had never felt so wanted in all my life…" He cocked his head and the fire demon knew Youko was talking to him. "And Youko's life…like we did when we were bonded with you…we can not go through that again. It was not fair to you."

"Or you." Hiei said softly.

Kurama nodded, admitting. "But I do miss the connection that I know we can have. So if you will have me…and can trust me…"

Hiei placed his two small hands on either side of the red head's face and red eyes looked into green ones. "I've missed you too." He said honestly.

Kurama closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. Opening them, he said softly. "No matter what was happening. I never stopped loving you…you were, and always will be…my Amai."

"I love you too." The fire demon whispered and to prove it, he leaned in and gave the red head a deep kiss.

Hiei looked back over at the figure on the bed. He had also never felt as wanted as he had when he was bonded with Kurama, but he agreed, neither one would survive if they marked each other again. Though he also knew, now, nothing or no one would come between them again.

A hand subconsciously rubbed the bite mark along his collar bone. Right after he'd opened the connection, Kurama had leaned over and bit him. When asked why he did that, the red head shrugged and replied.

"I want people to know you are mine. In the Ningenkai they call them hickeys, but I fed some ki into it, which will not mean anything to a ningen. But to a demon, they will sense it and know… unless you work at trying to heal it…it will be a part of you."

"Hn." Hiei said, trying to see the mark. "Remind me to return the favor." He muttered.

"I wi…" Kurama went to say, but then fell forward to land in the fire demon's lap. Just like the two previous times, the red head had passed out.

Hiei shook his head, clearing his thoughts and sat out to make something for them to eat. He'd just gotten started when he felt a strong flood of youki, it immediately faded as soon as he'd felt it. Taking one last look at the red head, the fire demon grabbed his sword and ran outside. Scanning the horizon towards the west, red eyes made out small dots, getting larger as they headed his direction. Concealing his own youki, he waited until the figures came more into focus before taking a defensive stance.

He counted 15, a mixture of demons and ningens, all carrying large cloth bags. Feeling one all too familiar youki and one rei, the fire demon smirked, relaxed and stuck his sword in the ground. He then crossed his arms and waited, amusingly.

The gang of bandits was within yards when he heard Yusuke yell out. "Stop them damn it."

But as Hiei's hand went to the sword, he felt a hand land on his shoulder. Red eyes looked over then up to see Youko standing beside him.

"May I little fire?" The yoko said, his golden eyes taking in the situation.

Seeing a mischievous gleam, Hiei shrugged and gestured a 'go ahead' before re-crossing his arms. "Why not." He said. A glint flashed across his eyes, for as far as the fire demon was concerned, if the spirit yoko wanted the Makai to know he was back then that was his business and no one else's. He sure as hell didn't care what Mukuro thought. For all he knew, or cared, she was still off somewhere sulking and licking her wounds.

Youko gave a nod and took off in a run. Just as the bandits saw the yoko heading towards them, they tried to split and run away, but Youko leaped into the air, calling his rose-whip. In a matter of moments, the bandits were bundled into a nice little package.

Yusuke stopped dead in his tracks when he came upon Youko standing next to the bound gang. The loot the bandits had been carrying was scattered about and he could see the yoko almost salivating at the sight of the 'goods'.

"Hey." Yusuke said. "Thanks for the help." He added as Hiei joined them.

Golden eyes looked at him. "You are quite welcome, hunter." Youko said and even gave a bow.

The hunter's hands went to his waist as he looked to Hiei and said in annoyance. "I tried to call ahead, but 'someone' wouldn't answer their compact."

Black eyebrows arched as the fire demon shrugged and said. "Hn…must be in my other cloak."

"Oh ewe…" They heard and Yusuke looked over to see Kuwabara, who'd offered to come and help and who'd finally caught up to them, standing with his back towards them, staring up at the sky.

"What the hell's your problem?" Yusuke asked.

"What." The raven haired said again when he didn't understand.

The orange haired raised his right hand and pointed a finger over his left shoulder then nervously ran the hand across the shoulder as he chokingly muttered. "Th…ey...r naaaakeed."

"Oh." Yusuke said, looking back at the two. 'That was a good sign wasn't it?' He thought, but his mind did a 'whoa' as his chocolate eyes froze at the sight of the fire demon. Seeing the muscular tanned bare chest, his eyes lingered on what looked like a deep hickey along the collar bone. He could sense a mixture of youki and rei pulsing from it and immediately knew the mark was from Kurama. Now that was a good sign. He couldn't seem to help himself as eyes wandered downward, there his breath hitched. He'd seen Youko naked before, but now he knew for a fact the fire demon made up for his height in other ways.

"Hunter." He heard, getting him out of his 'dirty' thoughts.

"Huh." He said, his head snapping to Youko.

"He is already spoken for, but if you wish to have a play date…" Youko let the statement drop as Yusuke turned white and gulped.

