Seven Deadly Sins

Chapter One: Envy

A/N: One out of Seven Chapters.


She pouts when she does get her way. Light can only ignore her. The voyeur watches silently, nibbling on an American chocolate bar, careful to savor the sweet with his brain. Her skirt is amazingly frilly and short, causing his eyes to dart upward to her face. L was not that man. He was not an over-obsessed, hormonal-drive, fanboy. He was justice.

"Light-kun," Misa cooed. "Please, just do it!"

One kiss was what she asked for. L watched with seemingly amused eyes. They weren't really, but that was what he was telling himself. That he was amused. Yes, that explained the strange feeling in his gut.

Interacting with people was strange and new to him. These unsure feelings were very unbecoming.

"Misa, just sit down," Light was annoyed.

Well, that was not right. L believed he should show more compassion to Misa-san. She was very pretty, and very devoted to Light. The least he could do was to acknowledge her.

But then, it was not any of his business.

"Hmph!" Misa sat down, a full pout on her small and delicate face. "Perhaps, I should ask Ryuuzaki-san for one instead!"

L's eyes widened. Surely, she was joking. Yes, she must be.

That didn't stop his mind form traveling to another plane of existence. His mind formed vivid pictures, all involving the Gothic Lolita Idol, prancing around his study and he was working on a case. He saw himself calmly pointing out the advantages of eating sweets, or maybe showing her how to play chess. He saw her hand warp around his icy one, and his tall, gangly body waiting in a studio, wishing she would finish shooting so that they may spend the day together. He imagined her lips coyly smiling before planting a chaste kiss on his own.

It was not fair. Why couldn't this be a reality? Why couldn't he be happy? Why did she have to like a killer, because Light was a killer. He is a killer. And L was justice. He is justice. He, in every sense of the word, was the good guy. Wasn't the good guy supposed to win? Was he not supposed to get the lead female? So why...? Why?

L's eyes narrowed dangerously. A glare graced his pale features. He cursed the boy sitting only across from him. Why him? Why him?

Why? Why?

Why not me?

"Ryuuzaki-san, would you please give me a kiss?" Misa gave him doe eyes, and a shy smile. She was worse than Kira, L concluded. No creature should be as dangerous as her.

Before he could answer, Light spoke up. "Do what you want, but Ryuuzaki will refuse."

Misa pouted once more and sat down heavily on the couch next to her love. L sighed slowly, as if he didn't make a sound.

It was a good thing that Light spoke up before he answered. he would have regretted the decision, that was positive. It was better not to let Light-Kira-know anything that L might feel. It was the same for Misa, who was a possible second Kira.

It was good that she knew nothing of his feelings.

"No, he wouldn't," she muttered under breath as she looked away from either one of them. Light didn't hear. L stiffened.

She's joking...she must be.