A/N: I am new to fan fiction and this is my first story, so please be nice, how ever, constructive criticism is always welcome :) I am just learning how to use everything, so if you have any tips that would be great :) Oh and I forgot what Alice's sisters name is, so if you remember could you let me know? I won't change it otherwise.

Disclaimer: I own nothing! Stephenie Meyer does though… Lucky her!



Chapter 1

I was swept into the black once again, seeing my father raise a knife threateningly to my heart. I could not hear words, but I got the message, 'In the car or your dead.'

An ear splitting scream shattered the quiet house. It was I, Mary Alice Brandon, the devil's child. My parent's hated me I was the black spot on their perfect white cloth of a household. My visions were said to be a gift, a gift from the devil himself.

It was a curse, and yet wonderful. I was able to tell when the next beating would be, and prepare my self. My father had taken to beating me seven years ago, when I was ten. The reason? The doctor said I couldn't be cured; I was just a fact of life. Also I was no longer cute.

My last beating had been two days ago, I was thankful for that, breaks were rare in my life. I had been lucky to survive, as always. I thought for a bit about the vision I had just had, not exactly too far off from something that my father would do to me. I wondered when it would happen; the timing hadn't been specific on this one. I guess it just depended, most likely on my mother.

Ah yes my mother, not mom, or mommy, just mother, we were only biologically related and that was it. She didn't care if my father beat me. No, in fact she encouraged him. After all, why would the perfect devoted catholic like herself let a spawn of the devil like me, live under her roof without consequence?

Of course, I was lucky in a way, they fed me, and made sure I had clothes and a bed, but that was for the neighbors, and my sister's purposes only. They made that quite clear. If it weren't for them, I would most likely be paying to live in the broom closet in the basement.

I guess since I've mentioned the worst of my family, I should mention the best, my younger sister, Cynth, well her real name was actually Cynthia, but I liked the name with a bit less formality to it. Cynth, well she is pretty much the perfect daughter, and the apple of my parent's eyes. They love her and would do anything for her.

You would think that she would take after our parents, but she is so much nicer, she is one of the two people in this world that understand me. She is always the one to bring the lotion up to my room after the beatings, and she always helped me put it on. She was constantly worried about me, but I always told her it didn't hurt. She shouldn't have to know. She has told me she will tell someone if I ever want her too, but I don't want to put her in danger.

A part from Cynth, no one knew what happens inside of our pristine walls except for my 'perfect' parent's, and I don't think they would tell anytime soon. So that pretty much sums up why I am stuck here, awaiting my next beating, waiting. I am always waiting. Waiting for someone to care, waiting for someone to know, thing is, I can't tell anyone, Cynth can't and my parent's won't so I'll just be stuck here, waiting for someone to end my misery.

In the quiet town of Forks, where we lived, it would be a huge scandal if the main doctor was found guilty of child abuse. It would be in the freaking history books. That would not be good, and I can only imagine what my mother would do if anything like that did happen.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a yell from downstairs, "Alice!" I cringed, what if mom was really mad, I thought everyone had left, what if she had heard the scream? "We're going to be late!" I sighed in relief it was only my sister. You wouldn't believe how much they sound a like.

"Be there in a sec." I checked my appearance in the mirror in the bathroom. I saw how pale I looked, broken, but not too obviously. There were bruises poking out slightly from under my sweater, so I adjusted it slightly, and looked myself over once more. I would never be pretty, short spiky hair, and well a small of a frame I was too breakable. I sighed and turned to walk downstairs, to face yet another day of school. At least Bella was there now.

A/N: Okay, so that is the chapter, let me know if I should continue or if you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated! Oh and if anyone has read something that was written before mine and seems a little bit too close to my story line, please let me know, and I will remove it right away. I don't want to steal anything. Thanks :D