"That's just disgusting." Kuwabara said, turning around only to instantly lower his head to look 'hard' at the ground.

Yusuke couldn't tell at first if Hiei was embarrassed or annoyed, but as he watched the fire demon's upper lip curl, the raven haired realized, he was amused.

"Oh…um." Yusuke stuttered scratching the back of his neck and digging a shoe into the ground as his face finally turned red at being caught. Clearing his throat, he said. "Well…um…thanks again."

One of the bandits began spewing in a language no one understood, well, almost no one.

"What the hell did he say?" Yusuke asked when he saw Youko's eyes narrow in disgust. "Rapo…rapsia." He spat, trying to repeat the one word he had sort of heard.

"Raposa." Youko said calmly. "It is Portuguese and means fox."

"Oh." The raven haired said. "What was the rest of it?"

The yoko shook his head. "Nothing worth repeating." He said. "I take it there is a warrant for them alive."

"Yeah." Yusuke told them. "They've been robbing banks in the Ningenkai then crossing over to hide here. They're lackeys for someone but we don't know who yet…they're using the money and stuff to buy guns and weapons to head up some revolt." He crossed his arms. "I have to take them in alive for questioning by the SDF." (Special defense force)

"Not those jerks." Kuwabara said, still looking down.

"A shame." Youko muttered, eyeing the 'goods' again.

"Why." Yusuke wondered.

"Hn." Hiei smirked and brown eyes looked at him. "Isn't it obvious?" When no one said anything, he huffed. "The fox wants to play." Meaning Youko wanted to be the one to interrogate them.

Getting the point, Yusuke smiled. "I can always say I didn't see a thing."

Youko's eyes widened as he looked back to the raven haired. "You would do that…for me?" He purred.

Yusuke smirked. "Hey, I still owe you man."

The spirit yoko was now the one amused. "Oh…and what would you say if I wish to be 'owed' another way." He said, his golden eyes scanning down the clothed toned body of the hunter.

"Gross." Kuwabara said, obviously knowing what Youko was talking about. "I'm telling Keiko." He warned.

Yusuke slapped the orange haired up the side of the head, not the least bit antagonized by the threat. Keiko knew everything and trusted him completely. "Then I'm tellin' Yukina." He mimicked back.

"Wha…(gulp) WHAT DID I DO?" Kuwabara yelled, using one hand as a blinder to shield his eyes from the two, yet see Yusuke, and throwing a fist up with the other.

The raven haired rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up…you're just jealous." He huffed.

"JEALOUS!" Kuwabara yelled, his eyes widening.

"Yeah." Yusuke answered. Uncrossing his arms casually, he informed while placing his hands on his hips and shaking his head in a smart-alecky fashion "Because Hiei's more of a man than you ever will be and they don't want you." He then turned his back on the orange haired and re-crossed his arms with a. "Hn."

Kuwabara face contorted in disgust and they could see a nice shade of green washing over him. Hiei just smirked as Youko and Yusuke looked at each other with big smiles on their faces, only to then quickly bust out laughing. It was nice to see things back to normal.


Koenma shook his head and let out a chuckle as he turned off the view monitor. "Some things never change." He muttered.

Gathering some files on his desk, the demi-god headed out of his office, instantly merging with the mass of demons and ningens walking the halls. Only a few acknowledged him as he casually made his way down to the lower levels of the palace. The further he went down, the less people he encountered. Finally arriving at the lowest level, there was no one around as he headed to a blank wall on the far end, but out of habit, he still turned to look to make sure no one was watching.

Pulling the pacifier out of his mouth, Koenma waved it over a spot in a section of the wall which turned into a door. Giving one last look, the Lord opened it and stepped in. As soon as the door closed behind him, large ceiling lights started clicking on, illuminating the just as large room. The space was about the size of 3 football fields and filled as far as the eye could see, both width and height, with bookshelves and filing cabinets. This was his personal vault. No one, not even his father, he hoped, knew this place existed. It didn't appear on any maps, the space had been designed, by him alone, as a void. This was the only place he had to himself, not even his personal quarters were private.

Letting out a sigh, Koenma began walking until he was more than halfway the length of the place. Finally stopping, he scanned the selves before randomly selecting a space between some books and other folders. There he tucked the files away.

As he headed back out, he found himself whistling as the lights shut off behind him.

'Let's see you try and interfere now.' He said to himself. His father had been right, they were his friends, so he was willing to take soul responsibility for their lives. Their fates would now be in his hands and his hands only.

The future King of the Reikai paid no mind to the door as it closed and disappeared behind him, for as they say…"Life continues…through no fault of you own".

End Chapter 22

The End

And thus the end of the Shiren no Jinsei Nendakiki

A big THANK YOU to those of you who have stuck with me since the beginning of this saga and…as always…thanks for the reviews.