Well. Guess what. I finished it. It's done. This is the last chapter of Conscience. It is… quite surprising for me. Sure, there wasn't a whole lot of plot, but for me to finish any kind of chaptered story over ten chapters is amazing. Normally I get frustrated or bored and quit. But I finished. It is done. Love you all for reading it, I'm so surprised how many people ended up liking it. I didn't think an AU would go over so well. Thank you so much to Bloodsucking Leech, my wonderful, amazing, lovely, charming and efficient beta. Hooray! (And, for those of you who asked, yes, I'm working on Cupcakes: The Sequel now.)

Remember how I said at the begining I never liked the title Conscience? I guess it's going to stick, now. :p It came from this idea that Laurent, originally red-eyed and human-eater could develop a sense of human-like morality like Carlisle, and rise above that. A conscience, if you will. And hence, the title. But after writing fourteen chapters, I don't have the heart to try and rename it. Besides, I'm no closer to having a better name for it, even now. Yay. And now, on with the show.

Conscience, Part Fourteen: Farewell

"Easy, easy!" Laurent stepped from the trees with his hands up, his eyes wide in surprise. I exhaled dramatically and slumped back against the tree, my heart slowly drifting to a normal pulse. For a second, I had actually thought that James-

"What do you want," Edward growled. He still looked angry, but he had relaxed his position to a more casual one.

Laurent didn't seem to look offended, he just smiled softly. "I didn't mean to interrupt, but there seems to be a bit of a problem… back there." He pointed through the trees in the direction we had come: back toward the wedding.

"What's going-" Edward started but froze as he seemed to read Laurent's mind. He turned to me. "Do you trust me?"

I stared up at him, my eyes wide. "Yes, why?"

"If I asked you to stay here, would you? Would you trust me to act in your best interest?" My heart skipped a beat. "And would you trust me not to do anything I know you would hate me for?" What was he talking about?

"I would…" I answered honestly, my voice quivering. "But what's happening?"

"It's Jacob," he murmured. "Please, please stay put. It sounds like a fight is going to break out between Kate and Jacob. With the humans watching." My eyes widened slightly and he leaned down, kissed my temple, and was off running through the woods. I stared after him in shock.

"Jacob, you idiot!" I screamed at the top of my lungs; I hoped he could hear me. Angrily, I crossed my arms over my chest. Laurent's chuckle reminded me that he was still standing there, and I fixed my startled gaze on him.

"You're not going?" I asked him. Laurent just studied me for a moment then nodded.

"Well, since your wolf friend is attacking the coven to which I belong, perhaps it is wise for me to stay away, don't you think? If I go running in with Edward, the wolves would think he was taking my side, rather than being an agent of mutual peace," he explained softly.

I couldn't argue with his logic. I only wished I looked a little more presentable. I was in a state that only Edward was allowed to see me in; my hair a bit disheveled, dress wrinkled, and the collar still unbuttoned. Clumsily, I reached up and smoothed my hair a bit and then fumbled with the clasps on the dress. It just seemed a little improper for Laurent to catch me in my state of slight undress.

The clasps were difficult, and my fingers were tripping over the tiny wire loops. It would've been easier if I could look in a mirror, but I was forced to try it blind.

"Ah, allow me," Laurent murmured. Before I could protest, he had covered the twenty feet between us in the blink of an eye. Startled, I couldn't smother my human reaction to gasp and step back slightly. "Sorry," he murmured, though he didn't falter or step away in response.

Instead, his cool fingers brushed across my neck as he quickly fastened the collar snaps back together. It took about a second, but his hands rested around the collar of fabric lightly for a moment longer, as if he were feeling my pulse through the garment.

I stayed perfectly still, holding my breath. Edward was busy with Jacob, Alice was busy with Jacob, neither one of them would ever know until it was too late. Even if they knew the second he decided, it would still be too late.

"Your heart is racing. Are you still afraid of me?" His voice was soft but surprised. Unmoving, I just raised my eyes to look into his gold ones. The color helped; it eased my fluttering heart.

But how could I answer his question? No, not really, just that your two coven mates each tried to eat me, and I had a dream about this and James killed Edward and I thought you were James, wouldn't go over particularly well. So I said the only thing that I could.

