Mid December, windy, and Hidan's coat had been ripped apart on their latest mission. It wasn't like a few big gashes that could be easily mended, on no. By the end of the fight, Hidan's coat was no more than scraps of cloth scattered on the ground.

And neither Kakuzu nor Hidan could figure out how the shinobi they fought managed to do that without making a scratch on Hidan.

"Oi, what the fuck am I going to tell Sir Leader?" Hidan said as him and Kakuzu where making their way back to the hideout.

"I have no idea…" Kakuzu said truthfully. He reran the whole thing through his head: He and Hidan where on the outskirts of a small village when the two shinobi ambushed them. Kunai and senbon flew through the air, most of which going toward Hidan. It wasn't until the end of the fight when the two Akatsuki members realized what their enemies real intentions where.

"And they got away, the fuckers!" Hidan had his arms wrapped around his exposed torso.

Kakuzu looked over at his partner. "You're shivering."

"No I'm not," Hidan answered immediately.

They continued to walk to the hideout (they still didn't know what they where going to say to Sir Leader, so they where in no hurry to get back.) As the afternoon went on, the wind picked up. Snowflakes gently swirled around the two Akatsukis.

"Aw, fuck," Hidan said. He was holding himself tighter and defiantly shivering now. "It's cold, it's cold, it's SO FUCKING COLD."

Kakuzu had been listening to Hidan complain about the "fucking cold" for the past hour and he was getting tired of it. He slipped off his coat and…

…threw it straight at Hidan's face. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Hidan yelled as he caught Kakuzu's coat before it hit the ground.

"I'm sick of hearing you complain," Kakuzu said and kept walking.

Pause. Then, "Hey I don't need your fuckin' pity-" Two black thread like things shot out of Kakuzu's arm and went around Hidan's neck.

"Shut up. Take the damned thing." The threads tightened before letting go and returning back to Kakuzu. Hidan glared at the back of the missing-nin's head. He was about to through it back at him when an especially cold wind blew and sent snowflakes dancing across his skin. He shook violently and his teeth chattered. He threw the coat on (it was a few sized too big, though), and ran after his partner, his checks feeling a bit warmer than the rest of him.

A/N: I'm probably going to rewrite this (or parts of this) withing the next few days ' But for now I'm okay with it.

Critiques and comments are loved!