Sunshine in her Eyes



She was there again.

Just like yesterday, and the day before that.

Actually, she has been coming there ever morning ever since that day…

The day she lost everyone dear to her.


Kakashi knew what it felt like. One moment being happy with those you love and then the next moment, they all turn into memories…Gone, forever.

No one deserved that.

He emerged from the shadows and joined her.


She did not move.

She knew it was him approaching. She knew because of the familiar feeling that engulfed her when he was near, when they were together during the mornings.


No words were exchanged as both looked down at the cold hard stone where their beloveds' names were engraved. That's how it has always been since her first visit a month ago.

In silence, they eased each other's sorrows.

That was one of the reasons why he didn't really mind if she saw a side of him that hardly anyone saw.

He wanted her there. Her presence soothed him.

Likewise, he knew no one saw the Hyuuga heiress the way he saw her during their early meetings.

It changed his view of her completely.

She wasn't weak or helpless as people make her appear to be.


She was strong and capable, and only he, Hatake Kakashi saw this.

It was when she would glance at him, and he would see her face.

Her midnight hair moving wildly against the wind…

Her smooth, fair skin…

Flushed cheeks…

Her supple pink lips…

And her eyes…

That was where he saw it.

He saw her very being in her eyes.

Her eyes that showed experience,

Her eyes that showed determination,

Her eyes that showed hope, strength,

Her eyes that saw deep within his soul.

Her eyes…

Her beautiful eyes…

Only he saw it.

Even as the world around them grew darker, he had hope.

As long as Hyuuga Hinata was there beside him, he would have sunshine, a ray of hope.

All he had to do was look into her eyes.




A.N.: FIN! Unless you review and ask for more or a longer one ; …This was just something I had to write out…I'm not really a writer (I think you can tell?) , but I do enjoy reading fanfics! So please tell me what you thought of it!...oh and...does anyone know how to make the spacings bigger? i tried shift+enter but it still goes back to normal (

KakaHina Love!
