Title: Storm

Author: innocent choir girl (ff-dot-net), shannyfish (From Out of the Lab/Miami Heat/LJ)

Summary: Sequel to "Sex, Drugs, & Rock n Roll", and takes place six months after that story. Calleigh is still deciding on what to do with her unborn child and is having a hard time with being away from work. How will the decisions she make change her life?

Category: Ship Ahoy! Calleigh/Horatio

Genres: Drama, Hurt/Comfort

Characters: Horatio Caine, Calleigh Duquesne

Rating: PG-13

Chapter: 20 "Glimpse"

Author's Notes: This scene takes place several years into the future of the general storyline.

So…people have irritated me as I have slowly been putting this story up. Which is rather depressing because it tends to make me not want to write for the whole fandom in general. For those of you who THINK I have all this time, let me explain how I get so much writing done. I am a full time student and I work full time. I get most of my writing done during the school semester since I have this lovely talent of listening and taking notes during class and writing in my notebook. I also write via my notebook while I'm waiting for a bus or on the bus. It usually takes me about an hour to get to where I need to go via public transportation, so that's an hour that I'm given to write.

Please understand that I do not go around and harass people to read my fanfic and review it. I don't even put 'Please Read and Review' in my summaries or author notes. Please don't do this to me. My writing is part of my stress relief, so please do not go around and poke me and stress me out. I have enough in life to be stressed out on my own without the help!

For those of you who have been wonderful and have been patient, I thank you!


"Next up," the announcer's voice boomed, "Park-ker Caine!"

Calleigh and Horatio were in the metal bleachers with Eric and Natalia right beside them clapping and cheering up a storm. It was the second time Parker was up to bat and their team was up ahead already. Their team was in the running for the championship. Parker's baseball games were the one thing that the team tried to go to together. If Calleigh and Horatio couldn't make it, someone from CSI was there to watch and cheer. Parker had become a very big part of the family at the crime lab and everyone's nephew.

"He sure does know how to hit that ball!" Eric exclaimed.

"Batting cages time has obviously paid off," Natalia commented. Eric and Horatio had been big on taking Parker to batting cages and doing all kinds of other male bonding types of things together. She knew it was good for not only Parker, but the guys as well. Time away from cases was always a good thing.

"Go Parker!!!" Calleigh yelled with Horatio as they both stood up with the others and clapped like crazy.


"Dad!" Parker yelled, his close cut blonde hair exposed as the young boy pulled his baseball cap away from his sweaty head. "Did ya see me?" he said as he neared his family with his heavy bag slung over his shoulder. He put his cap back on his head in order to hug his parents. He loved that someone was always at a game and practices. His family was one of the few that were thoroughly involved in his things. He didn't mind being an only child; it was sort of cool to him. Perhaps it was merely because sometimes he was spoiled, but he appreciated it.

Horatio was definitely the proud father as he moved through the crowd and hugged Parker tightly. "You did great! See! We told you that all that practice would pay off!" He pulled back and moved away to let the others talk and hug Parker. He watched happily as everyone congratulated Parker. He noticed that Calleigh had even stayed back, he knew that she'd be the proud mother soon enough. She'd learned how to wait, so as not to embarrass Parker in public. He was a bit sensitive at times. Dad's cheering on their sons was much cooler than the mother.

This was one of the few times that the Berkeleys couldn't make it. They normally attended most of the games. It didn't bother him so much, since they'd pretty much stayed in line since Parker's birth. Calleigh had made it clear that she'd ban them from Parker's life in a minute if they crossed the line.

"Hey Buddy!" Eric said pulling Parker into a one armed hug and swinging him a bit. "That was an awesome game!"

Parker reluctantly let Natalia hug him and kiss his sweaty capped head. He made a face for his fellow friends on the team, it was not cool to be kissed and hugged by girls. "Thanks for coming," he said with a smile. He did appreciate them attending his game.

"What about pizza with the guys?" Horatio offered.

"Hey what about us?" Natalia said motioning between her and Calleigh. There were other moms there, too. Not as many as fathers, but still, they liked to be included.

"Moms, too," Horatio told them.

"And Aunt Natalia," Parker spoke up.

"They can sit in a corner booth together," Eric whispered to his nephew.

Parker laughed and then looked over and saw his mom standing there off to the side. "Nah," he gave in. "I think it's okay if they sat with all of us," Parker said before walking off towards his mother.

"So, where we off to?" the coach asked his team and the families. "The pizza place down on Main Street, okay with everyone?"

Once the parents all agreed, the families divided and headed separately to their designated cars. Once in a way, people would carpool, but since it was an important game, it seemed like all the families attended. Once they were in the parking lot, Parker walked alongside his mom and looked up at her, "Thanks for coming to my game."

Calleigh smiled down at him and put an arm around him, "Do you think I'd miss it?" she asked like it was the most important thing in the world, since it really was to him. Though, the crime lab got busy, Calleigh always made sure that she had time for her son and that he knew that he was loved and that he was special. Everyday was a new reason as to why she couldn't see a way that her life had gone on without him in her life. He was truly a blessing.

"Do you think I can use your phone?" Parker asked politely.

"Sure," she responded as she fished in her pocket for it. "Who you goin' call? The grandparents?" she asked curiously.

"I should call them, too, but can I call Grandpa Kenwall, too?" Parker asked.

She dropped a kiss to his forehead and then squeezed him a bit, "Of course you can! I'm sure that they'd all love it. I'm sure they all wanted to be here for you."

"I know."

"So, pizza?" Horatio asked as he unlocked the vehicle. He, Calleigh, and Parker had driven over together and then Eric had parked next to them, he and Natalia had come to the game together as well.

"Can we play the games, too?" Parker asked as he got into the back of the SUV.

"Oh, we are SO playing the games!" Eric said as he got into his car.

Calleigh just smiled as she got into the passenger seat, the boys were always the same. They loved sports, loved the spend time together that involved sports, loved pizza, and of course loved the arcade at the pizza place. She figured it was healthy since the team was normally surrounded by death everyday. It was good for them to have hobbies, even if sometimes it was more of a male gender biased hobby.


The End.