Disclaimer: I don't own Mai HiME.

A/N: Sorry for the angsty-ness in the first chapter. For those of you who have been reading this since the beginning, you'll notice that I morphed the first four chapters together to make it easier to read and be able to say it's a humour fic instead of having four chapters of angst. That being said I'd like to thank some people.

Thank you to rainee-chan, SychoBabbleX, Bad one, volk83, Yumiko Himemiya, SpiderLilies2007, Ayou, chatterbox-hikaru13, Swarm012, moonfreckle, kiangs, lindred, mantikora, and everyone else who read the first chapters as seperate!



An annoying buzzing noise rang through the young girl's head as she rolled around in her messy sheets. Her hand fumbled around the edge of the nightstand before starting to haphazardly smash at the wood. Finally it hit its mark, the top of the alarm clock, stopping the irritation.

"Argh… I really have to remember to turn of the alarm… It's summer now…"

Natsuki mumbled to herself while rolling herself up into a sitting position. The past year she was taking extra courses that completely filled her daily schedule. That being said, she had gotten used to getting up early, not enjoying it, but getting used to it nonetheless.

Feeling the grumbling in her stomach she flopped her feet over the edge of the bed and into some slippers and walked into the kitchen. Not having much in the fridge as usual, Natsuki opted for eating out again. She quickly threw on some clothes that were lying on the ground and grabbed the loose change on the coffee table then left for the small diner near her apartment. Linden Baum was close enough that she didn't need her bike to get to it, and with her income being close to nothing at the moment, gas was too expensive to waste.

The truth was, even though her grades were improving, she had great friends who could be trusted, and as normal a life as possible without HiME issues… Natsuki was still missing something. She even know what, or rather whom, it was; yet still could not find that person.

The girl blankly strolled into the diner, the jingle of the bell waking her from her trance. Natsuki shook her head and looked up to see her old friend Mai at the cash. The redheaded girl smiled brightly at her friend and skipped towards her.

"I didn't know you worked this early…" grumbled Natsuki, wishing she had not let Mai see her in such a disheveled state.

Easily turning the subject back around, Mai replied with a smirk.

"And I didn't know you woke up this early when you didn't have to," She reached over her friend's shoulder to grab a menu from the shelf by the door, "Anyway get a table and I'll come join you with the food."

A sweatdrop formed behind the dark hair of the other girl as she desperately tried to find a way to eat alone. She then proceeded to mentally smack herself when the excuse was right there in front of her.

"Ehh don't you have to be working now? You can't let your boss see you taking breaks when you aren't allowed."

Again Mai quickly retorted.

"Nah it's fine. It's just a way for me to pay back Midori for so kindly leaving me with all the work while she went on her two week excavation trip."

"…Excavation trip?"

"Yeah… don't ask… I have no idea what she does on those."

About ten to fifteen minutes later Mai returned with two plates of food for each of them and sat at the table. After a bit of silent chewing the naturally observant girl had to point out.

"No offense… but you look still awful…"

"What?!" snapped Natsuki with food still in her mouth.

"Eh no I didn't mean it like that. Just that… for the past year you've been even more quiet than before and well… Now you're at the point where you aren't wearing shoes while getting breakfast..."

Natsuki blinked and looked under table at her feet. Sure enough she was still in slippers and soon remembered the state of her apartment along with the fact that she hadn't cleaned anything for weeks. To be more precise, Natsuki herself hadn't cleaned for the past year and a half, but Mai couldn't stand to see the mess anytime she came over and did the work for her, of course without a single complaint. The blue-haired girl only grumbled and took another bite of her breakfast.

"I've always been quiet… you just never saw it until I started coming to school all the time and you were seeing me every day."

There was not a chance Mai would truly believe this, but she decided to play along.

"Okay then… I guess you're right, you know yourself better than anyone… but seriously," she paused to eat some of her own food, "Let me know if you need anything… I can tell that it's time for me to clean your apartment again so I'll be coming by after work and whether you like it or not."

Natsuki sighed, there really was no way of getting around this girl's kindness once she had set her mind to it.

I guess you could say it needs to be a bit neater…

When the two friends had finished their meal Natsuki poured out all of her change onto the table and left to return home. However once again her mind started wandering, along with her feet. It seemed like she had simply blinked and was now standing in the shade of a large tree in the center of a park.

