Midwich is an average community, cloistered on two sides by thick, dense forests. It is located in Northern California so its weather more resembles that of Oregon rather than the sunny, beach-covered image most people have when they think of California. It was founded years ago, by religious separatists looking to escape the hedonism of the gold rush, but now it serves to attract the outdoor aficionados who come attracted by the beautiful scenery and the off-beat who come attracted by the gothic architecture prominent in the town. The townspeople tend to regard both groups with suspicion even as it depends on them for tourism dollars.

Yet look far enough and it won't take you long to find the terrible secret that scars this little town. It is located in a place once known as Breed's Hill, now better known as the place of sacrifice. Nineteen years ago, four warriors faced a demon king on that spot. Only one lived to tell the tale. Ever since, Breed's Hill, formerly a lush, verdant forest, is now a gray burnt-out scab of a wasteland, an ugly spot on an otherwise beautiful community that steadfastly refuses to go away. The names of the three warriors, who died, Micah Thames, Hanna and James Wyrek, were lauded and the four, given burials befitting that of heroes, but the name of the fourth warrior, only one to walk away from the fight, remains a mystery forever gossiped about by townspeople and journalists. Who was the fourth warrior, the one who dealt the final blow to the demon king? No one has come to any satisfactory conclusions. All anyone can conclude for certain from witness reports is that the fourth warrior is female. Anything else is pure speculation which shall not be indulged in here.

I act only to present as accurate an account as I can of the second war over Midwich, with only a few liberties taken to properly fill in the gaps of knowledge. I commit this account before the eyes of the All-Father and the council of man. May they judge this account worthy and true.