"Not really," I tried to explain. "There's a difference between how comfortable I am around Edward and being scared of any ol' vampire," I tried to say light-heartedly. Just because I didn't cozy up to Laurent didn't mean I was afraid of him. I wasn't exactly cuddling Jasper every other second.

Laurent studied me quietly, as if trying to figure out what to say. His lips were pressed into a slightly amused smile, and his gold eyes seemed alight with humor.

Quite suddenly, Laurent turned and looked in the direction Edward had gone. Silently, he turned back to me and opened up his arms in an embrace-like gesture.

"Would you like to go back?"

"Won't Edward kill you for carrying me? And for taking me back when he told me to stay put?"

"Probably," he chuckled softly. I nibbled on my bottom lip nervously. Did I really want to take a ride from Laurent? He just seemed so… trustworthy. And besides, I wanted to know what was going on between Edward and Jacob.

"Sure," I said uncertainly, taking a few steps toward him.

"Don't move," he murmured. In a second, he vanished. Within that second, his cold arms had become a cage around me and my white gown. It took me several seconds to focus, but I realized that he was moving.

Laurent had wrapped both his arms around me and tucked me into a little ball and was holding me against his chest. Granted he wasn't running particularly fast for a vampire, but it was more ground than I could ever hope to cover on my own.

The side of my head rested on his shoulder, and I realized that it wasn't just Edward who smelled nice. Edward's scent was intoxicating. In that way, he was my singer. Only I couldn't eat him for it.

Laurent's scent was more musky, less sweet and light. There was a heavier air to it; a more dangerous one. It had never occurred to me that the scent vampires used to lure prey was different from vampire to vampire.

Perhaps certain types of humans found one more appealing than the other, and a scent would attract a particular kind of human to a vampire; perhaps that vampire's favorite choice. Edward and I were the only example of that; his scent was appealing to me – though it wasn't what attracted me to him – and I was his singer. We were the only such case – there were no other known cases of a vampire coexisting with his or her singer. Perhaps the person who found Laurent's scent to be perfect would be his singer. I shivered at the thought.

"Cold, chérie?"

"No," I murmured quietly. I felt his gait slow down, but even before we had stopped, I heard a growl. I giggled softly. Edward.

Just as Laurent was starting to set me down, I felt another pair of arms snatch me up. Instantly, the scent surrounded me, and I turned and snuggled into Edward's chest. He held me protectively, and as I peeked up to look at him, he was glaring at Laurent.

Edward turned wordlessly and carried me away, and as he did, I peeked over my shoulder and smiled weakly at Laurent. He smiled back.

"Edward? What happened? With the wolves?" I whispered softly.

"It's been sorted out," he explained, pausing so that he could set me on my feet. His arm found its way around my waist and he tugged me back into the crowd.

"The wolves were here?"

"Yes. We introduced the pack to Irina, Laurent and Tanya, but they had never seen the other three. Carlisle didn't even know they were planning to attend. But Carlisle and Sam worked it out, and everything was in the best interest of the humans." I smiled. It was still such an uplifting feeling; knowing that vampire and werewolf were getting along. Sort of.

"Bella?" I glanced up to look at him. "Would you like to meet the other three vampires? They're just like us, too," he explained as my heart skipped a beat. Nervously, I nodded. He flashed a grin and took my hand, leading me into the crowd.

We converged on a group that seemed to be separated from the rest. Alice, Jasper, Tanya, Irina, Emmett, Rosalie and Esme were all gathered around. Laurent had also rejoined them, and the three I had yet to meet hovered nearby. Only Carlisle seemed comfortable walking among the humans, and with only Carlisle did the humans seemed comfortable interacting.

As Edward drew me up to the crowd of vampires, most of them turned to look at us.

"Bella!" Alice bounded over to my side and threw her stone arms around me carefully. "You were beautiful, and you only tripped once! I'm so proud of you!"

"Edward my man!" Emmett thrust out his fist to Edward, and Edward bounced his off of Emmett's. Rosalie's reaction was quiet. I couldn't tell if she were angry or smiling. Wordlessly, she turned and disappeared into the waning crowd of guests. Emmett gave a shrug of nonchalance before turning and going after her.

"Bella," Edward said. "This is Carmen," he nodded to the slender woman. She had shoulder-length brunette hair and the striking golden eyes. She smiled softly and nodded.