How did I end up here? She thought, though not referring to her physical location.

When did everything spiral away from me? When did I start feeling like I've lost everything? I finally have a life of my own and now I can't seem to handle it… but… I lived alone before…

The girl groaned and leaned against the tree momentarily before sliding down and placing her face in her palms.

What's happening to me…?

A lone tear traced the girl's cheekbone but it was quickly swiped away rashly by her hand.

You're alone now… These are your thoughts… No one can hear them but you… So you can be honest…

Natsuki slid her face across her hands up to look at the sky through the tree branches.

"…Where are you?" she asked aloud, hoping some mystical voice would answer. A cool wind then brushed against her side swiftly followed by thick droplets of water.


Heavy rain pelted against the windows of Natsuki's apartment, earning a worried frown from the redhead inside.

Damn it where did she run off to in this weather? Mai thought as she continued cleaning the place on her own.

Eventually a creaking noise was heard from the doorway, followed by sloshing noises. Natsuki blindly walked through the familiar route of her own home and sat on the sofa before leaning over to lie down and sleep. Mai quickly turned towards the sounds and brought some hot tea into the living room area. She went to close the door before coming to sit back down next to her friend. Foreseeing something like this happening Mai had already placed blankets in several areas of the apartment, and so she pulled the one from the couch over the shivering body and sighed.

"…You're worse off than I imagined…"

The cobalt-haired girl simply turned her eyes to meet her friend's, "What do you mean by that? I'm fine…"

Mai sighed and held one of the teacups out towards the other girl who took it hesitantly, but drank it fast once she found the warmth.

"Ah don't do that! You'll burn your throat!" but it was too late, the cup was already emptied and handed back to her.

There were a few moments of silence while Natsuki calmed herself and Mai drank her tea slowly before muttering again.

"…I don't know if I should tell you this… but seeing you in this pain is so harsh… I at least want to give you a choice as to what to do…"

Natsuki rolled over and leaned up a little more with her back against the armrest, "What do you know?"

"…She's coming back this weekend… I just thought you should know in case you wanted to see her again."

The other girl began to shiver again and felt her stomach flutter around inside. She wrapped her arms around her body, pulling the blanket closer.

"How do you know this? You mean she was actually gone somewhere? I thought she was just avoiding me."

"Well, she phoned me yesterday just really quickly from a pay phone it seems. I don't even know where she was, but she just wanted to tell me she was coming back and… I got the feeling it wasn't really directed at me."

Mai paused and looked at the floor shyly, debating whether or not to say her piece.

"…I think you should go… At least to ask her what's going on I mean… It's been a year of no emotion either way. Like this stalemate that left both of you to go your own ways for your own reasons. But this is a chance to change that… and I think it's what you've been waiting for… isn't it?"

Natsuki frowned, buried in thought.

"I've just had a bad few weeks recently… It'll pass… There's no reason for me to see her after all this time… it would be too awkward," Natsuki's heartstrings tightened, "She left me!"

Mai placed her teacup back on the table.

"Do you blame her for it?"

"I guess I understand why she just vanished but… I think… I think I do blame her for it. Just a little bit."

"Because it hurts right?"


"Then see her. Come on you know it as well as I do she only called me to let you know!"

The girl stood up and tossed another blanket over to the silent Natsuki.

"Everything's clean and I have to get back. Take care of yourself okay… And really… think about it."

With that the girl left the apartment and returned home, leaving the still cold girl with her thoughts.

I don't know what I want… Still after all this time I don't know what I want… All I know is that I… I've lost everything.

This thought flickered in the girl's brain like a candle before it being blown out by the breeze of sleep.


The sun cracked through the curtains of Natsuki's kitchen window that led a trajectory aimed directly at her eyes, as she was asleep on the couch. In a half sleep blinking awake the girl muttered to herself.

"I so need a door for that room… It make it impossible to crash on the couch when I'm up all night with video games."

She rolled around a bit before she unconsciously tilted her head to the side.

Wait I have crashed on the couch while playing video games all night. The sun doesn't rise from that direction…

Natsuki used all of her abdominal strength to lift her upper body and stare at the blinking clock on her DVD player.

Seven PM? I've been asleep all afternoon… Great now I'm gonna be up all night.

