Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Percy Jackson
"Setle down, children" Mrs. Stress said. Her last name Stress was there for a reason. She's the last person you'd expect to go stressy. Children ran all over the room. A girl with blond- hair and regular gray eyes ( a/n the characters will have normal colored eyes instead of stormy and electric) sat in the corner reading a picture book. Her hair was in pigtails and she wore a pink shirt and shorts. Her name was Annabeth.
Another girl had black hair and and regular blue eyes. She looked like a punk/ goth in toddler form. She wore a black shirt and black pants. Her name was Thalia.
Another girl had dirty blonde hair that looked it hadn't been combed ever since the day she was born. Her eyes were brown and she wore a red shirt and jeans. Her name was Clarisse. A guy with black hair and a brown suit came in.
"Is there a problem" the guy asked.
"Oh no problems at all Mr. Black. The children were just expressing therselves on the first day of school" Mrs. Stress said. Mr. Black looked at Clarisse who was tying a boy to a chair with rope.
"That's a wierd way to express" Mr. Black said heading out the doors. Before he left he shouted, "CEASE!" All the children froze. Annabeth looked up from book. Thalia looked at Mr. Black with wide-eyes. Clarissse stopped putting glue in a boy's mouth.
"Now say everything about you one at a time" Mrs. Stress said. She pointed to Annabeth.
"My name is Annabeth. I'm from Virginia. My dad's an idiot and that's about it" Annabeth said.
"Okay how about you" Mrs. Stress said pointing to Thalia.
"My name is Thalia. I'm from California. My mom is crazy and did I mention I like music that explains how useless life is" Thalia said.
"Eh that's good enough". Mrs. Stress pointed at Clarisse.
"My name is Clarisse. I'm froooooooo- I don't know and I like torturing the young minds" Clarisse said.
"I have an interesting class this year" Mrs. Stress said under her breath. Everybody else introduced themselves. They all went to recess
"Hey so you're from Virginia?" Clarisse said to Annabeth who was on a bench reading a picture book.
"Yeah" Annabeth said. Then Clarisse grabbed one of her pigtails and yanked her to the monkey bars. Clarisse began tying Annabeth's hair around one of the bars. Clarisse left, laughing at Annabeth. Annabeth struggled but it was no use. Thalia came and untied Annabeth's hair.
"Thanks" Annabeth said.
"You're welcome. I fix the problems that Clarisse causes. Except Beckendorf, he's the one that ate glue. He's uh what's that word. Likes it a lot uh" Thalia said trying to find the word she was looking for.
"Addicted kinda means what you said".
"So you want to be friends?"
"Kay". They walked away together, towards Mrs. Stress who tried to prevent Beckendorf from eating more glue.
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