Thanks for hanging in there, loyal followers. This is all for you!
Going for 6
Living with the Duke's wasn't half as bad as Jackie had envisioned. Pauline was always around for food and company. Luke was always around for a laugh. Jesse never hesitated to make her feel welcome, plus, her and Daisy had become even closer since their conversation in Daisy's Jeep.
And Bo was…Bo. He was hardly around to annoy her since he was training for The Race he wouldn't shut up about.
Jackie knew everything there was to know about this race, whether she cared an ounce or not. Most customers at the Boar's Nest were discussing it. There were twice as many fights due to arguments over who had a better car or which driver was to win. She was asked a number of times about Bo's training schedule to settle gambling odds discussions, but would always insist she knew nothing of motorsports and would be of no help.
All she knew is that he lived, breathed, was that car as far as she was concerned. Early mornings she would hear the loud roar of "The General" coming to life and the gravel shift as Bo and his baby shot out of the farm and off to God-Knows-Where. It wasn't until Jackie and Pauline would be setting the table for dinner that they would hear the roar again, approaching the Duke farm.
All he talked about was the race, The General and his 6th win. Jessie, Luke and Bo took up most of dinner talking about Bo's competitors, their cars and the terrain. Somehow they would always come back to a discussion about the best American rally cars, but by that stage the girls had retired to the living room, more intent on "Jeopardy". Even as they went up to bed, Jesse and Bo (Luke would usually lose interest after dinner) would be weighing up the pro's and cons of wet terrain, or pouring over the map of the course.
The day before the race was the busiest Jackie had ever seen Hazzard. Every resident in Hazzard had set up camp "literally" along the track, as well as tourists and car lovers, to get a piece of the action.
The Boar's Nest was way over capacity. Boss Hogg didn't care, money was money, and he was going to milk this cash cow for all it was worth. Daisy, Jackie and the other bar maids were run off their feet; pulling beers while pouring shots and screaming orders to Toadie in the kitchen, who was clambering around the kitchen somehow ploughing out food and keeping his head on.
The Duke boys were in their usual corner with fans fawning over Bo. He stayed quiet as Luke talked up his cousin to anyone who would listen.
"That's right ladies, you are talking to the winner of tomorrow's race, right here," He grabbed Bo by the shoulders and shook him enthusiastically, "No doubt about it, he's the best in Hazzard, the best in Georgia. Hell! He's the best in the goddamn South!"
Jackie learned that any mention of "The South" in Hazzard warranted great cheers and "yahoo" 's from everyone in the vicinity, and this was no exception. Beer was thrown into the air as every soul in the Boar's Nest toasted their beloved Confederacy. Luke called a huge "yeehaw!", chugged down half his glass and wiped his forearm over his mouth, teetering slightly. Daisy noticed this and caught Jackie's eye.
"I think it's about time we cut Luke off,"
Jackie grinned "Not Bo?" She asked.
"He ain't drinking before a race, girl!"
She wasn't lying. Jackie had been too absorbed in feeding everyone food and alcohol that she hadn't even noticed Bo's lack of drink amidst everybody else's glasses. She felt a twinge of respect for the guy, who had something he was so passionate about. She had admired his focus the past week.
Careful now! Let's not start liking the guy, she told herself and went out onto the floor to clear tables tentatively.
Jackie skirted around the tables, avoiding the grasps of the seedier looking tourists who had blown in tonight. She'd been confident at the start of the night, just like any other, but had become less so when liquid courage had made the guys, and some of the girls, feeling frisky.
First it was an accidental graze of the leg, then onto the ass and boobs. By now they had moved into full of grasping of anything they could get at. Jackie didn't want to make any trouble, and she knew some were just doing it to get a rise out of her, but she wanted the night to end. Soon.
She had set the tray down and began to wipe one of the tables when she was not so gently grabbed from behind by her hips and pulled into some retched man's groin. Jackie screamed and tried to grab the table to get free, but whoever it was had gotten a good grip, his fingers now in her belt loops, and he made lewd gestures as he jeered.
Jackie was beet red with embarrassment and shame, almost in tears, when a rage she hadn't known burst inside of her. She whipped around, hearing glass smash and caught his jaw with her elbow temporarily dislodging him, allowing her to turn around and face her attacker.