The girl stretched and stood up while spreading out the damp blankets to hopefully let them dry overnight. Next it was time to attend to that annoying glow of the sunset. It was easy enough since she was heading to the kitchen anyways. While using one hand to pull down the blinds the girl masterfully unwrapped a package of instant ramen in the other. However instead of adding the water as she should have, Natsuki headed back to the living room right away and proceeded to do what she did best: spend all night fighting the same boss over and over that she could never beat.

Tonight especially the girl's mind was plagued with thoughts of what ifs and whys.

How am I supposed to face her again?

She asked herself while looking at the calendar on her wall.

This weekend is the day after tomorrow… which technically is today… Damn it that means I have until the end of today to decide!? What the hell does the universe want from me!?


Meanwhile, across the country a certain chestnut-haired girl was walking through the streets of an inner city. Even though it was summer she still wore a light overcoat since nights like these tended to get chilled. She had been wandering for a while now, debating whether or not to return.

I can't believe I told Mai-san that I was coming back when I don't even know if I'm ready…

She looked up at the night sky, but was unable to see any stars due to the overwhelming flashing of the city.

Natsuki…I want to be your friend…But it's not fair for me to return when I'm not capable of keeping you safe. I cannot be your friend if I make you fear me… So I guess that means it's best I stay away…

"…At least until I don't love you anymore."

Shizuru was unaware of having said that last part out loud and continued walking, although she had peaked the interest of some men about five years older than her it seemed. The girl, sensing something off – although in this town it was hard to tell what really was off – picked up her pace. However it wasn't enough to escape the impending grasp of one of the men.

"Hey there don't you wanna play with us for a bit? You look like you could use some fun."

The girl froze in her tracks, her bangs shading her eyes until the very second she opened them. Crimson orbs of rage that would usually burn holes in minds, simply fueled the taunting behaviour of the group. She was able to break her arm free only for a moment, but that was all she needed. Shizuru had slipped up against a building's wall enough to reach for the help that she desired. Being the ever-observant person she was, noticing her weapon of choice in the oddest of places was no problem. A smirk fell across her face as she gripped onto the loose pole behind her.

"…I don't have time to play right now!"

With that the girl pulled the pole from its previous position and whipped it around in every direction, successfully knocking all of the men down. Not only that, but when one tried to get up, a simple spin allowed for the other end of the metal piece to hit him in the side of the neck, rendering him unconscious. Signifying her victory, Shizuru raised the pole up and then across her shoulders and arm in one fluid motion: a pose that had simply become a reflex at this point.

On second thought… I'm sick of this place. It's time to break the silence.

The girl relaxed her muscles and dropped the metal to the ground before walking only a few more blocks to her temporary home.

She looked around the rooms, realizing how little there actually was to pack.

I guess I can do it tomorrow… I'll call Mai-san again and tell her exactly when I'll be back and where. I have to leave the decision up to Natsuki… it's the only way the truth will come…


Saturday had finally arrived. It was another rainy day for summertime. Clouds circled around the land of Fuuka like hawks waiting for the moment to strike with vicious thunder. Mai looked out the window of her dorm room with her phone in hand. It was now almost six in the afternoon and Natsuki still wouldn't pick up.

Why doesn't she get a fricken message service?!

The girl continued frantically mashing the redial button before a tugging on her sleeve caught her attention. She turned to see a smaller girl with large watery eyes watching her intently.

"Don't worry, things will at least have some sort of conclusion by the end of today… whatever she decides."

The younger girl only tilted her head to the side and groaned.

"Why is Mai sad? When Mai is sad I'm sad."

The redhead sighed.

"This really is getting out of control if it's affecting you…" she then got up and went to the kitchen, "I'll explain as I make us some food, one more phone call isn't going to make a difference that this point. As soon as she sees the amount of missed calls she'll at least have the sense to call back and ask what it was about."

Mikoto nodded with a bright smile and latched herself onto Mai's waist as the older girl dragged her into the kitchen. She stayed there while Mai cooked and listened to the brief explanation.

"Well you see Mikoto… Natsuki has been having a hard time for a while now. And now she finally has to make the decision to either take a risk and make her life better or have the security, but for sure be sad."

"But… why is Natsuki sad?"

"Ehh…" Mai tried to think of the best way to explain this, "Well… It's as if I just left you here and –" She didn't even get a chance to finish before she was tackled to the ground.

