well here it is, hope its satisfactory


Gaara sat down in the large armchair, the fire crackled in the fireplace, warming the room with an amber glow, Sasuke sat in the armchair across him looking out the window. Gaara fidgeted slightly with his clipboard

"Where are you from?" Gaara asked "Are you English?"

Sasuke nodded, still staring out the window

"Yeah, born and raised in Brixton, 'rents were Londoners too" he said

Gaara wrote it down on his clipboard

"Were?" he suddenly looked up

"Mum's dead." Sasuke said quietly "two years ago"

Gaara wrote it down

"And your father?"

"Fuck knows where he is…came home buggered off again whenever he liked" Sasuke said bitterly "He's a cunt"

Gaara made note on his clipboard

Mother deceased, no proper Father figure in childhood, unstable family.

"Can you tell me about your childhood?"

"Was alright"

"Is that how you'd describe it? Were you a happy or sad child?"

"Guess I was happy….kids don't ask for much is it?"

"I suppose not" Gaara nodded "So you had everything you wanted"

"Well Mum couldn't afford like new toys every day or nothin' but it was alright yeah" Sasuke shrugged

"But you were happy?...What about your relationship with your parents?"

"Mum was good yeah…Dad left when Itachi was nearly two, he came back now and then yeah…Itachi was three when I was born." Sasuke said emptily, he seemed not to want to discuss this much

"Did you see him much after you were born"

"Mm, when he came back from wherever he went"

"How was your mother about this?"

"She didn't say nuffin to us. We were lil' kids, weren't no help" Sasuke mumbled. Gaara did not choose to pursue this now, his mother was obviously a sensitive topic, she was dead and he had no wish to be the cause of an emotional breakdown. It was a sociologist's nightmare. But to his surprise, the dark haired young man continued "She weren't happy though; heard 'er cryin' sometimes in the other room….I guess she gave up"

"Pardon?" Gaara said not quite understanding

"Nuffin" Sasuke said looking emptily into the fire that was slowly burning out,

"It's getting late" Gaara said "I think I'll go to bed…are you?

"Migh' as well"

"Cool" Gaara smiled weakly as the dark haired boy stood up and followed him out the room.


The car pulled up outside the redbrick building. Itachi looked up at it, it was not usual that he was taken to a house; usually it was a motel, or an empty alley, or a room somewhere or other. The driver opened the door and got out, Itachi did the same, he felt the familiar cold air in comparison to the warm car…it was a quiet street, not like where they had just come from. He wondered what part of London he was in. It was hard to tell at night

"Will you hurry up" The man who had picked him up whispered loudly from the front door of the house "I want you to look presentable before my friend arrives"

Itachi quickly ran up the steps and followed the man in.

They entered into a beautiful hallway, it was dark, but Itachi could make out the fine panelling and the pictures on the wall. It had a very warm feel as well, rugs and curtains and double glazing probably helped that.

"Upstairs please" the man said walking up the elegant staircase, Itachi followed apprehensively.

"This way" his whisper becoming even quieter "Don't wake anyone" he said nodding to the closed doors in the upstairs' hallway. Itachi nodded as he crept quietly across the carpeted floor into a room that was held open by the man who brought him here.

It was a beautiful room, dark wooden floors, large windows with large red and gold curtains with matching duvet across the oak four poster bed. The light was dimmed creating a warm, amber effect on pale walls.

"There's an on suite bathroom" the thickset man said pointing to a half open door. "My cousin will be home very soon now, so get cleaned up in there and be ready for him"

Itachi nodded and went into the bathroom quickly, shutting it behind him.

Kankuro leant against the wall. This could either work really well and Sasori would be pleased (even if he did not admit it at first) or it could cause a major family argument. Kankuro thought of the slim effeminate (most likely junkie) he had let into his parents house; he was not unattractive, under all that filth he was probably rather nice looking - if you were into men. Kankuro certainly was not. But as his cousin had no luck with female partners so far, and that he was open to both, a taste of the other side may interest him. And sex was always a good remedy for feeling miserable - even if you had to pay for it.


Sasori parked his Volkswagen in the free parking space outside the house. What was wrong with these bloody builders? Could they not understand basic renovations? How long was this going to go on for - keeping his belongings in storage was bloody expensive - not unaffordable but a completely unnecessary price.

Feeling in a grotty mood from, explaining to foreign builders AGAIN about what he wanted done and enquiring to actually why it had NOT been done yet. To listening to a ridiculous meeting at work about the political correctness of a latest televised play - for goodness sake, the play was written in the 1950s naturally they were not so politically correct in those days, it will not offend anyone if that was the way life was in those days.- bloody do gooders telling everyone how they must and must not think. Then to the storage to hand in hand over another shit load of money through a single swipe of his credit card and a quick scribble of his signature.

Sasori practically kicked open the car door and slammed it shut, locking it, checking it and marching up to the house, taking out his keys he opened the door and walked quickly up the stairs.


Kankuro did not have time to react, he heard the front door open and shut and the sound of footsteps running up the stairs. Fuck! Sasori was home!

Kankuro quickly looked at the shut bathroom door. There was no time.