Johnny Coltrane was massaging his jaw as Jackie was about to scream obscenities at him when she heard a cry from the Duke corner. Jackie briefly saw Bo Duke's face, his temple pulsing and his jaw clenched, before his own fist collided with the other side of Johnny's face. Johnny was struck out cold and hit the dirty bar floor with a great thud.
Jackie snapped her head up to look at Bo, not quite knowing whether to scream at him, thank him, or burst into tears. Their eyes locked and she searched his face for a hint of what to do. Bo's jaw was clenched but now his brow raised as he scanned her own face. Jackie saw almost everyone's eyes on them as her own briefly darted around the room. Fight or flight reaction kicked in and, having used her fight, took one last fretted look at Bo before she ran out the saloon doors of the Boar's Nest.
Jackie sat, locked in her pick up, heaving her chest heavily in what she thought might be a panic attack. She guessed it was the adrenaline coursing through her that made her half laugh, half cry. Her hands clenched the steering wheel, trying to gain some sort of control on her emotions.
Trying to gather her thoughts, she began to think of what to do next. She couldn't go back in, not after the way she left. And not how I look now she glanced at herself in the rear-view mirror. She didn't want to leave, either. Pauline and Jesse were both out making preparations for tomorrow and the rest of the Duke's were inside, leaving the house empty. Jackie had no desire to go home to a dark, empty house all alone. Somehow it was better to stay in the parking lot around people, whoever they may be.
Jackie wiped her wet and puffy face with her shirt, sniffling slightly. She had been in a lot of bars and been around some really seedy people, but not once had she ever been treated like that. She had been caught off guard by such a shameless attack on her personal space and similarly had never been so embarrassed. All those people who had seen her so headstrong and tough as she was hollering at them to get their shit together and help. Now they had seen her at her most vulnerable, assaulted and ashamed, at her lowest.
She looked around at the parking lot and saw someone standing outside the Boar's Nest. Their head was turned in her direction, Johnny.
She made an involuntary yelp as fear rose up inside of her. She looked around her cabin, frantically trying to find some sort of weapon. Coming up with nothing, she cursed, turning her head back to him. The figure walked under a street lamp and relief swept her body as she saw it wasn't Johnny, but Bo heading towards her truck.
What does he want.
Jackie glanced at herself in the rear-view mirror again and sighed: she had seen better days. Bo approached the truck and stood by her window for a few seconds before knocking. She wound down the window sheepishly, not really looking him in the eye.
"Are you okay?"
Jackie was surprised at his empathy.
"Yeah," She sniffled.
"Fucking Johnny Coltrane," Bo sighed, "Asshole, like his uncle."
He glanced sideways at Jackie who was looking straight ahead, "He can't get any action so he hassles girls into going out with him,"
"So, this has happened before?" Jackie asked quietly.
"Nah, he must really like you," Bo smiled at her, and Jackie returned it timidly.
There was a short silence before he asked, "Want to go home?"
Jackie so wanted to get out of that parking lot, but didn't want to be pathetic enough to coerce someone to accompany her home.
Jackie nodded towards the steakhouse, "What about them?" Bo waved his hand dismissively.
"I need to get home early anyway, get some rest before tomorrow,"
Jackie shrugged, "Yeah, okay,"
Bo turned his gaze to her hands which were now shaking uncontrollably. Jackie looked down at them too, clenching the steering wheel again to keep them still.
"I'll drive," He said and opened the door for her.
"What about my stuff?" She asked climbed down from the cab. Bo shut the door and held out his hand.
"Daisy'll get them, keys?" Jackie handed him her keys. Bo locked the truck and gestured to the General, parked in its reserved spot at the very front of the bar.
Jackie realised this was the first time she would have been in the General. She felt a pang of excitement. It's just a car, she reasoned with herself. She reached for the handle and pulled, however the door did not budge. She pulled again, harder, still to no avail.
"The doors are welded shut, here," Bo approached her side of the car and took her hand, holding it up "You'll have to climb in,"
Jackie looked from their intertwined hands to the open window and then to Bo, eyebrows raised. Bo just shrugged. Jackie sighed and sidled into the car feet first. Once she was in, Bo jumped in his side with more precision and grace than she had and pulled out his phone. It was one of those little black Nokia phones that looked like it had lasted him years. Jackie saw him type a text to Daisy and Luke. Pressing Send, he put the keys in the ignition and they were soon on their way.
Jackie shivered, thinking about Coltrane's roaming hands, scarily strong, all of over her.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there sooner. I should have known by the way he was looking at you all night,"
Bo was apologising?