"Don't go Mai! Stay! Stay! I love Mai!" cried out the younger girl while the older tried to get a grip and stand again.

"I'm not going anywhere," she said as she patted Mikoto's head, "But that's how Natsuki has been feeling for a long time… It's too bad she couldn't be as honest as you and yell 'Don't go! Stay with me!'… Although she does in her heart… which is why she's sad, because the only one that can hear it is herself."

Fire then burned in the girl's eyes as she went back to stirring the noodles.

"And now she's about to mess it up because she isn't picking up her phone! This is her only chance and she doesn't even know where to go!"

Mai continued to stir rapidly in her frustration but soon calmed down enough to pour them both a bowl.

As she placed their meals on the table Mikoto hopped over to her side and began to eat ferociously. Mai raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing eating so fast?"

The spikey-haired child grinned with a noodle still stuck to her face.

"Well someone has to go make Natsuki feel better before it's too late!"

She pressed the bowl to her lips again, quickly finishing the ramen. The girl had basically swallowed the whole bowl in two gulps before standing up in a dramatic pose.

"I'll be back Mai! I'll make Natsuki call you alright!"

"Wait-!" was all the other girl could manage while reaching out to Mikoto's arm before the neko-girl had jumped out of the dorm window and into the stormy winds.

Meanwhile Mai simply leaned back and sighed, she knew her companion enough that she would find a way back and not staying in one place would just cause more chaos.


It was now close to six-thirty, afternoon was turning dark and into evening. A large bus was crossing the border into Fuuka and while observing the sign on the highway Shizuru lost herself in thought.

This is what's right isn't it…? It has to be… because if being apart felt so wrong…She sighed, Well… there's no turning back now… Please be waiting for me…

The girl looked at the seat next to her that was piled with her two large bags that held all she had. They were kahki army-style duffle bags that she had found only the day she had left one year ago. She had no idea what may have still been left in that scummy foreign apartment but it didn't matter. This place was her home no matter what.

The bus passed under a tunnel and when it emerged from the darkness the clouds had deepened in their gray tone. Just as the bright lights of the station appeared in the horizon, an independent flash commenced the true storm.


Thunder crashed in the sky above the sleeping girl's apartment. Natsuki's long blue hair hung over the armrest while her limbs, entangled in a light blanket and instant ramen wrappers, twisted in all shapes around the furniture. Her sleep was too deep and thoughtful to be disturbed by the rapping at the window.

It's probably just a tree or something…thought her momentary lapse of consciousness before she started hearing the faint sound of a voice.

"Natsuki!" cried out the neko-girl hanging on for dear life on Natsuki's windowsill in the storm.

Mikoto had thought it was best to go by outside when she couldn't get in the front without a key; but after jumping back and forth between buildings to get to the other girl on the third floor, the plan had shown it's faults.


Huh… Who's calling me...?

The girl began twisting her head, slowly waking from her long day of sleep, ever since being put on backwards time. Her hand made its way up to her eyes and forehead, trying to rub the pain away.

Seriously… where is this person? I can't see anything…

Meanwhile, Mikoto was still banging on the window, being assaulted by massive rain pellets, and seeing that Natsuki was in fact conscious on the couch made her even more frustrated.

Why isn't she letting me in? Gah!


With that the small child somehow managed to find the strength to lift up the window from the outside and slide her way into the apartment. However being completely soaked from the rain and precariously balanced over Natsuki's over-filled sink, the girl all too easily slipped on a frying pan, which caused a downpour of silverware.

This entire ruckus of course forced the half-sleeping girl completely awake screaming gibberish about a burglar. After enough flailing of her arms Natsuki finally calmed down enough to see a spiral-eyed Mikoto on her floor covered in her dishes and water.

"You… What the hell are you doing going up that way?!" she yelled while rushing over to the window, closing it to prevent anymore rain from getting in.

Next she had to attend to the pet of her friend and cleared away the pots and pans before pulling the girl to her feet.

"Seriously! Why are you barging in at this hour in the middle of a rainstorm through the Goat-damn window?!"

The drenched girl shook the water out of her hair with rapid neck swings before flashing a devious pout in Natsuki's direction. In a quick and proud motion she then stood up to stare the other girl, who was leaning over, directly in the eyes.