He continued on, "This is Eleazar," He gestured to the man with wisps of dark hair dancing in front of his eyes standing near Carmen. I nodded my head in greeting.

I glanced over as Esme turned to her side, holding out her arms. Carlisle came to stand beside her, pulling her into an embrace not unlike the way Edward held me.

"I'm Kate," the third unknown vampire spoke, stepping toward me. She flashed a smile at Edward before looking back to me. "Hello, Bella," she said.

"Hello," I whispered, a little intimidated. Edward was at my side protectively, and I knew that never would any of the Cullens hurt me – even Jasper, now – but six other vampires surrounded me.

Without warning, Kate leaned forward so we were nearly nose to nose. She stared into my eyes for a moment, her face expressionless. I had no choice but to stare back, holding my breath.

Finally, she straightened back up and smiled.

"Well, I like the girl," she announced. Every vampire suddenly looked right at me as my face colored. Naturally, it colored even more.

"Sorry," I mumbled, turning into Edward's chest. It was embarrassing to blush in front of the vampires; every one of them abstained from human blood, and here I was clouding the air with my scent. He chuckled softly and I felt his fingers stroke through my hair.

"We should be going. Carlisle knows that, unfortunately, we cannot stay long," Carmen said.

"Yes, we tried that once, when there were even fewer of my own," Carlisle agreed. He turned to me before continuing, "Remember, we tried to live in Denali with them before settling here, but even with the eight of us, it was far too many. Carmen is right; it would be unwise for all thirteen of us to linger together very long." He turned back to the Denali coven. "It was very nice to see that everyone is well. Please drop by again sometime, even if it's just for a little while. It's always encouraging to see others like us," he said.

Eleazar nodded and looked to the rest of his coven. "Shall we?"

Heads bobbed in unison. He started toward the forest where they could run uninhibited before pausing and looking over his shoulder.

"It was very nice to meet you, Miss Bella," he said. I smiled softly and turned back to face them.

"It was nice to meet you, as well," I said. Quite pleasant to meet a vampire outside my family who didn't want to eat me.

Eleazar nodded and resumed his pace to the forest.

"Congratulations, Edward," Carmen said with a wave, turning to follow her mate.

"Mm 'Bye!" Kate said, waving before bounding off toward the forest.

"It was nice to see you again, Dr.Cullen," Irina said quietly before turning and following. It did not escape my notice that she said nothing to Edward or me.

Laurent was next, and he turned to leave without a word. Suddenly, I felt Edward stiffen at my side. Laurent turned around and slowly walked over to us.

"Never before have I met someone quite as intriguing as you, Bella," he said. He glanced to Edward. "Nor have I ever seen such an unlikely situation," he added. "But, I am very pleased that I was able to see you again. That the James thing resolved itself the way it did… and not… another way." He nodded. "Perhaps I'll get the grace to see you again," he leaned in to whisper, though any vampire would know what he said anyway, "Perhaps when you have acquired your grâce éternel." Edward groaned slightly next to me. He still wasn't looking forward to that.

I couldn't stop the grin that split across my face. Edward just sighed heavily next to me.

"Until then, chérie," he lifted up my hand and brought it to his lips, placing a kiss on top of my hand. Releasing my hand gently, he turned and went to join the rest of his covenmates standing in the darkness of the forest.

Tanya stood there, watching Laurent's retreating back. A smile was quirking at her lips. Edward had just begun to relax and then tensed again.

"No, that will not work," he said. Tanya's expression drooped into a pout. "Sorry. I allowed Laurent to do so to Bella, but no, you may not kiss me, my hand, nor any other part," Edward said tartly.

"Alright then. Congratulations, Edward, you funnygrumpy. Congratulations, Bella! And Dr. Cullen and Mrs. Cullen! Your coven has – um," - Edward tossed a dark look at Tanya – "might expand, but your family certainly has for now, and that's worth congratulating." She smiled exuberantly before turning. Over her shoulder, she winked at Edward. I glanced up to catch him rolling his eyes.

As she disappeared into the darkness, a light breeze blew through the area. I knew even before Edward let out his held breath and relaxed his stiffness that they were gone. Quietly, Alice, Jasper, Esme and Carlisle made themselves scarce, allowing us our privacy.

It was then that I heard it; the faint beginnings of a waltz.

