Title: Hide and seek
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none, set pre-series
Characters: Dean, John, Sam
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, not being paid.
A/N: Written for lostandalone22 from a prompt. Part of the comment fics.
Summary: You're supposed to be hiding, not making it easy for Sammy to find you.
"Dad," Dean whispered intensely. He gave John a few seconds to reply or take notice of him, before looking around again for Sammy. He didn't see him, so he repeated the word at a slightly louder volume. "Dad!"
John finally looked in Dean's direction and put his finger to his lips in a gesture for silence. Not quite believing that he'd just done that, Dean rolled his eyes in response and settled back into position. He was really starting to regret his choice of locations, particularly as it seemed like this would all come to nothing and be over virtually before it began.
"You're supposed to be hiding," Dean muttered at the top of John's head as he spotted Sammy rounding the corner of the house. John looked up and gave Dean a smirk, seemingly having heard what Dean had said.
Dean looked back up and out from his perch in the tree. Sammy was methodically moving from shrub to shrub, his tongue stuck slightly out in concentration. It wouldn't be long before he found the shrub that their dad was 'hiding' behind. At least Sammy hadn't seemed to have found Pastor Jim yet - Dean could only hope that he was better hidden than their traitorous old man was.
Sammy walked around the plant nearest to John, giving him a full view of his father sitting on the ground.
"Found you!" he crowed triumphantly, before diving into his dad's arms.
John laughed and hugged him back. "Yep, you sure did."
"'Cause Dad's a loser," Dean murmured, making sure that this time he wasn't loud enough to be heard, either by Sammy or his dad.
"You found your brother yet, or Pastor Jim?" John asked.
Sammy shook his head. "Nope."
"Well, why don't we look for them, huh?"
They both climbed to their feet, John groaning exaggeratedly. Sammy grabbed hold of John's hand and started running forward, pulling him along. Dean was winked at as they passed, but Sammy seemed oblivious to his presence.
When they'd moved out of hearing distance, Dean climbed out of the tree, nearly falling head-first in the process. He'd have to find a new hiding spot, before John led Sammy to him. After all, the point of Hide and Seek was to actually hide, a point which his father seemed to have missed.