The Dead Cherry Blossom

A/n: I'm sorry I keep making new stories and jump from place to place, but it gets boring going along with the same three plot lines. So bear with me will you?

"Oh yeah, finally back to Konoha, eh teme?" Naruto asked as Sasuke, Kakashi, and himself walked towards Konoha. Naruto had met up with Sasuke as he was running away from the sound after finding out three important things. One, Orochimaru only wanted to have Sasuke as his new body. Awkward right? Two, Orochimaru had nothing more to teach him. Three, and this is the most important, Orochimaru was WEAKER than his brother Itachi. The only reason he didn't want to kill Orochimaru was because he'd have to kill the rest of the Sound Village, and that was too much work.

"Yeah, how much has everything changed?" Sasuke asked with his famous Uchiha smirk.

"I honestly don't know, what it's been well at least 5 or 6 years since I've been there, I left for training when you left. Do you know Kakashi?" Naruto asked.

"Funny thing, I haven't been to Konoha in a while either. I left to go on my own just like you two did." Kakashi answered. The three stopped.

"Then, what about her?" Naruto asked. Sasuke thought about who she might be, but then remembered. His loyal fan girl, Sakura.

"I don't know, she stopped talking to me two months before I left. I never saw her around." Kakashi said. The three looked up and saw Konoha in the distance. All waiting to go back.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's head home." Naruto stated as he pumped his fist into the air. The three then ran all the way home.

The three had just arrived at the Hokage's tower. Now, they were sitting out front waiting for the Hokage to let them in.

"You three may come in now." The Hokage's assistant Shizune stated as she opened the door for the three men.

"Wow, I'm glad to see you all back. My, how've you changed, well except for Kakashi. Come here; let me take a look at you boys." Tsunade stated as she walked towards the boys.

"I don't think that's wise Tsunade-sama" Someone thought to Tsunade.

"Err, you and your damn bloodline, you shouldn't use it so much." Tsunade whined. The three men stood puzzled, then their attention to an ANBU sitting on the window ceil.

"HEY! We got her first so GET OUT!" Naruto commanded. The ANBU just stared at the loudmouth and shrugged.

"So, how did it go?" Tsunade asked the ANBU.

"Damn Sound Nins messed with my vocal cords, now all I can do is wait until they heal properly, that's why I'm using my bloodline." The ANBU explained. "Other then that, Hyuuga-san got pretty injured so I carried him to the hospital; I was running low on chakara so I couldn't heal him." The ANBU continued.

"Sound Nins messed with your vocal cords and Neji got messed up. Not as bad as other times right?" Tsunade asked. The ANBU simply nodded.

"Okay, someone explain to me who he is, and everything else that's going on." A very annoyed Uchiha commanded.

"Pushy aren't we?" The ANBU asked.

"AUGH, get out of my mind!" Sasuke complained. The ANBU smirked, not that you could see it.

"I don't need to introduce her, it's a girl by the way Sasuke, she already knows you, right Sakura-chan?" Tsunade stated. Team 7's men just stared wide eyed as the person took the mask and cloak off. Sure enough it was Sakura, her hair was VERY long, and her body was fully developed.

"Hello, Uzamaki-san, Hatake-san, Uchiha-san. How have you guys been?" Sakura asked in a hoarse voice that was barely audible.

"Come here Sakura-chan; let me fix your voice for you." Tsunade stated as she got up from her desk and had Sakura sit down. Tsunade put her hand over Sakura's voice box and a green glow emitted from her hand.

"Thank you Tsunade-sama." Sakura said with a bow. "Now, I should check up on Neji-kun, he should be waking up any second, and remember last time he woke up and I wasn't there?" Sakura asked. Tsunade shuddered at the thought. In a blink of an eye, Sakura vanished.

"Th-that's Sakura-chan?" Naruto questioned as he just remembered what happened. Tsunade gave out a sigh.

"I'm afraid so. You see Sakura has a very rare bloodline, so rare that, it hasn't been around in about 1,000 years. We found it out when I was training with her, but before that let's go back. Right after all three of you guys left, she became very distant; in fact she only came out of her house to buy food, missions, or training. She worried us all. Soon over time though, she started appearing more and more, but not the cheery cherry blossom we all knew. She started wearing black and only black. Her eyes became dull and full of many bad emotions such as depression, hate, anger, sadness, and the list goes on and on. When I decided to train her, she was a fast learner. In less than 5 months, she already learned half of my knowledge. Anyways, when I was training her one day, I noticed her head was always down. When I asked her what was wrong and she looked at me, you know what I saw?" Tsunade asked.

"Uh, Sakura asleep?" Naruto tried. Tsunade shook her head.

"No, I saw she had Sharingan. I was taken back, but then when she blinked, it turned into Byakugan and as she continued to blink, her eyes changed. Soon she passed out. She woke up the next day in the hospital room I put her in. As soon as she awoke I took he to see her father who was about to die. She bombarded him with questions which he answered all. Her bloodline has no name because it was lost a long time ago. As soon as Sakura started to master her bloodline, more powers came. She soon was able to talk to people through her mind, predict the future in some cases, and her favorite thing, telekinesis. I know she can do much more, but that's what I fear; now everyone wants her to be with them so they can be stronger. Sakura ignores it, but now I feel as if she's become a tool to Konoha. She's the leading ANBU, surpassed me and Jiraya combined, and is now the leading medic. She request to go on the most dangerous missions, not caring if she dies or lives. She once told me that so much power was a curse. Not to long ago, Sakura did receive a curse, Orochimaru gave her a curse mark that is the shape of a pentagram, the devil's symbol. Sakura doesn't fear anything, except herself." Tsunade finished with a sigh. The three men looked down and soaked in their newest discovery.

"Wow." That's the only thing the guys could say. They were speechless.

"Well, that's pretty much it about Sakura I think." Tsunade thought. "I hate to be disrespectful to Sakura, but we must continue. Kakashi, Naruto you two may go, but Sasuke, we must talk about your betrayal." Tsunade stated, soon the two ninja left leaving Tsunade and Sasuke.

"Sasuke, the choice isn't up to me, but up to the council, your trial will be held in three days. Until then," Tsunade stated. She summoned the fastest bird and wrote down two notes. "You will wait until your guardians come."

A/n: well my loyal readers, here's the first chapter to The Dead Cherry Blossom. I hope you enjoyed the story. Don't worry, I haven't abandoned my other stories, just took a break.

-emo bella-chan