Blair pulled her collar closer to her face, trying to hide it from view as much as possible. She glanced once more at the scrap of paper that contained his address in her neat handwriting. Grateful for Serena's momentary lapse of judgment and leaving the paper in one of Blair's coats, Blair had copied it down for if the need arose.
She looked to the left and right, making sure no one saw her enter. She slipped the piece of paper in her pocket, took a deep, calming breath, and raised her fist to knock, hesitating.
"Why am I nervous?" she asked herself, before knocking confidently. The confidence quickly dwindled when she heard his voice faintly, a "Coming!" appearing from the other side of the door. She took another breath and braved her self for his worst insult.
He opened the door and smirked when he saw who it was. "Did that tetanus shot hurt?" he smirked, leaning against the doorframe.
She shot him a sarcastic smile before rolling her eyes. She stood for a minute, both of them looking at each other. "Didn't your parents ever teach you any manners?" she asked dryly, desperately trying to get out of the possibly disease ridden hallway.
"Excuse me?"
"Aren't you going to let me in?" she stated in a "duh" tone.
"Oh, yeah; come on in," he said, pulling the door open wider for her to walk in. She quickly shuffled in, opening the buttons on her jacket simultaneously. She looked around the apartment. It wasn't as grand as say, her's or Serena's, but it had a…homely feel to it that instantly made Blair comfortable.
"My sister's not here, if that's who you're looking for," he told her, coming up behind her. She tried to keep her breathing steady with him standing so close to her so she didn't say anything and kept examining the room. She noticed an area with pictures and walked over.
"Your family is so…eccentric," she remarked, glancing at a picture of them all dressed in tacky eighties clothing.
"If you want to put it that way," he shrugged. "That was us before we went to a party with one of my mom's friends. That was the week before she, um…she left us."
Blair turned around after hearing his detached tone. She quirked a brow and looked at him. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," he paused. "So, what's up?"
Blair laughed a little. "You're not going to ask me what I'm doing here or how I even know where you live?"
"Well, I figured you must have some reason for being here and it'll come up eventually. So, why are you here?" he asked.
"If you must know, I just wanted to…" she trailed off.
"To…?" he urged.
"I guess I just wanted to thank you for the other day. I mean, yeah, it was like, a month or so ago, but I figured you deserved a thanks, so I wanted to give it to you personally," she shrugged, trying to act nonchalant.
"Oh, well…you're welcome," he told her, smiling.
Plus, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and Serena talking about you non-stop doesn't help. Oh, and I think I just happen to like you, Blair added in her head.
Dan looked at her curiously and snapped his fingers in front of her face. "Earth to Blair! Hello?"
Blair snapped out of her trance with a jolt. "Oh, sorry."
"Don't worry about it…are you sure you're okay?" he asked. Blair sighed deeply, the week's events crashing down on her. She found it odd when she felt him wrap his arms around her. She stiffened slightly before relaxing and burying her face into his chest. She sobbed gently; muttering incoherent words through her tears, as he softly stroked her hair, letting her cry. When she pulled back, less than two minutes later, she desperately tried to compose herself.
"What happened?" he asked. Blair looked away and wiped a stray tear.
"Hasn't Serena told you? You guys are dating," she whispered bitterly.
"Actually, we broke up about a week ago…didn't she tell you?" he asked, looking at her curiously.
"No, we haven't talked much in a while," Blair scoffed.
"Oh, why not?"
"Because if you fool me once, shame on me. But fool me twice and you're a dead man walking," she told him sourly.
"Whoa, tiger. Hold on there. What?"
"She slept with Nate! Again!" she almost screamed. Blair choked back a sob and turned away.
"When did this happen?" he asked.
"About a week and a half ago," she whispered. Dan looked at Blair and saw her tiny shoulder's shaking.
"Just…don't. Please," she cried.
"Blair, come here," he told her, going up behind her. He turned her around and lifted her chin up with his fingers. "Look, don't worry about this. Nate is…Nate is a pothead who has gotten high so many times, his senses must be failing him. You are a smart, headstrong…amazing girl who deserves a much better boyfriend and a much better best friend."
"Dan," she began.
"No, let me finish. He's obviously insane to even be tempted by Serena. Because, yeah, she's hot and every guy's fantasy," he told her as her eyes began to look to the ground.
"But you are beautiful and every guy's dream," he whispered. She looked up and caught his eyes. She took a sharp breath in when he started leaning in but all senses flew out the window when he kissed her. His hands moved to cup her cheek and her hands gingerly wrapped themselves in his hair.
A minute passed before they broke apart to breathe. He let out a shaky laugh and looked at her. She dropped her eyes to the ground and bit her lip. She looked up at him and caught his careful stare. She gave him a small smile that caused his smile to widen. She laughed at his response, which caused him to laugh as well.
She walked the two steps to get to him and grabbed both of his hands with her own. "Hey Dan?"
"Thanks," she responded, kissing him again. This time, the kiss was passionate and hungry, both of them attacking each other as if they had been lovers separated for years. They eventually broke apart and he whispered something into her ear before they kissed again.
Hello, upper eastsiders. Gossip Girl here with some breaking news. Everyone knows that Lonely Boy and S's relationship didn't last longer than Paris Hilton's acting career. And N forgetting S was about as possible as leg warmers becoming cool again. So, why was B seen heading into an apartment around Lonely Boy's area and not seen for a couple hours after? And was her hair a little more messed up than when she arrived?
You didn't hear it here.
You know you love me,
Gossip Girl