Heart-andex Attack
Chapter 1
I do not own any of the characters or the show Naruto. Although the storyline and theme are mine.
Thanks for reading, hope you review!
Like my other story 'I Scream For Tenten', this story takes place during the 2 and a half time skip after Naruto also known as Naruto Shippuden.
"……." is talking
Blah blah blah is thinking
Tenten woke up in her apartment and yawned, stretching her arms. Her hair was messy and weapons were scattered across her room.
"What should I do today? Hmm…I guess I could ask Neji if I could hang out with--- NEJI! TRAINING. 5 AM, AND ITS 9 AM RIGHT NOW. CRAP!" Tenten screamed as she scrambled out of bed.
"Must hurry before Neji gets mad at me," she said as she fixed her hair up into her normal 2 bun style.
"Now, where in the world is my training outfit?"
Tenten ran over to her closet and opened it, to see a hideous sight.
"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! WHERE ARE ALL OF MY CLOTHES?!?!" Screamed Tenten, yet again as her face turned pale and the world went black.
Instead of her training outfit and all of her usual clothes hanging in her closet, the entire thing was filled with Green Spandex Suits. From small to large, jacket to suit, it was like God had sent Gai's grandfather to punish her for her sins.
"Ne--, Nee--, HELP ME NEJI!" she screamed as her twitched madly and fainted.
-Team Gai's training ground-
"Hn, can't believe Tenten forgot about training." Neji complained as his face was deep into a frown.
"Do not be so unyouthful Neji! I'm sure Tenten was just preparing her youth so that you two could have a youthful training and a youthful day!"
Neji glared at Lee with his signature Hyuuga glare.
"If you don't shut up about all that 'youth' crap I will make sure you will never get the chance to be 'youthful' with Sakura. Although it's not like you would ever get the chance," replied Neji.
As Lee sweat dropped and gave Neji a thumbs up, as they heard someone screaming in the distance.
"Crap, that sounds like Tenten. What if she's hurt, what if someone's hurting her!?!" Neji cussed, turned on his Byakugan and ran off in the direction of Tenten's scream."
As Neji disappeared, Lee suddenly smiled sneakily.
"Must spread the youth!" Lee shouted as he suddenly appeared in a tye-dye spandex suit with hippie glasses as he did a thumbs up instead of a peace sign. Of course, passer byres fainted.
As Neji broke into Tenten's apartment, he called her name.
"Tenten? Where the hell are you? Are you ok?" he asked.
"Nej--, NEJI! HELP! MY EYES, THEY BURN!!" she screamed.
"I'm coming Tenten, don't hurt yourself!" he replied as he entered Tenten's room.
Don't worry guys, this isn't the end of 'Heart-Andex Attack'. I am currently working on the next chapter, and I'm almost done. Check out my other story while I finish up the next chapter, and don't forget to come back and check!
Thanks for reading!