Hi, dear English speakers! Here I am, Nanamy, a french girl with the charm from my country!

No, I don't overestimate myself, I'm just realistic... Well, ok. I stop here. Sorry, it's French humour, (anyway you have no humour... Sorry, I keep silent! )

Well, nearby friends of the other side of La Manche, I come to you to submit yourselves to my crazy ideas. I begin with a fiction, at the same time mystic and sensual...

I hope it will charm you as much as my frog eaters readers (Sooo disgusting!). I want to wake the lustful side which slumbers in each of us...

This first chapter will be a stake in mouth, to prepare your senses for the Ecstasy to come.

Before I let you read this chapter, rather this prologue, I'd like to thank my darling of love who translated this fiction for you. A small message for our British friends:

" Hello, so depraved and lascivious reader, I appear to you, your devoted Kyouki, personal translator of Nanamy-chan, and additionally part-time French slave of your favorite author (Nanamy is laughing). I apologize for the clumsiness of language, I tried hard to restore, as much faithfully as I could, the light and mutineer spirit of this short story. Please don't hesitate to point me out my faults in your reviews, it's always more pleasant to read a text without mistakes!!! Well, have a nice reading, and let wander your imagination ... " Kyouki .

Well, my translator is funny and mutineer, isn't she? Sorry, she's my private property... (Kyouki: WHAT !?!?!)

Shhh, I'm chatting XD .

Well, this display is made, so I leave you.

We meet ourselves in the chapter 2 (Kyouki: Well, if you have a reader...) Don't be so pessimistic ! Of course I'll have! So, goodbye dear friends ! Don't worry this is French humour! (Kyouki: Well, at this stake, it's humour "made in Nanamy". I am afraid for the sequence...) No comment ...

Chapter 1 the young Yuya

0 o O 0 o O

Yuya Shiina, a youg women aged of 16, was living in a small studio in Tokyo, the most exciting city of the World, as her brother, who died shorlty before, said to her all the time. She lived alone since one year, without him, without his smell, without his small kisses to help her to wake up in the morning, which always got on the young sister's nerves.

She promissed him that, whatever could arrive, she would continue her studies in this famous school that was Tyontu Secondary School because his brother, thanks to his rage and the family Shiina's temper, obtained a grant in this school for middle-class students. That's why she couldn't, under no circumstances, withdraw from her studies… for her brother, her promise. Yet, she had to cover her needs, so she decided to find a job on evening.

Thus, during the day she was the gentle Yuya ( whitout her moods) brilliant student in lower sixth, studying economy and social sciences ; and on evening she was Ishanty, dancer. But not a classic and usual dance : it was sensual and exotic choreography, which was really in demand by the male race, in a small and discreet Cafe, where only well-off people could enter. These regular customers weren't anyone, but often the children of some wealthy persons who met there.

Yuya was dancing at the Hupapa Cafe for about six months, and in this while, she became the star of this place. Indeed, lots of customers, especially men, went in this Cafe because they wish to see her performance. She was then an object of greed, un kind of trophy. If someone could seize her, he was quite a King !

Yuya was pleased to work there. She was never disturbed by « perverted » customers, moreover she had a friend there, one of the waitresses called Okuni.

Yuya was a little bit jealous of her friend's beauty. In fact, with her long and beautiful hair, which fell on her hips, her thin face (with a small beauty spot in the corner of her mouth which harmonized her almost perfect face) and her female assets, that any man could deny, she was absolutely magnificient.

She was also at Tyontu School, and in the same class as Yuya. The two women promissed, by a pact of blood, that they would never reveal the place where they worked, and what they did after school, otherwise they'd be expelled from the school.

An establishment with the fame of Tyontu didn't accept such women.

And be dismissed after all the efforts done by her brother in order to open her the doors of this school would be terrible, she couldn't get over it.

Beep ! Beep ! rang the clock of the fair-haired girl, but this shrill ringing seemed rather mean « go on, lazybones, wake up ! »

Yuya's eyes opened with many difficulties, but the worst was about to come, because the soft ray of sun which screened by the window dazzled her. This contact made her pull.

She so-so got up, and sat on her bed.

« hi big brother, that's a nice day, isn't it ? I'll come back later this evening, 'cause I dance. The boss said me that there'll be important people this night, but I don't care ! As long as they don't come to harass me, that goes ! » she said with a sweet voice, which she wanted to be soothing, to a photoof her deceased brother.

« Well, I'd better prepare myself, otherwise I would be in late…again ! » she thought.

She stood up and hurried to have a shower, which woke her up slowly, softly.

She wore her school uniform, took her bag and a little snack, that she prepared the eve, before leaving by double-locking her studio.

She ran in Tokyo streets , wishing not to be too late, particularly when she saw the gates of her secondary school closing quite slowly. She pricked a sprint and before that bars closed, she just crossed them. Nevertheless, in the haste, she collided with somebody.

Ouch !

" Hey! Can't you look where you're walking, kid?! " A loud voice complained.

The young woman raised her head and catch sight of a handsome man, with deeply dark hair which fell on his shoulders ; and his eyes, as red as blood, that she had already seen several years before. But this was not the time to bore the fair girl ! She wasn't in a good mood ! She had class with the most terrible professor of mathematics of the secondary school ; he was named Kyôichirô something… er… she never managed to remember his surname , but she made fun of it, because everybody nicknamed him " the Ex Red King"… Don't try to understand !!

« hmm, ok, I am sorry, so now go away ! I have a class ! » she groaned, while she stood up with difficulty. The man looked her getting up, chocked by her behaviour. Then, a mean smile outlined on his face.

« Hey, you ! I'm gonna teach you to respect me, kid ! » he exclaimed by catching violently the collar of her uniform. This unexpected motion made Yuya's heart beat wildly.

« Gosh, who's this ? » thought she before the rage overcame her : « who does he think he is ? »

For her childhood, yuya hated men too proud and self-confident. She had to thrash him ! She slowly caught her pepper spray (very useful to defend against agressors !) when a guard, Saizo, arrived to calm down the two children and send them in class.

« It's class time ! Go on, everybody return to his classroom ! » yelled him with his loud voice.

It was a good excuse for yuya to run away, and she thread her way behind the guard. But before leaving she turned round on the sexy saturnine and stuck out her tongue with a mocking smile, thinking he was just an idiot middle-class who thinks he's a Yakuza just because his father is wealthy. She really hated this kind of men…

The boy grimaced in whisphering : « Hmm. Just wait, young kid. We'll see about that ! We'll meet up later… »