Disclaimer: I do not own Persona 3.
N.b: I joined the photography club in my game, so Fuuka's an amateur photographer as depicted here.
an accidental memory (in case of death)
Fuuka developed and printed her own photographs in the school darkroom, and she's going through her attempts one by one, sorting out the passable from the bad before she started to print. She smiled to herself in pleasure when she noticed she's got a few nice ones this time: an off-centre framing of Natsuki-chan in summer light, Koro-chan chasing butterflies, and Aigis in an elegant yukata borrowed from Mitsuru-senpai.
She went through five more strips before her eyes fell on a picture she barely remembered taking, and her heart skipped a beat before she steadied the hanging strip. It's a picture she thought Shinjiro-senpai would have protested against if he knew it was being taken, but he was asleep then and she thought there really wasn't any harm done apart from the damage to his pride and image.
Except she would never see his reaction to the picture now.
Fuuka bit her lip before she took the strip down, and it's the first she printed when she's done making her selections. It came out a little darker than she would have liked, muted and faded, but the time-stamp showed that it had been taken during the typhoon weekend, when there wasn't much natural light to begin with. But at least the photograph was clear enough to show that she had captured what she wanted.
That evening, she carried the prints home in a manila folder, and it's to her relief that only Akihiko-senpai had returned to the dorm before her. His smile was oddly comforting as he greeted her.
"I have something for you," she said.
Akihiko-senpai's expression was open and curious as she sat down beside him and opened the manila folder, slipping the print out and handing it to him. His eyes widened slightly when he saw the picture, and he mouthed the word, "When?" until his eyes slide to the corner, and the print bent a little where his fingers pressed too hard.
"I...I thought it'd make a good memory. And a funny one," she said quietly, "If I could have showed it to Shinjiro-senpai and you."
Akihiko let out a soft chuckle at that, and his fingers relaxed and he smoothed out the slight crease he made at the edge. His other hand traced over the edge of Shinji's sleeping face slowly, down the sleeve and stopping at the part where Shinji's hand was clasped with his.
"We were watching the television," Akihiko murmured, almost to himself. "I fell asleep...I guess he did too."
"Was...was it okay that I took this without your permission?"
His eyes were still focused on Shinjiro's sleeping face, turned slightly towards his picture self, and his voice was a little rougher than usual as he replied, "It's okay. It's...nice. Shinji would have been embarassed to be caught looking like this."
He laughed again, softly. "Thank you, Fuuka. For taking the picture."