Summary: What if Naruto had been hiding his skills the entire time, right up until his graduation from the academy? What if he was given scrolls on countless techniques in secret? What if the Shinigami made a deal with the Yondaime? AU Naruhina


Yondaime thinking


Disclaimer: I own nothing!!!!

Prologue: The Shadow

The spirit appeared in the middle of the night. It had been six years since the night when he had sacrificed himself to seal the demon known as Kyuubi in his son.

His son. How was he? He knew that the villagers were too blind to follow his last request. No matter, he had to find him. Even as a spirit he could comfort him and give him scrolls to learn from. And the piece of him within the seal would enable him to bargain with the fox, and if that failed, hold him off.

Ah well, time to get going or his wife would never be able to return and help him teach their son.

Musenka-chan, how she would ring his neck if she came back and he hadn't managed to at least help Naruto in some way.

As He passed the Memorial stone he saw an old man in kage robes with the kanji for three on the back and a conical hat talking to a familiar looking six year old blond boy with whisker marks on his cheeks.

"I have some good news Naruto. I have managed to obtain a position in the ninja academy this year," an aged man told the boy in front of him.

"That's great!" was the boy's response.

"You start tomorrow."

"Huh? I thought it was for you, old man."

The spirit of the Yondaime smiled as he saw the look on his son's whisker-marked face. Now I know that I have to teach you my techniques, Naruto, he thought, Keep him safe, Sandaime.

As he floated past the Hyuga complex, he saw that his old friend Hiashi had reverted to how he was before he got married.

"Why are you so weak?" Hiashi yelled. A vein stood out on his forehead.

"I-I-I'm t-trying, f-f-father," his daughter stuttered.

She's just like her mother. I'm sure that brings up a lot of pain. Still, how could he do that to his own daughter?Hiashi, you truly are pathetic.

As Arashi made his last stop for his preparations that day, Sandaime walked in. the only thing he was worried about at that instant was what his secret ceiling tile wasdoing open. Only three people knew about that tile and one of them was dead. 'Could someone have found my Icha Icha Paradise stash? Or is Jiraiya just dropping off a draft?' As he reached up to close the tile a rather heavy scroll fell out and knocked him unconcious. Oops

Alright, Arashi. You have six years before the Shinigami wants to test him. let's get crackin'!

A.N.://: if you don't like it, don't read it.