It'll get better PLZ review Enjoy!


Unexpected Events

"How 'bout down there?"

"Come on Sokka, there's nothing down there!"

"I don't know, Aang, the Earth Kingdom only had about, uuuuuuuhhhhhhh, one hundred thirty-seven different unexpected events."

"Oh come on Sokka, everyone knows that the Earth Kingdom has one hundred thirty-eight different unexpected events."


"Thanks, Toph," said Katara.

"No sweat, Katara."

Sokka stood up and walked over to Appa's head. Appa groaned. "Come on guys, our buddy Appa needs to take a rest."

"That's actually a good idea," said Katara. "What do you think, Aang?"

"All right, Appa, yip yip!"

After a minute of descending from high up in the air, Aang jumped off Appa and shot through the sky down to where Sokka wanted them to stop. He landed, and his jaw dropped.
Sokka, Toph, and Katara slid off Appa's back and ran over to Aang. There jaws dropped as they stood next to Aang, looking up at the thing before them.
I know it was short but it'll get longer and better review please

P.S. put the description of a character you want to create for the story in your review and i will randomly pick a character decription and make a character in the story from that description Thanks for reading!