Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy etc belong to the Scottish lady we all bow down to. I just play with them, so don't sue.
The week of camping flew by. Harry had the best time he had had in quite a while. Even Malfoy only complained about the bugs or lack of magic no more than three times a day.
Harry woke up on their last morning feeling less than pleased. They returned to London tomorrow, back the real world. Harry did not want to go. Malfoy was already up and gone from the tent. Harry got up, shivering slightly at the cold. The majority of the team was already up, huddling around the fire. Harry slid into a seat next to Malfoy and accepted the cup of tea he was handed. Malfoy knew just how he liked it.
It was funny, but Harry still called him Malfoy. Harry knew that after all that they'd done, he probably should call the bloke by his first name, but that was just bizarre. Besides, Malfoy still called him Potter.
Later that day, Harry and Malfoy were walking through the woods. The team had split up, everyone doing what they wanted on the last day. It had warmed up quite a bit, but the wind provided a pleasant breeze. The trees were beautiful, their foliage full and green. The shadows had a green tint, but instead of making Malfoy look seasick, he looked fantastical. Almost like an elf.
That almost brought a smile to Harry's face, but not quite. Malfoy looked over, his gaze lingering on Harry's face.
"You're over-thinking something," he stated.
"Wha—How did you know?" asked Harry, bewildered.
"Whenever you think to hard about something, your brow furrows and you bite your top lip." Harry reluctantly released his hold on his lip. "What is it?"
"What are we doing?" asked Harry.
"I would say taking a walk, but I assume even you figured that out on your own," Malfoy drawled. Harry felt his lips twitch. When Malfoy wasn't being sarcastic and snarky at Harry, he was actually quite funny.
"I mean, what's going on between us?"
"I would call it a relationship," replied Malfoy, "wouldn't you?" Harry only just caught the slightest hint of worry in Malfoy's last words. He stopped, and turned to face Harry.
"But when we get home, everything will change. We have different lives, and I don't fit into yours. Is this just a quick shag, and then we go back to being just teammates? Something convenient when we're stuck in the woods?" Malfoy's eyebrows were as high as Harry had ever seen them.
"Potter, you idiot." But it was said in such an affectionate manner that Harry looked up. "You've fit into my life ever since we were eleven. You've always been there. That fact that we've found more pleasurable ways to vent the tension between us doesn't change that. I don't know how this is going to work, or if it even will. But you're happier than I've seen you in a long time, and I'm happier than I've been in awhile. We'll never know what could happen unless we try. And I don't know about you, but I want to try."
Harry didn't reply immediately, and there was an awkward silence. A million and one thoughts raced through his head, but he could only focus on one thing. Malfoy wanted this thing, this relationship to continue. Finally, after the silence dragged on for several seconds, Malfoy made a noise in the back of his throat.
"Well, I guess you don't feel the same way, I'll just be going. I'll try not to make it awkward for you--" he looked up at Harry and broke off, mouth slightly open. Harry was bearing down on him. Malfoy took a step back, and then another, until he was backed up against a tree. "Potter, what are you doing?" Malfoy's voice was a few octaves higher than normal.
"You really want me? You wouldn't be ashamed to show me off to your friends, or to let people know about us?" asked Harry, voice low and disbelieving.
"I thought I made that clear, and anyways, your friends would have a bigger problem with me..." But that was as far as he got, for Harry bit down on his exposed neck. Malfoy made an inarticulate noise, breath speeding up.
"My friends can handle it," Harry murmured into his neck. He licked and nipped, moving slowly down Malfoy's neck, hands deftly unbuttoning his shirt. Harry ran his hands up and down the pale stomach as Malfoy's hand came up to grab Harry's hair. Harry moved his mouth down to a nipple, and Malfoy moaned and arched into Harry. Harry moved over to the other nipple, while one hand moved farther south. The groan he got in response made Harry chuckle, and move his mouth back up to Malfoy's for a kiss.
Malfoy opened his mouth compliantly and let Harry's tongue in. Malfoy had recovered his wits enough to move his hand down to Harry's crotch, and was rewarded with a gasp. Malfoy fumbled with the fly, but eventually got it open and pulled out Harry's cock. It was red and hard, and already leaking. When Malfoy ran his finger over the slit, Harry moaned. Harry moved his hand down to help, and wraps it around Malfoy's trouser-clad cock. Malfoy mumbled inarticulately, occasionally a "gods," or "please," or "more," slipping past his lips.
The tree is digging into Malfoy's back, and everything is happening quite fast, but its what both of them need. It takes a remarkably short time before Harry moans ,"so close," and spurts white, sticky cum all over Malfoy. Malfoy only lasts a few seconds longer, but when he comes, he yells, "Harry!" It is the first time either of them has called each other by their first names. Harry leans on Malfoy, both of them catching his breath. Once his breathing is under control, he pulls back and looks at Malfoy.
"I guess I should call you Draco, now." said Harry
"I guess you should," replied Draco, grinning.