"I'm here to make sure someone didn't make the Natsuki I know run away!"

The jade-eyed girl raised an eyebrow and scratched her head.

"Er… I'm standing right here…"

Smoke began fuming from the girl's head.

"Natsuki-baka! You make Mai sad! You make me sad! Call Mai!"

It was then that the incessant beeping of her cell phone finally broke her confusion. Natsuki turned and left Mikoto to follow her into the living room where she flipped open the cover and was met with a blinking "34 missed calls." Just as she was about to dial, the phone rang again; safely assuming it was Mai, the girl answered. Although before she could even get in a simple greeting, the sheer volume of her screaming friend took her aback.

"I can't believe you didn't go you moron!"


Thirty minutes earlier…

The station was packed with people running from bus to train, all carefree and concerned solely with their own lives. The slightly tall girl tried to make her way through the crowds while carrying her two simple bags but of course ended up being knocked around quite a bit. She was still able to keep her calm demeanor while walking towards the large panel-like windows that overlooked the highway connecting the station to the city. The girl looked over at the clock and sighed.

Well… maybe she's somewhere in here…

Shizuru started pacing around in the masses of people, attempting to find the one she had been waiting for. As the minutes quickly added up her search became more frantic until she somehow made it back to the same open window.

She could just be late… This is a heavy storm… I hope she didn't take her bike.

She paused while staring at the floor and dropping her bags to the ground.

Who am I trying to fool? These are my thoughts and I can't even be open in my own head? Of course I know what happened… she isn't going to come!

Her hands swiftly rose to cover the teary eyes. Deep down she knew that this would be asking too much. Shizuru stayed there for a few minutes, counting on the people to be selfish enough to leave her be, which thankfully they did. The girl, after a few minutes, regained her composure and pulled out her cell phone to call Mai. Even though she had stopped crying, there was no hiding the choked tone in her voice.


"Is she there yet?!"

A pause.

"…No, and I don't think she'll come… Thank you for your trouble, but I'll be catching the next train to Kyoto to stay at my parents' house while they're on vacation."

On the other end of the line Mai gripped the bedpost, trying to ease her frustration.

I can't believe this is her decision! To stay lonely!

"Just… Wait fifteen more minutes! I'll keep calling!"

The dial tone was all that was left of the conversation, leaving the distraught girl to look up at the schedule board.

There's a train in twenty minutes…


Present time…

"What do you mean I didn't go?!" Natsuki shouted back over the phone, still completely oblivious to the time of day, "Didn't go where?"

"Argh! You're hopeless! Kaichou's been waiting at the station for you for the past half hour and if you don't get over there she's going to be leaving to her parents' house! This is as far as I go with this; the rest is up to you…"

There was a light click and then silence. Mikoto carefully watched Natsuki's lack of movement, fearing that any motion on her part would be interpreted as sudden and shock the other girl.

Within a few seconds of staring at the floor Natsuki fell to her knees and then caught herself with her hands, shaking.

"…Gone…" she muttered, "…She's… gone…"

The younger girl carefully and slowly took a few steps closer before placing a hand on the other's back.

"…She isn't gone Natsuki-baka… You can still make it to the train before it leaves."

Navy hair shook with her head.

"There's no way! Not in this weather!"

There was a slight shuffle beside her as Mikoto stood up.

"…The Natsuki I know really did run away from here then…"

The other girl turned her head to face her.

"…She fought well… because she had a reason for fighting, and knew it. Now the reason is waiting and she won't fight. Mai said, 'True love is believing that what you feel is true.' Do you think that what you're feeling is a lie then?"

Natsuki was shocked with not only Mikoto's change in speech but also the way her childish logic was so correct. It was so simple even this brat could understand what to do.

"…What I'm feeling… this is real for sure… love…"

Everything had been set in her mind from long ago that love couldn't cross her path, and ever since it had she would deny it.

I have no reason to fear love anymore… My love can't hurt anyone anymore!

It wasn't long before Natsuki emotionally and mentally pulled herself together. With hands clenching to fists she pushed herself up in one swift motion and ran into her room. The girl rustled through all of her clothes trying to find the most suitable thing for the weather and hastily dressed. There wasn't time to waste.

She was just about to rush out the door when she turned on a dime and ran ban to Mikoto. She wrapped the small girl in her arms.