"Looking at me like what?"
"Like you were a meal," he growled, his lips curling slightly. She glanced over at him and saw his eyes had darkened to make a scowl as he watched the road in front of him.
Despite their relationship she knew he was a good guy; sometimes selfish but he could be sweet.
I guess you have to let him be nice to you, Jackie chided herself.
"You'll be alright," Bo patted her on the shoulder reassuringly.
Jackie didn't much feel like talking though so settled into the leather and watched Hazzard roll by.
She was thankful Bo wasn't talking, but then again, he wasn't that chatty in the first place.
As they drove in silence, along decorated streets of Hazzard. Many shop windows had posters of Bo's face showing their support for tomorrow.
"You're Hazzard's Golden Boy, I see," She said, breaking her own vow of silence.
Bo smiled and glanced at the shopfronts, "Yeah it's nice of them to show support, but it's mainly cause I'm the only driver from Hazzard. Well, the only one who's any good."
Jackie nodded, "Who are the others? Would I know any of them?"
Bo paused before answering, "Yeah I guess, Enos Strate, the Deputy. But he mainly does it to get Daisy's attention," He said, half laughing.
Is there anyone in this county that doesn't have a crush on Daisy?" Jackie asked
"Not many, but Enos has it harder than the rest. We saw a news story on the TV of this cop who rescued all these people during a shooting in Atlanta and Daisy was saying how impressed she was with the guy. How brave, you know.
"Anyway, Enos marches straight to the Sheriff's office and enrols to be an officer. He was sixteen!"
Bo started chuckling, "You shoulda seen his face the next day, you'd think he was Superman the way he was struttin' round,"
Jackie laughed out loud, thinking of Enos so desperately wanting Daisy's attention that he enrolled in the police force.
"He's good at it though," Bo finished, "Better than Coltrane anyway,"
Jackie had almost forgotten about Johnny until this point and her smile faded. Bo seemed to notice and shifted in his driver's seat awkwardly.
"Sorry," he said gruffly.
"It's ok," Jackie turned her head out the window again and was quiet for the rest of the trip home.
Bo pulled The General into the Duke's driveway and cut the engine. Jackie tried the door, forgetting it didn't open, only to be reminded when Bo clambered out of his window.
Jackie went to do the same, sliding her torso out of her own window, when she felt arms around her waist. Jackie started slightly, but didn't struggle as Bo gently pulled her out of the car, setting her down next to it.
"Thanks," Jackie said, nervously pulling at her shirt. Bo returned her thanks with a close lipped smile and walked towards the house.
Bo was peering into the old Kelvinator when Jackie passed through the kitchen and headed straight upstairs to wash the day off, and wash Johnny Coltrane off.
The warm welcoming water fell down in a cleansing wave, feeling so soft she instantly forgot her troubles of the day. She relaxed a little, realising her shoulders had been tensed up around her neck. Jackie stood motionless in the shower for a while before getting out. The steam had fogged up the mirror in the bathroom, but she was silently thankful, she didn't really want to know what she looked like right now.
While she got changed in her and Daisy's room her stomach grumbled loudly. She realised she hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast. The Boar's Nest had been so full she hadn't had time. She would really have rather have gone to bed but her stomach growled louder and more persistently.
Well alright then you! she sighed and made her way down to the kitchen.
Much to her surprise Bo was still in the kitchen. He was sitting at the table now, looking through old photographs. He looked up as she entered and nodded acknowledgement before frowning at the photos he held.
Jackie frowned too, inquisitively though, and made her way to the fridge. Opening the door she stole a quick glance at the photos. She gasped and did a double take. The current picture had Harold, no mistake, not much older than the photos of before Jackie and Diane had left Hazzard. This photo had another figure, a young boy about 8 years old.
The two had large grins on their faces as they stood behind what looked like a squarish metal sculpture. Jackie pulled out some left over potatoes and picking through them as she moved to look over Bo's shoulder.
At closer inspection what Jackie had thought had been a sculpture now turned out to be a car engine.
"Who's that?" Jackie inquired, looking at the young boy.
"That's me n Harold," Bo must have known she had been looking but had chosen to ignore it.
Jackie nodded to herself. She could see it now, his pointed jaw wasn't as robust but it was still unmistakingly Bo's. His wry smile looked familiar now too. Jackie pulled out potato salad leftovers from the fridge and took a fork out of the top draw, closing it with her hip.