"May I have this dance?" I blushed as Edward swooped low into a gentlemanly bow.

"You know I can't dance," I explained.

"But you're with me." Apparently, he wasn't taking no for an answer, and reached down. Within seconds, we were whirling through the moonlight, my diamonds scattering little rainbows everywhere. It was truly like a dream.

"Edward, I'm dancing," I exclaimed. Somehow, my feet were staying underneath me. As Edward pulled me around, it was natural. My feet seemed to know where to go; perhaps because he was leading me, there was only one place for my feet to go. They didn't get confused or stumble. Much.

"I told you; it was all in the leading," he chuckled. Quickly, his hand on my waist tightened to catch me as I stumbled. "I can't do anything about that, though," he murmured humorously as he pulled me right back into the dance. I blushed.

The trees whirling around us glittered from the diamonds around my neck. There were people watching us; I could see their blurred faces whirl by. My world was focused, however, on the one thing that wasn't blurred out: Edward.

"If you look into my eyes, it will be easier not to stumble. If you don't think about what you're doing, you won't – shouldn't – trip," he corrected himself. I glanced up and met his face. The less I thought about what my body was doing, the easier it was to let him guide me through the motions. It was effortless, amazing, magical, surreal –

"Unbelievable," I murmured. His lips cocked into a faint smile.

"What was that with Kate? When she was looking at me?" His smile faltered slightly, but then returned.

"Still asking questions," he sighed softly. "Kate has... a gift. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, we don't fully understand it. I don't even think she does. She can look at people and know… who they are."

I frowned in confusion. "But she knew who I was before she looked at me."

"Well, not in the sense of what your name is, but in the sense of what you're capable of. What kind of a person you are. What sort of darkness you harbor in your heart. For example, you could have someone who is very cold and hateful and hurtful, but if they were interacting with people – and not planning to do bad things or thinking bad thoughts in my and Alice's case – and acting nice and pleasant, you'd never know what they were capable of." He stopped only briefly before continuing.

"Kate would. Even if they thought nice things, planned nice things, she would still see that raw hatred inside of them and know that they were capable of very dangerous things." He paused, giving me time to process what he was saying.

"So, she… well… you can read minds… she can read… hearts?" It sounded silly, but Edward was right; it was incredibly difficult to find a word to describe it.

"Something like that, I suppose that could work. She can read dead hearts, too," he said, indicating that the talent worked on vampires as well as humans. I glanced up at him curiously.

"Did she make… advances, too? When you were in Denali?" Edward shrugged softly.

"It's hard to say. She did. But… I think she knew… that I wouldn't let them win. Tanya tried the hardest. Kate… tried, I think, because she couldn't believe what she was reading from me, and wanted to prove it was wrong."

I nodded again, a smile curling at my lips.

"But she wasn't wrong, was she?"

"No," he whispered, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

We continued to whirl away under the moonlight. As we moved about the cleared area, the diamond sparkles ran across his body and face and my body and face. Some of the sparkles got caught in my hair, and the ones that touched my skin caused my skin to glow softly beneath the light.

"What about Laurent," I asked. Edward didn't falter in step, though he did raise his eyebrow. "He has a gift, doesn't he?" His lips twitched slightly.

"You picked up on that, didn't you?"

"The trusting thing?" Edward only nodded in assent. "It just… seemed like I shouldn't tell him much because of everything, but despite that, I did. I told him a lot, actually. Probably more than I ever should have. But I couldn't help it!" I sighed, frustrated. It was easy to be frustrated now that he had left.

"It's alright," he murmured. "You did fine. Everything turned out alright, see?" He kissed my forehead again.

Our spinning started to slow. I could make out people's faces, distinct tree contours, even specific stars in the sky. Gradually, we stopped. How I had managed that without becoming dizzy, I didn't know.

Edward stared down into my eyes and for a moment of blinding passion, we were locked together.

"Mine," he whispered fiercely.

Without warning, he leaned down and stole my lips. His arms wrapped around my body, pulling me closer as I wrapped my arms around the back of his head. We both wanted so much more than what he could give at this time. His lips stayed tightly closed.

We stood like that for… minutes? Hours? I lost track of time. My world was spinning again, even though we were standing still. He continued to kiss me, and I didn't doubt we would stop before the dawn broke.

Mine, I thought. All mine.