-1A Pirates Love
Disclaimer: Um… supposedly I don't own Pirates or anything related to pirates. I'm also not trying to steal the characters although there was this life size cut out of Will Turner in the mall one day and if it hadn't been so big I would have totally stole it, but anyway.
Summary: Eighteen years after the maelstrom where Will and Elizabeth became married. Eighteen years since Will was made Captain of the Flying Dutchman. Eighteen years have come and gone since Jack began his search for the Fountain of Youth. Many things have drastically changed but some details will remain forever unchanged.
Leaving's not leaving
'Cause I'm not leaving you behind
You'll always be with me
Always be with me
Part of my hear from time
Wherever I'm goin'
Even if it's just in my mind
Leaving's not leaving
I'm not leaving you behind
-LeeAnn Rimes, Leaving's not Leavings
Chapter 20: Leaving the Sea It was raining again; only a slight drizzle but it was nonetheless raining. It was early, early morning, the sun only now beginning to rise. But Will Turner and Kira Sparrow were not asleep and probably hadn't been all night. In a few moments time they would both have to leave the Pearl.
"Are you going to move or not?" She waited. "No matter what you do I'm still going to beat you."
Will and Kira sat with a makeshift checkerboard splayed out between them.
"Only because you cheated."
"Did not," Kira laughed.
"Hey! Will, Kira. Are you ready to leave. Your father wants to get away from here before somebody notices what ship this is," Mr Gibbs shouted from across the deck.
"Yea. We're coming. I just need to grab my bag," Will yelled back while running down below the deck.
Kira stood up and glanced around the Black Pearl. It was her home and the crew was her family. But she had already told herself she wouldn't be sentimental or nostalgic. Picking her own bag up from the floor Kira walked to the plank. Kira looked out at Port Windon. Due to the weather, it was raining and the sky remained darkly clouded, Windon seemed a bleak place to be.
"Ready?" Will asked coming up beside Kira, his bag hanging from his shoulder.
Kira, having already said goodbye to Captain Jack, her mother, and the crew, nodded and took her first step off the Black Pearl. And promptly stumbled and fell.
"Sea legs. It'll get better." Will stepped down, off the Pearl, behind Kira swaying slightly before he leaned down and helped Kira to her feet. "Now normally I would be teasing you for falling like that, but I'll wait," Will laughed.
"Very funny. But I can walk just fine." She shook Will off and quickly took a couple of deliberately straight steps forward then leaned over the edge boardway and was sick.
"Are you okay?" Will asked while lifting her long brown hair away from her face.
"Actually," she said reaching down to splash water onto her face, "I feel much better now." Straightening up Kira turned to look wistfully out into the ocean where the Black Pearl could be seen sailing away and then back to the long boardway that led into Port Windon. "Will, thanks for not leaving me," Kira whispered.
"I could never leave you."
"Might as well find our half of the Sapphire now," Kira said quickly ending the topic they were on.
At the end of the board way it became obvious that sneaking into the town would be easy today. Between the drizzling humid weather and the fact that it was still very early in the morning nobody was wandering the streets.
"First off we need proper clothing," Will said glancing around the town. "A tailor's shop would probably have what we need." He paused again, a grin spreading across his face. "A pretty little dress for you."
Kira gagged at the thought and said,"Well you'll have to wear a waist coat."
The tailor's shop was located along the docks in a small aclove. Kira and Will entered warily.
To Anyone Who Cares: OMYGOSH!! I can't believe how long it's been since I updated. I feel horrible. Anyways I'll start updating regurally again. Hope you LOVE it. And thank you Guin Parris, poniescheerleader1993, AKA Parfait, grecianxpiratex07, buccaneergirl12, frenchhornfreak, Blackiwi, Padfoot-rawr, Jacklin Sparrow, PirateAngel1286, Aquatic Cylipso, and Rokhal for reviewing!