"Kankuro?" Sasori said stepping into his room, pulling off his coat and scarf "What are you doing in my room?"

"Um...nothing" Kankuro said, his eyes flicking to the bathroom door, then immediately back at Sasori.

Sasori looked behind him. He could hear the sound of water running.

"Who's in there?" he asked

"…no one?"

"Look Kankuro if you're going to bring a girl back, can she not use MY bathroom?"

"I didn't bring a girl back-"

At that the bathroom door unlocked and standing small and confused looking was a thin black haired man.

The first thing Sasori thought when looking at this frail looking creature, with its soaking wet black hair and pale skin and scarred cheeks, with its fragile looking bones (under a tattered t-shirt). Was that it was beautiful. Of course, he only thought this for a fraction of a micro second before he looked back at Kankuro and said angrily

"Who the hell is this?"

"I uh…got you a gift?"

"You what?" Sasori raised an eyebrow, trying to work out what his fly brained cousin had just said


"What are you…? Kankuro…please don't tell me this person is a …is a…" he felt too disgusted to say it.

The man in the bathroom door gave a small cough and the redhead turned around

"Uh…there's been like, some mistake obviously" he said hoarsely "I'll get my shit and leave"

"Yes that would be best" Sasori said looking back at his cousin furiously.

Itachi pulled his wet hair back into a pony tail and pulled his hoody back on, his skin was still wet, and he could feel it dripping down his back and soaking his t-shirt, he would be sure to freeze once leaving the house.

"Yeah sorry about that" Itachi said quickly rushing past the two men…he then hovered at the doorway and looked back at Kankuro

"Will it…be uh…alright…if you pay me a bit? Y'know for comin'"

Sasori raised an eyebrow. The nerve of the vagrant.

Kankuro looked down at the young man and rolled his eyes, pulled out a £20 and handed it to him

"There, get yourself a cab"

Itachi sighed and took it. When he got into the expensive car earlier, he had pictured himself with a great handful of cash when he got back. A sort of "Pretty Woman" fantasy.

"Thanks" he said turning away.

Just as Itachi was halfway down the corridor, a door opened and a blonde stepped out

"What's all this shouting Kankuro? People are trying to sleep-" she turned and was caught face to face with the man in the hoody. She gasped and screamed at the top of her longs


Itachi, from experience, knew that when a girl started to scream, that was your cue to exit. He tried to dart but she caught him with a powerful kick in the stomach (she was somewhat taller than him). Itachi felt himself fall back against a bookshelf and whack his head unceremoniously on the edge.

"Fuck" he cursed as he slipped to the floor and held his head.

Kankuro and Sasori quickly ran to the scene of the commotion, where a couple of other doors were opening at the same time.

"What's going on? What is it?" a middle aged woman in a white nightie and dressing gown came running over to the commotion, she saw Itachi and immediately gasped "Someone call the police"

Itachi shook his head frantically as his eyes scanned for the redhead or the man who brought him here to try and back him up

"No...Don't! I'm-"

"Mum what's going on?" another voice joined them

"Go back to bed Gaara" the woman said "Kankuro call the police-"

"No! Don't I ain't-"

"Wait a moment…" the new voice said again "Haven't I seen you before?"

Itachi looked up frantically for the new voice's face. He gasped

No way, it was too much of a coincidence. Had he really been brought to the same house as the young man who had taken Sasuke for the interview?

Itachi did not know what to say in response, but he nodded vigorously

"Who is this, Gaara?" The middle aged woman said to the young redhead

"Sasuke, isn't this your brother?"

Itachi could not believe his luck, he struggled to see the familiar face of his little brother, and there it was…it was Sasuke.

"Yeah" he said pushing past everyone to get near to Itachi "It's my brother"

"Goodness, I'm terribly sorry" the middle aged woman said "I never meant to accuse you…had I known you'd be coming I-"

"Well I didn't give any warnin' or nothin' did I?" Itachi tried to laugh as Sasuke helped him up, his head throbbed from hitting the bookshelf and he stumbled back into the same position

Kankuro coughed

"Uh I happened to be driving through uh…Peckham, and I recognised him, from when I took Gaara to get the va-…I mean to get Sasuke, and I thought it might be nice to let them see each other" Kankuro rattled off, his brain working furiously

"Oh…how nice of you dear" Karura smiled

Sasori glared at Kankuro.

Eventually Itachi was in a standing position, and he attempted a smile at the woman, although his head was throbbing

"Hi…I'm Itachi Uchiha" he said awkwardly. She gave a weak smile at him

"I'm Karura Sabaku, this I believe you know is Gaara, this is Kankuro, who you also know. This is my daughter Temari, oh and this is my nephew Sasori who's staying for a while." She said pointing out her family.

Itachi glanced hesitantly around at everyone nodding slightly

"Well then…I'll just get your room prepared. Temari give me a hand"

Itachi's jaw had dropped without him even realising it, Sasuke caught sight and burst out laughing.

"Shu'up bruv" Itachi said blushing

"OoOoh touchyyy" Sasuke sniggered

Kankuro clapped his hands together

"I need a drink"

Sasori placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder

"And we need to talk!" he said grinding his teeth in anger.