"I was in a lot of trouble back then," Bo began, much to Jackie's surprise as she sat down at the table beside him. She had assumed she'd be asking Pauline about the photos tomorrow. He continued as Jackie sat at the table next to him. Bo's face darkened.
"My parents had died in a car wreck and I was really lost, getting in to fights and that. I ran away from here a lot. I would go down to the lake and think about really dark, twisted stuff. I would think about hurting myself and others just to make everyone feel what I was feeling."
"One time I ran away and I ended up on Harold's farm. He saw me skulking around his barn. I thought he'd get up me for trespassing or something but instead he handed me a wrench. "
Bo face softened and a smile crept onto his face. Jackie continued to listen as she chomped on her creamy potatoes.
"We worked on this engine for weeks. I don't think it was even a dud, I think Harold just wanted to keep me outta everyone's way. I didn't care though, all I wanted to do after that was work on engines,"
Jackie smiled now. She'd found she had liked hearing about her grandfather. Everyone had a story to tell about "Ole Harold". Her regret at never knowing him would slowly erode away as she heard about this well respected man, who could be so wise, yet so young at heart. Serious but always good for a laugh.
"And then he put me behind the wheel of his modded 1956 Chevy Bel Air," He looked at Jackie with a childish grin on his face. He saw Jackie's expression and laughed.
"I didn't expect you'd know what that is. It doesn't really matter. Just that ever since then I wanted to drive."
Bo looked back at the photos now laid out on the table. Jackie reached over and picked one up of Harold bending over the open hood of an old black car, his toothy grin standing out under the shadow of the awning.
"I race for Harold. I look at these before I race to remind me why I do it. It was our thing, you know?"
Jackie looked at Bo. His face pleaded for her to understand. And she did understand. She finally understood the connection between Harold and Bo which answered so many other questions she had had once she had arrived in Hazzard. The photos in Harold's study, why Bo had been so hurt about her renovation plans for the house.
In all honesty Bo had a bigger connection to Harold than she did as a blood relative. She could only imagine what her coming here and claiming Harold as her own would do.
Jackie suddenly felt very tired. It had been a trying day.
"I think I better go to bed," She yawned, getting up from the table and setting the empty salad bowl in the sink.
Bo also stood, gathering his photo collection and placing them in a shoebox he pulled out from under the table.
"Yeah me too," He said.
They both made their way up the stairs silently. Bo was about to go into his room when Jackie stopped him.
"Thanks again, for tonight," She flushed pink.
"More that alright. Any chance I get to sucker punch the Coltrane's I'll take it," Bo flashed his trademark grin.
Jackie smiled back and bid him goodnight, making her way to her own bedroom.
As the embrace of sleep slowly engulfed her, she dreamt of racing with Bo. He whipped The General around corner after corner as Jackie sat in the passenger seat laughing hysterically. The last thing she remembered the next morning was Bo's own toothy grin flashing at her as the wind brushed his blonde locks over his face, and the twinge of giddyness she felt as she smiled back.
There's nothing like a good old rally car derby to bring the southerners out in droves. The entire town was shut down due to road closures, with spectators occupying every inch of the track's sidelines.
Jackie sat with Daisy on the risers at the starting line in the hot June sun. Each of the racing cars were lined up at the starting line, with the teams getting their final tweaks done before the starter flag. Among the ant like swarm of racers and mechanics on the tarmac Jackie spotted Bo's in his blue Indian t-shirt under the hood of The General.
He had gotten up rather early this morning, but hadn't moved The General Lee until it was time to leave for the race. Instead Pauline had made him a large breakfast of everything from bacon strips to pancakes topped off with a protein shake Luke had concocted from something called "Body Torque". Even as he ate he memorised each turn and straight of the track. Jesse quizzed him constantly, offering the number of a turn and Bo corresponded with the angle and direction.
An hour later loud cheers roared in the arena as the Governor of Georgia took to the large stage next to the track to begin the proceedings. Everyone rose for 'The Star-Spangled Banner', hands over hearts and heads held high as this ritual of all-America unfolded. Bouncing off each other's energy, the crowd erupted quickly and loudly, to the point where the Governor's call for the racers to "start their engines" was hardly heard.
The cars shook violently as the engines thundered alive. Jackie noted how it looked as if even the cars themselves were excited, lined up and ready to go.
