Hey Guys! I'm Ineee, and this is my first story…ever. I was going to make a oneshot, but I'll make a very short story. So, tell me what you guys think. Constructive criticizm from you would be great, since I'm so new at this!

Anyways, even if this isn't so good, it goes to Stace ( zacefronihot) cause she's my first friend from FF. Many Troy boltons to you!

Disclamer: If I owned HSM, I wouldn't be writing this. So, I don't.

Gabriella walked up to the doorstep of the Bolton's and pushed open the door. She would have knoked, but she didn't really need to. Once in, she lefr her purse next to the door and went in to the kitchen. There was Lucy.

"Hey Lucy!" she said to Troy's mom, who looked like she was baking something. Gabriella loved Lucy's cooking. She had always said her mom made the best brownies, but Lucy's were really close!

"Hi Gabi! How are you?" she answerd looking up. She loved Gabriella like a daughter, she was considered part of the Bolton family.

"I'm good, you?" asked Gabriella grabbing a coockie from a jar on top of the fridge. Her favourite Bolton coockies that always were in that jar for her.

"I'm good too. Are you staying for dinner?"

"Ok, sure, thank you! What are you baking" She wasked curiously.

"Oh, just some brownies for dessert. But we're having pasta"

"Great! I'll come down in a minute to help you". With that, she went up the staris to Troy's room. Walking down whe hall, she reached her door and opened it.

"Oh, my, I'm sorry". She had just walked in on Troy making out with Amy. Amy.. Gabriella's stomach did a flip. She hated Amy. She only tolerated her because she was Troy's girlfriend and she was as nice as possible to her. But in reality, Amy was.. well, a bitch. Only Troy didn't notice. Of course, she was nice to him.

"Hey Gab, don't worry" said Troy getting up. "How are you?" he asked as he wrapped his arms tightly around his best friend, leaving his girlfriend all alone on the bed. Gabriella returned the hug and answered "I'm good, how are you?".

"Fine, fine" Troy said, sitting back on the bed. Amy wrapped her arms around him, but he didn't seem to notice at all. He was looking at Gabriella. She was wearing a pony tail today. She usually never did. Maybe it was because it was a hot day, yeah, maybe that was it. Was her hair longer? It couldn't be much.. she had cut it a month ago! But it did seem longer.

"I came over cause tomorrow I'm going to the movies with Sharpay, and wanted to wear my red top. But I realised it was here."

She flipped her hair back. She had such beautiful hair. Troy really liked his best friend's hair. All natural curls, it was gorgeous.


He loved how her hair felt against his hands when he gently stroked her hair. It was soft. It smelled good too. That was because of the shampoo she always used. Troy loved that shampoo.. yeah.

"TROY!!" Gabriella said, snapping his fingers in front of his dreamy face.

"Uh? Sorry, you were saying?". Troy smiled weakly. Gabriella giggled. God, he loved

her giggle.

"I was saying I need my red top, and it's here. So I came over, and now your mom invited me to dinner" she explained.

"Oh, OK. I think the red top is in the second drawer".

"Thanks" she said, and went to look for her top. She opened it and looked through all her clothes there.

"Why does Gabriella have clothes here?" asked Amy as nicely as she could master, which wasn't much.

"Oh, well, Gabs stays over a lot when her mom is out of town. It'd be ridiculous to have her come with an overnight bag everytime" Troy explained.

"Why aren't her clothes on the guest room then?" Asked Amy.

"Hmm, something smells good" said Troy changing the subject quickly, and walking out of the room. Amy and Gabriella stared at each other, until Amy left to find Troy.

The truth was, Gabriella had never used the guest room of the Bolton house. She always slept with Troy. They had been doing that since they were kids. Apparently, Troy didn't want Amy to know that. Why thought? Everyone sleeps with their best friends in their bed, after all.

Gabriella got her red top, and went down the stairs. She walked in the kitchen where Troy and Lucy were talking, while Amy looked bored.

"Want a hand Lucy?".

"Sure Gabi, thakns. Could you make the salad?".

"I'm on it. Troy do you want tomatoe or lettuce?" she asked while taking both out of the fridge after grabbing a bowl from cupboard.

"Both please" he said with a smile, which Gabriella returned.

Amy had had enough. "Troy I think I'm gonna go.."

"Ok!" replied Troy a bit too quickly. He went to walk her to the door.

"I don't know why he's with her, really" said Lucy when they were far enough.

"Trust me, me neither" replied Gabeilla, while chopping some tomtaoes.

Troy came back with a smile on his face. "Sooo, what's for dinner mom?". He sat down on the counter and balanced his legs.

"Pasta, but it won't be done for a while" she answered. "Why don't you go watch a movie or something?".

"Ok" said Troy, grabbing Gabriellas hand and taking her upstairs, since she had finished the salad. One in his room, they laid down on the bed, while watching "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Troy chose it, because he knew it was Gabriellas favourite. Gabriella enjoyed the first 5 minutes of it, until she fell asleep on Troy's chest, who had his arms around her. 10 minutes later, Troy followed. They snuggled closer in their sleep.

Lucy Bolton finished preparing dinner and went upstaris to look for the two teenagers. When she walked in Troy's room, she saw them both fast asleep, his arms around her, her head on his chest. She smiled and whispered: "They are so clueless".

Hope you guys liked it!



Pd: I'm argentinian, so there might be a few mistakes. Sorry!