Avatar Aang is still looking for a firebending master. But little does he know, his master is about to search for him. Thus this Avatar story unfolds.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender(Avatar: The Legend of Aang in some countries)

Rated "M"

A Destination Awaits

He had just finished sparring with his master. It seems that he has proven himself ready. The student and the master stood in the woods facing each other. The master had a smile on his face. While the student, or pupil, had a look with seriousness on his.

"Well my pupil, looks like the student has surpassed the master. Almost anyway." The master had said it with glee in his voice.

"I have learned from a great master. Thank you for all your teachings Kuzo sensei." The student bowed in gratitude. He came back up and looked at his sensei.

"Now that we are done training for now, we can speak to one another like normally."

"So we go home now right?"

"Yeah we go home. Fire Lord Ozai wants us to join him for dinner. You know how much he hates when someone denies him of his invitations." The sensei chuckled when he said it.

It was evening now and the two had made it thirty minutes late to the Fire Lord's palace. The sensei knocked and Ozai's guards answered the door. They had just looked through their guest list and found the sensei and the pupil name. The two entered the palace and were suddenly greeted by Ozai.

"Always we have to be late don't we Kuzo." The Fire Lord had said it with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah you know I have to be fashionably late." He laughed while saying this.

"Well it has been confirmed. Come the dining hall so I can give you the full detail after dinner. And it's good to see you again Longwei. Don't think I forgot you were here." He smiled somewhat at the boy by Kuzo. Longwei simply nodded hello.

So as they went to eat, Longwei was already thinking of the delicacies. The chicken, the roast pork, and all the fine foods the Fire Lord served. He was drooling just thinking about it. But luckily no one saw him do it. It was finally time to chow down and did Longwei chow down. But it wasn't only Longwei and his sensei that were here. Generals, commanders, and other ranks were at the palace. He wasn't too concerned about it though. All he cared for was eating.

"I see you are enjoying the food" said Ozai. He saw that Longwei was stuffing himself. Since the boy couldn't answer he just simply nodded.

Then Longwei swallowed what food he had in his mouth to ask a question. "Fire Lord Ozai. May I ask where Azula is?"

"Ah I sent Azula on vacation."

"Ah I see. I wish I could do that."

Ozai chuckled softly at his remarks. "Well after you and your father are done eating, I want to see your Kuzo in my study room. You may join if you wish."

After conversing with Ozai, he finished eating much food and became full. His sensei was just about to head to Ozai study room. He asked Longwei if he would like to join but he refused. He thought it would be much too boring. After thirty minutes of being in the study room with the Fire Lord, Kuzo came out with a smile on his face.

"Son, I am now admiral. The Fire Lord said that since the death of Zhao, he had to appoint temporary Admirals. But since we are good friends and I have the requirements, he appointed me Admiral." There wasn't much enthusiasm in his voice but he was still fairly content.

"Well that's great I guess."

"He said we needed to have a meeting. So I'm going to send you on vacation for your vigorous training. But this vacation isn't for you to only have fun." He had a look of serious on his face as well as well as in his voice. "I was told that the Avatar was killed by his son. I'm guessing he's not banished anymore. But anyway I don't think the Avatar was killed. So if you find him, you need to be his tutor. I'm sure Jeong Jeong would want this. But if he is truly dead, tell me."

"Right but how will I found him. Who knows where he is."

"Well I got you a boat. Now about the location of the Avatar." Kuzo explained the situation to Longwei. He understood and headed home.

As he approached his home, he noticed smoke coming out the roof. So he went to see what the disturbance was.

"Oh Jeong Jeong, it's just you. Thought it was someone who was trying to rob us."

"Yes it's me young Longwei. I came to talk to your father about something. By the way where is he?" He looked around turning his head every which way.

"Oh my father is in a meeting with the Fire Lord. He's the Admiral now."

Jeong Jeong was not surprised that he rose up to Admiral. Kuzo was always a great strategist. In addition, he was a strong firebender.

"Well I can't stay here for long then. Therefore, I will tell it to you. It seems that Avatar Aang has been reported dead. My sources tell me that it was Zuko who has killed him."

"Yeah I knew that already. Kuzo sensei wants me to investigate this. He does not thinks this is true. But can I ask you something Jeong Jeong?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Would you say that I could teach the Avatar?"

"Yeah I believe you can. You are truly powerful enough."

"Don't stay too long. See ya." Longwei saw a boat of moderate size pull up by the shore. He went to see if that was the ship, his sensei got for him. Apparently, by the greeting he received when approaching it by a few soldiers. He entered it and there awaited the ship's crew that operated the boat. They left shore and headed across the sea.

"I will do my best father; Kuzo Jr. sensei." He was looking at his home become smaller when he said it. The ship was sailing father away as he watched, leaving the capital. He was about to start his journey. However, not before taking a side trip or two.

He was halfway to his destination. Therefore, as bored as he was, he went into poop deck to ponder on some things.

'Hmm I wonder what this Avatar kid is like. Probably wise and has much knowledge. And old too. No hair since he is an air nomad. I still wouldn't mind seeing Azula again though. But she is probably hanging with her friends somewhere. I still wonder where Zuko is. Probably training somewhere. Hmm, Azula.'

He thought about her for a good while. He made sure not to fall asleep since he was in the poop deck. He thought about what she was doing. How was she looking right now (mostly that)? Was she talking to another boy? He shortly stopped. He didn't want to become infatuated with her. He soon got up, leaving his current resting place, and went on the bow to endure the sun's rays. It wasn't until ten minutes after he was laying down on the bow that he went to sleep. He himself was asleep for about approximately two and a half hours. He was suddenly woken by the fact that someone kicked him.

"Hurgh who did that?"

"So sorry Longwei sir but I wanted to inform you that we have arrived to the destination."

Longwei sat up and rubbed his eyes. He saw what he been awaiting for. He was here. It was the island of Ember or Ember island what it was formally called. He stepped out the ship and onto the beach.

"Hey crew of the ship, you don't need to stay here you can go back home. I will come back on my own, my own way."

"Yes sir. As you wish."

The crewmembers all bowed and went to get fuel for the ship. As they went one way, Longwei went another. He decided to find something to eat. His stomach was growling. Since it was nightfall, he figured that most places were closed except for inns. He took a stone and a large stick and started to sharpen the stick. After sharpening the stick, he went to the shore and tied a string to the stick. He went deeper in the sea where it was up to his ankles. He then threw his stick in the sea. He pulled it back and there was a medium sized fish on the sharpened tip. He would do this for thirty minutes before he finally stopped. He took his bountiful of fish and carried them to a nearby inn. After eating, he went to bed. Tomorrow will be the start of a new adventure.

Well, what do you think? Our teacher is just a boy. Jeong Jeong is indisposed. And who knew Fire Lord Ozai had a best friend. Hope you enjoyed. Leave your reviews