Bo felt The General purr around him as he sat in first position on the tarmac. The starting gun seconds from going off, he went through his pre-race motions. Fuel was full, revs were up as Bo gripped the steering wheel tighter. Bo moved the car into 1st gear and tapped the accelerator slightly, G giving a satisfying growl. The starter gun guy was perched on the stand beside the track, and as he raised his arm to fire, a shot of adrenaline shot through Bo, sending every nerve on fire.
The bang of the gun sounded, the light flashed green, as Bo rhythmically pulled the clutch out and stomped accelerator down. Smoke burst out from under his tyres as he rocketed over the starting line, getting a good start on the other vehicles. He could no longer see anything else but the road stretching out in front.
Turn one, kink left 2.
Tapping on the breaks, he eases into his first turn next to a driver on his right kicking the gear into third and coming out just in front of the other car.
Turn two, kink right 1.
There are two cars up ahead, trailing dust behind them and decreasing his visibility; he know this course like he knows the curve of the steering wheel though, and knows he's got enough room to shimmy onto the inside corner. He makes the turn but only caught one of the cars, the other only yards ahead.
Straight 100 then square right 4.
He flicks The General into second and G roars uncomfortably as the car whips around the third turn.
God he thinks this is the fucking shit
Kink left 3, and he's rounded the corner to Harold's house. He notices the scaffolding up one side of the house but concentrated firmly one the road…
The road where Jackie had stood, hands on hips and glaring. He'd been so angry at her, for getting in the way, but he always chides himself that his first thought was how cute she'd looked. Hair tousled, wearing her pajamas and that look in her eyes that had made him feel a foot tall. He reasoned his adrenaline had been pumping, just the hormones had made him want to scoop Jackie up and take her on the hood of The General. It in no way meant he wanted her, really…
Bo called out, jammed on the breaks and pulled the steering wheel right, almost missing the next turn. He'd lost focus for seconds and it had cost him, the car he had passed earlier was now right on his tail where it had been hundreds of yards behind before.
"Fuck!" he cursed out aloud, as he came in hot on the next turn, The Generals tail whipping out and clipping the other car trying to overtake.
"Focus Bo," He coached himself and quickly recalled the rhythm he had had before he had so foolishly let his dick to the thinking.
Kink left 2. He soon lost the other car and had another in his sights before too long.
There wasn't much to watch once the race had started and the cars had roared off. Only the commentary remained. This year had been rather high tech apparently, having Go-Pro's with a live broadcast at each major turn and some of the straights. This was beamed onto a big screen behind the stage where the Governor had stood. Jackie wasn't particularly enthralled but her ears pricked up every time she heard the commentator, Larry Bertrum, boom Bo's name and position.
At one point Jesse had taken his hat off and thrown it to the ground cursing. Jackie asked Daisy why he has been so upset. Apparently Bo had nearly missed a turn and lost precious time. Jesse had piped up:
"He knows that retched turn! It's the one after Harold's Farm! If it ain't burned into his brain by now there's little hope for the rest of them pacenotes we been studyin'," Jessed grumbled and "hurumphed" into his seat on the grand stand.
Jackie bit her lip, she instantly felt guilty. Maybe it was the work on her grandfather's house that had angered Bo and he had lost concentration? She severely hoped not, or he would be making her stay in the Duke house very uncomfortable if he lost.
Soon after this Jackie was rather invested, clinging to Daisy's hand as they watched the big screen. They saw a streak of orange amid the dust and knew it was Bo careering around the corners. Jackie swelled with pride as they heard Larry Bertrum announce Bo was in the lead. Her and the rest of the crowd slowly rose to their feet as the race neared completion. They were still a few turns away but the feeling in the stand was electric. The crowd began to cheer as Bertrum's pitch rose and his pace quickened, finely detailing a neck and neck battle between Bo and another driver called "Brock".
Suddenly, the scream of the two leading cars comes into earshot over the noise of the crowd. The big screen shows The General and Brock's car in a battle for dominance as they enter the last turn. A last second decision by Bo takes an offensive jerk into the turn and The General bumps Brock. The two cars disappear into dust and for seconds all they could hear was the echo of the cars' engines.
Suddenly a great guttural howl came from the end of the track and The General propels into view. The crowd erupts as Bo flies for the finish line, Brock close behind but it looks like The General lee has it in the bag.
If possible the cheers get louder as Bo screams over the finish line and the checkered flag waves his win.