Hi uuuuummm… I don't really have anything to say to you
I really wanted to write something for Halloween… soooo.. yes this is what I came up with it
Couples: Tala/Kai
Warning: This story has sexually implied themes/content
Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade
And if I did own beyblade, Tala Kai would have more sexies : 3
Now read
Icing on the Cake
By; iixne
Chapter One
One Shot
Costume Party
Do you know how absolutely wonderful and sexy I look?
Well I look absolutely wonderful and sexy
So now you know
Tala is wonderful and sexy and no one says other wise
No I tell you
Ahem, right, moving on
It's Halloween!!!
And I'm a totally hot and sexy vampire!!!!
Who's totally hot and sexy!!!
…right I should stop doing that now…
"Talaaaa??" I heard a voice calling from the bedroom
GASP, my sweet is calling me
I smiled my wonderful sexy fangy grin and hopped over towards the hall
I'm going to have sexies tonight
He just doesn't know it yet, but there will be sexies!!! Sexies I say!
"Tal do you think this make up makes me look hideous beyond belief?" I heard him ask as I got closer to the door
"Now now Kai, there's not enough make up in the woooooorld- to make someone like you look hideous.."
I turned the corner and entered the room, eyes resting on Kai
My eyes widened
Kay so like… I was totally wrong…
"Oooooo… on second thought maybe there is…"
Kai raised an eyebrow and smiled, "good" he walked past me
I paused
…Kay me no want sexies with ugly thing…
is that really Kai??
My Kai?
My beautiful Kai?
The Kai I like taking showers with and stare at sleeping all the time in a totally non stalker I stare at you sleeping all the time kinda way, that Kai?!?
I mean it, soooouuuunds like my Kai
But it looks like…
"I don't like your make up" I said aloud, voicing my thoughts
AH, it looked back at me!!
I scrunched my face up
What kind of question was that, I'm a sexy vampire and you're ….you're… wait…
"Well, what are you suppose to be??"
Kai looked off to the side, he looked like he was thinking, "I'm suppose to beeeee………………………….." he looked back and smiled at me, "ugly"
Oh my god, he even ugly-fied his teeth
I don't wanna kiss that…
"..Hoooow… creative…"
I followed Kai into the living room
... Well at lease 'it' still has Kai's ass : 3...
Okay, getting more serious, costume party is in 30 minutes
and I need to make Kai change his costume
So we can be hot and sexy together
"So… wanna tell me why you chose to be…. Ugly?"
Kai sat on the couch, I sat down too
Kai smirked, "so you wouldn't try to get me really drunk or try to make us leave the party leave to try to have sex"
…But it's okay…
I'm smart… I can handle this
So I did what any other smart and sexy vampire does
And kept
"What?! But I want seeeeeex!!!"
Okay no one said I was good at it
….But it's hard keeping cool!
I mean come on- it's Kai we're talking about
The sexy… sex god of… like… sex…
Tally likes sexies….
Kai's smirk widened
He's enjoying this
He's enjoying that I was unable to keep my coolies
…and that smirk should have been sexy
But that make up- is just TOTALLY throwing me off
"I don't see why you're so upset" He started talking as he leaned back on the arm of the couch and closed his eyes, "this way chances are no one'll hit on me, not to mention I doubt anyone would really recognize me"
Oh my God
But there's only one problem…
I mean that's great and all if he doesn't look hot but...
"Then I won't be the envy of like every single person there when they see my dancing and making out with you"
It's okay Tala, it's okay
Play it off
Keep your cool
Just play it like you meant to say that
I slapped my hands over my mouth and my eyes widened as I let out a squeaky "oh crap!"
Right I really suck at this playing it cool thing
Note to self
…work on that…
Kai opened his eyes and looked at me
"I dunno whether I'm suppose to be flattered or angered by that comment"
"Flattered, definitely flattered" I smiled sexily at him
Kai raised an eyebrow
"And fyi I would still do you even if you did have that make up on" I reassured him
"oh really" Kai questioned, I'm hinting a 'I-don't-believe-you' attitude behind that, Kai leaned closer and closed his eyes, "alright then, kiss me"
I blinked
With …with him… and his… make up??