"Thank you…"

Quickly pivoting again and running out the door grabbing her keys and helmet along the way. Despite being somewhat out of practice with athletics, Natsuki was able to jump several stairs at a time while strapping her helmet on just as she made it to the front door. The strong winds seemed to be pushing the girl further away from her transport but her determination soon won over. She gripped the handlebars as tightly as possible before swinging a leg over and turning the bike in the right direction and speeding off into the storm.


Shizuru stared at the platform, then at the train, and then at the platform again. Despite knowing that Natsuki would not come, the girl was hesitant on leaving the safety of the station. She felt as if she could wait forever if there was even a glimpse of hope… but there was none. After being told several times that the train was going to leave, the girl finally made her decision. She got on the vehicle and found an empty seat by the window facing the other set of tracks. While staring out the window her mind began to wander, slowly but surely into the more outlandish of places until everything had fully became a dream.


Natsuki looked down at the clock on her bike and cursed under her breath.

I can still make it! I just can't waste time finding her in the station…

Her hand twisted the accelerator and the girl sped off the split second the light turned green. Luckily due to the weather there weren't many cars on the road to navigate through, but time was running out. The biker turned onto the highway and knowing it wouldn't be much longer she paid careful attention the buildings on the sidelines and the exits.

Soon enough she was able to see a mass of bright lights and turned off the main road while looking at the time again.

Damn it! She's probably already on.

Natsuki looked at the station while she neared it.

"It's now or never!" The girl yelled to herself before turning with a loud angry screech of tires and headed towards the train tracks.

She skid through the parking lot around various careless motorists who would always back up out of the space without seeing her there. Usually Natsuki would have stopped and give them what for but the train lights were so close to her now.

The dark clouds and lightning still cloaked the sky as the girl drove over a set of tracks into the empty lane. There was only one train left at the station tonight, and it had to be the one she was looking for. She rode over the planks of wood, ignoring the discomfort and closing in on the first train car.

Natsuki slowed down for once, trying to see through the rain on the glass to find the girl she wanted. She would quickly, but carefully scan each window before moving on to the next car, by the third one she stopped in her tracks. There she was. The sight of light brown hair pressed against the glass almost brought Natsuki to tears of joy. She hadn't missed her after all.


The older girl could swear she heard someone calling her name, and turned her head in the cushion of her chair before turning back to sleep.

"Wake up before the train leaves baka!"

Natsuki screamed while digging her heels into the ground and revving the engine of her bike at full power.

The familiar roar, through dampened by sound barriers, woke the girl in a nervous shock. Her insides began to spin around, and her chest began to flutter. She turned around and pressed her face to the glass. Her lips began to tingle and tears welled in her eyes.

"…Natsuki… You came!"

Shizuru didn't even wait a second before grabbing her bags and attempting to run off the train, but Natsuki's little show had caused a crowd to gather on that side of the train, making it very difficult to move at all.

"Everyone please remain seated," said a voice over the PA, "This is probably just some teenage prank. We're sorry for the delay and this moron will be dealt with."

While the crowd began to chuckle, Shizuru was now angry and filled with the will to protect her love. Even with people literally piled over her to see out the window she stood up, using her upper body strength to physically toss the bystanders aside.


People were thrown over the seats as the girl shoved them aside, rushing to the exit.

Meanwhile, Natsuki was caught in a blissful trance-like state, smiling at the situation. However she was rudely interrupted in her thoughts by a siren.

Oh no the police! They thought simultaneously.

Knowing the other girl's quick thinking ability, Natsuki counted on Shizuru to know the plan. The biker's engine roared again, this time fading in the direction of the way she came. As she passed the last car of the train, still not driving at full speed she looked to her right at the platform. A grin crossed her face when she saw that Shizuru was running along side her.

"Get on already!" she yelled jokingly.

The thrill of riding fast in the rain while being chased filled Natsuki with the confidence to conquer the world; and what's more her love was with her too.

With joy in her soul, Shizuru tossed both bags, though large, onto each of her shoulders. Heeding natsuki's words, she successfully jumped onto the moving vehicle just as the police ran onto the platform from inside the station. She wrapped her arms around Natsuki's waist and snuggled into her back, not caring about the fact that the girl's leather jacket was soaking wet.

