HEY!!!! New story from moi! lol I hope you guys like it as much as my last one. It might be confusing at first but it starts backwards a bit like unfabulous lol

Well I really hope you like it!

Secret Love

Summary: - Everyone thinks Troy and Gabriella hate each other. They pretend to keep the school calm. But they are hopelessly in love … with each other. Will one accident bring them together? TROYELLA

Chapter 1:- Do They Don't They?

Troy POV

"Troy you have to get here quick!"


"Gabriella's house. It's urgent!" And she hung up on me. By the way that was Taylor. I guess I better get going. It only takes two minuets to get to Gabriella's house

"Mom, I've got to go out. I'll be back soon" I ran round to Gabriella's house and saw what Taylor meant. There was Gabriella's house, in flames.

Her mom was outside but I couldn't see Gabriella. Taylor must have saw me because she shouted over

"Troy! The Balcony!" There she was. Gabriella Montez, the girl I supposedly hate. The fire embers were getting closer to her feet, why doesn't she climb down the tree? I have to do something see the truth is …

… I love Gabriella Montez

Gabriella POV

Why do we have to hate each other? Why does he have to hate me? I need therapy, retail therapy. Now where's my phone? Downstairs.

I opened my bedroom to smoke. I thought my mom was burning toast … again! Oh how wrong I was! I could see flames climbing up the stairs.

I ran back into my room and locked my door. It's wood, typical it will burn down. Holy crap! Fire moves quick

Where to now, where! Balcony! I ran to the balcony, the fire on my heels. Oh crap. There's no way I'm jumping. I'd drop, even though there's a tree …

"Help – Me!" Yes I'm crying. Can't someone save me! I want Troy!

"Gabriella! Climb the tree! I'll catch you!"

"Tr-oy?" I turned around and saw him standing at the bottom of my tree. Firemen telling him it's too dangerous, but does he care, no. he's staying, staying to save me!

"Troy I can't! I'm scared!"

"Gabi, I'll catch you" I promise"

Gabi? He never calls me Gabi. Okay I really am crackers, I'm about to jump into Troy Bolton's arms. My supposed sworn enemy but the truth is …

… I am totally in love with him.

Taylor POV

I didn't know who else to call. I know they hate each other, or pretend to. But when they think no-one is looking I see the way they stare at each other.

"Troy, you have to get here quick!"


"Gabriella's house. It's urgent!" I hung up and before I knew it he was here looking for Gabriella. I saw the look of worry on his face

"Troy! The balcony!" He ran towards, ignoring the firemen, to the bottom of her tree. I could tell he was going to climb up. He probably would have if the firemen didn't stop him.

"Gabriella! Climb the tree! I'll catch you!" She won't, she wouldn't

"Gabi! I'll catch you! I promise" Gabi? Since when did he call her Gabi?

Never! NO! She didn't. She jumped! She actually jumped! And Troy caught her. Aww she fits perfectly in his arms. I never realised it before but for sworn enemies they really do trust each other.

Chad POV

Taylor is so clever. Phoning Troy when he hates Gabriella. Well he says he does. Only I, Chad Danforth, knows the truth. He loves every living cell in her body. I know bit technical for me to say but hey … I'm only talking to myself.

I wasn't surprised when he completely ignored the firemen just to save her. I was surprised when Gabriella jumped, I mean she hates him, doesn't she? I'm beginning to wonder. I hate cliques! If there were none I could be with … Taylor McKessie.

Hope you like my first chapter of my new story. Review what you thought, sorry if you thought it confusing XD