But eeerr, aaaahhhhh…. Eeeewwww
"I would…"
Kai half opened his eyes, "but…"
"but you have a lot of make up on… annnd…. I don't really want it to get on me"
Kai pulled back and sat up, "Liar!" Kai glared at me slightly, "you don't wanna kiss me cause I'm ugly, you're shallow"
"am not!"
"are too!"
"am not!!!"
"are too!!!!"
"oh you, SO ARE"
I leaned closer to Kai, "look, if this was your real face- I would kiss you. But it's not" I rubbed a finger on his make up and held it up, "and this face, comes off- I just don't want it to come off, on me"
Kai gave me a, 'i-don't-believe-you-or-rather-I-don't-care-for-your-explaination-because-I'm-really-hot-and-I-call-all-the-shots-and-practically-decide-whether-you-get-sex-tonight-so-you-better-start-doing-and-saying-what-I-want-cause-I'm-stubborn-and-won't-have-it-any-other-way' look
….yes there is a look for that….
Kai shut his eyes again and turned his head to look the other way, "you only like me when I'm beautiful"
I blinked, "funny, usually when people say that- it's because they look better with make up on, but you just went backwards there"
Kai glared at me
Time for plan B
I'm gonna make him take his make up off
By ruining it so much he has to redo it
He opened his mouth to speak
And I grabbed his shirt and shoved my tongue down his throat : 3
I pulled back
Kai blinked, "W-wel… I…ahem…" I grinned and pressed my lips against his again
After making out and playing tongue wars for a good 5 minutes
I got so lost in the hand moving, tongue tying, dick groping and intimacy of the kiss
That I forgot about his make up and started kissing down his jaw bone
And you'd be amazed how good and sweet he tastes right now!
That's insane!!!
I wonder how he….
……………………… wait a minute
I paused, lips pressed against his jaw bone and opened my eyes to stare at his make up covered cheek
This is make up…
…this is make up?
I pulled back slightly and licked the make up off his cheek
Okay, no overreacting!!! I'm just gonna handle this in a calm manner…
"Icing?!" I pulled back and stared at Kai disbelievingly, "you made make up out of icing?! You…You covered yourself in icing?!"
Right I give up…
Kai's lips curled and soon he was laughing in my arms, "well yea- idiot, wondered how long it's take you to figure it out"
Wait so…. Wait
That's why he wanted me to kiss him?!
"So… I mean… What did you put on your teeth??"
Kai blinked, "oh I was eating blue candy earlier"
"Oh… well… that sucks"
"…It comes off eventually you know"
"I know… but your teeth match your hair"
Kai gave me a 'right-you-should-probably-stop-talking-now' look
Guess I'll change the topic
I smiled and leaned forward licking him again, "but you covered your face in icing…. Tasty"
"…That's not the only place I put icing…" I heard him whisper
Okay that sounds kinky
He really is my Kai! …Somewhere under all that icing… and I will find him : 3 it'll take lots of licking and unnecessary groping- but mark my words I will uncover him
Well I definitely learnt something today
Kai can be ugly, tasty and hot all the same time
Man I love this guy
"Guess I should help you clean up then, hm?" I whispered back
"We'll be late for the party…"
"I don't care if we don't even show up… I hate those people anyway"
Kai laughed
"Oh and Tala?" I heard him say as he started working his hands under my shirt
"…You really do make a sexy vampire…"
"Heh, and you make a tasty treat" I licked his face again, no lies there, "I want to suck your blood…"
"How bout you suck my dick?"
"Whatever you say candyman : 3"
Tee hee hee… I guess I am getting sexies tonight
: D YAY Kai/Tally sexies
Soooo yes… that was just random randomness that my random mind managed to randomly conjure up …. At random…
: ) thank you for reading
Review : D