I'm home…

After a few moment's of making sure the older girl was secure, Natsuki charged her bike again through the hole of a fence she came though before. They made it onto the highway fast enough for to lose their pursuers. Natsuki only drove until the next exit where she turned off and pulled onto the side of the street for a more proper greeting; not to mention riding in this storm without a helmet was not save for her companion. She stopped under a tree, but it didn't do much to shield them from the rain.

Both girls got off the bike and took a moment to stare at each other in silence. They needed to make sure that this wasn't just another dream they were having. Shizuru was the one to take the first step closer, placing her arms around the shorter girl and pulling her close. Even though the thickness of her helmet Natsuki could hear the faint sobbing.

"You really came! This is real!"

Natsuki could only smile herself, moving her arms up over the other's shoulders pulling her closer.

"I'm sorry I'm late… and I made you sad…"

"It doesn't matter… you're here!"

"No I mean… the big picture too… I'm sorry I'm late."

Shizuru smiled, "I know… and it doesn't matter… because you're here now."

The pair stayed embraced in the rain for a while longer, simply enjoying the touch of the other until Natsuki noticed Shizuru's shivering.

"We need to get you inside somewhere, come on I'll take you home."

She said handing over her spare helmet to the other girl who caught it with ease but stared shyly at the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"Ara Natsuki… I don't live here anymore. My home was in the dorm remember?"

A metaphorical brick fell on Natsuki's head pinning her to the ground.

Argh… but my place is such a mess!

She sighed and stood up brushing off the fictional dust.

"Well of course I know that! You can live with me!"

She raised her eyebrow.

"…Until I find a new place?"

"…If you want…"

Natsuki replied with a hint of disappointment in her voice that didn't go unnoticed. However for the moment Shizuru got prepared for the ride back, this time carrying her bags in a much more comfortable position than when she had loosely thrown them on. The two got on and drove quickly through the storm to Natsuki's apartment, the bad weather hadn't subsided, but the chaos in their hearts was completely gone.


Once they reached the apartment Natsuki quickly parked the bike out front and hurried the other girl inside the main doors, then up the stairs. The blue-haired girl took one of the bags and led the way to the door while taking off her helmet. Shizuru did the same and for the first time in so long, in the new light of the building, had seen the girl she longed for.

"Aww damn it!" cursed Natsuki, not breaking the other girl's gaze, "I can't find my keys."

She put down the luggage and began to search through her pockets but was caught off guard by a hand around her waist. There was a slight amount of pressure, just enough to her to turn around and be face to face with those crimson eyes. They soon moved from her field of vision when Shizuru leaned close and to the side, gently kissing her cheek.

"Thank you for letting me stay," She whispered.

The closeness got to Natsuki quicker than she expected. The aura she adored was mixing with hers and she loved it. Before the older girl could step back Natsuki held the back of her head, stopping her while feeling through her hair. Her other hand gripped Shizuru's shoulder while pulling her closer. Their lips grazed each other as the jade-eyed girl whispered back.

"I want you to stay forever…"

Natsuki then titled her head back slightly pressing their mouths together.

They kissed even more passionately after the first break for air, and the control soon shifted to the taller girl. She held onto Natsuki's hips and pushed her back into the door. There was no rush to get inside so the pair remained in this peace. That is, until a small click from the other side of the door had unlocked it. Both girls' eyes widened for a second as they felt gravity begin to pull on them.

The door swung open under their weight and the two girls fell on top of each other. They took a moment to catch their breath, without getting up, before bending their necks backwards to see, though a mess of air, a short girl staring at them.

Mikoto continued to stare at the odd position the two were in.

"I thought I heard you outside so I went to check."

She paused and regained her normal mischievous grin, "Mai should be here any second to pick me up! Bye bye Natsuki-baka!"

The girl jumped over the two on all fours and was about to start skipping down the stairs when she ran back for a second.

"Oh! Welcome back Kaichou!"

Shizuru lifted her upper body to face the girl better, though now straddling Natsuki, and smiled brightly.

"Aww! Kawaii Mikoto-chan!" her smile was returned and Mikoto jumped down the stairs.

As soon as she was out of sight Shizuru leaned back down over Natsuki with a completely different expression. She grinned and kicked the door closed with her foot.

"Now… where were we?" she teased while snuggling herself closer and kissing the still-dazed-from-the-fall Natsuki.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to those personality switches.