A/N- Hello fellow Brucas fans. So I got the idea for this fic yesterday and I couldn't seem to get it out of my head. I decided to write it even though I have the flu at the moment, so I hope it turned out okay! I'm really enjoying writing it so let me know what you guy's think…

Prologue- In The Beginning….

For as long as the people of Tree Hill could remember it had always been the Scott's against the Roes. A rivalry imbedded deep in their souls, beginning years ago. Opposing families competing in the same field. It began with two small town entrepreneurs both out for the same business deal, the deal that would make their fortune, make their career. That was almost a hundred years ago. Today the feud continues in the form of Dan and Deb Scott and Karen and Keith Roe. Two high flying, astonishingly rich and outrageously competitive business tycoons. Anything Dan could do Keith could do better and vice versa. As fate would have it the two families lived opposite one another, neither one willing to compromise their right to live in the most beautiful houses and exclusive area of housing that Tree Hill had to offer. And it would seem that history was doomed to repeat itself in the form of Lucas Roe and Nathan Scott.

Tree Hill High was a war zone you were either on team Roe or team Scott, there was no room for compromise. The two teens would constantly try to better one another be it in basketball, cars,

girls, parties anything- no opportunity was left untouched.

Nathan Scott was the apple of his father's eye, his greatest accomplishment. Nathan was the very deserving heir of the Scott Empire. Dan had taught him well, he was a few years away from becoming as heartless and single minded as his father.

However a proverbial spanner had been thrown in the works in the Scott's happy family. After 4 years at boarding school out of state, Brooke Scott was coming home. If Nathan was Dan's greatest accomplishment then Brooke was his biggest regret. Brooke was rebellious, outspoken and couldn't care less about the Scott family image. In Dan Scott's eyes life was about upholding appearances and achieving as high status as possible. He wanted to run in the right the circles, make the most money and gloat as much as possible. Brooke had never been one to follow the rules and Dan feared that her lack of respect was fast rubbing off on Nathan, so at the tender age of 13 she had been shipped of to boarding school as far away as necessary, returning as little as Dan would allow.

It was particularly hard on Nathan, being separated from his twin was a shock, one day she was there the next she was gone. However Nathan never knew the truth, his father had told him it was Brooke's choice she wanted to leave get a fresh start away from tree hill, away from the familiar faces that judged her less than Christian ways. He never knew that Brooke didn't have a choice in the matter that she had arrived home after yet another aggressive argument with her dad to find her bags packed and a car waiting to take her to her new home for the next four years.

Brooke had always been the strong one, the leader, the decision maker. Without her Nathan had fallen into the manipulative grasp of his father. Dan had got what he always wanted a suitable trophy child, an heir to be proud of, to mould into the perfect son. Despite everything Brooke and Nathan remained close, he often visited on weekends never loosing contact- not even Dan could break their bond as twins.

So after 4 years of very limited contact, his estranged daughter was coming home- Dan Scott sighed as he pulled into the driveway of his multibillion dollar mansion and tried to ignore the nausea that had risen in the pit of his stomach. He had the feeling this was going to be a difficult year.

She pulled up to the bar in her convertible black SLK Mercedes, a gift from daddy for her 16th birthday. After all, gifts speak louder than words. Yeah right. It didn't occur to him to ask her whether she even had her license. She sighed turning off the ignition. So this wasn't technically on her way home, maybe fifteen minutes out of her way, but did they really expect her to enter that freak show stone sober? Checking her appearance in her wing mirror she silently commended herself on her decision to make a pit stop- Dutch courage was definitely needed before entering the lions den otherwise known as her family home.

She walked towards the bar the heels of her boots clicking as she reached her destination. She had dressed for the depressing occasion. Black skinny jeans tucked into black knee high boots and a black structured strappy shirt. Somewhat more somber than her usual outfits but she felt it fitting of her mood. Her black Chanel clutch in her hand. As she slid onto a stool at the bar she glanced around the place.

Honestly it was a bit of a dive, a few overweight middle aged men littered the sad little establishment. Stained pine woodwork clad the walls and cobwebs lingered in the rafters. A pool table in one corner and a juke box in another. She ordered a tequila shot and a beer and smiled at the bar tender as he attempted to make small talk. She got the feeling he rarely saw anyone of the female gender working in this truckers stop.
She thanked him as he gave her her change, she scanned the bar again desperately looking for a distraction, she really wasn't in the mood for small talk and didn't know how much longer she could feign interest.

Across the bar she caught sight of someone who looked remotely interesting. Blonde, around her age, nice clothes- definite potential. Downing her shot and picking up her beer she made her way towards the other end of the bar, sliding into the seat next to him she praised herself for noticing such a fine specimen.

"Need some company" she whispered seductively.

"No thanks" he answered not looking up from where his eyes were fixed in the bottom of his drink.

"Well that's too bad because I do" she answered.

Lucas exhaled loudly, showing his impatience with the situation. The reason he came to this shady bar fifteen minutes outside of Tree Hill was to avoid encounters like this; to avoid desperate bimbos coming on to him. He valued his time alone. Away from the stresses of home the constant struggle for power between his family and the Scott's was taking over his life. Every time he turned around he was confronted by another Scott problem; at school, in basketball practice, around the dinner table. He used to enjoy getting one up on Nathan Scott, he used spend hours thinking of a way to show him up, but it had all gotten a little old. He couldn't help but think there had to be more to life than an ancient battle of the fittest- of course he would never tell his father that.

Realizing that this girl was going no where in a hurry, he thought he'd use his razor sharp tongue he was famous,
"Look I'm really not in the mood…" Lucas cut his sentence short as for the first time since she had sat down next to him, he had turned to look at her.

To say she wasn't what he was expecting would be an understatement. Tree hill was full of bleach blonde, fake tanned brainless girls. His clear blue eyes locked with her jade green. Her full red lips quirked up into a cheeky smile causing an obvious dimple to appear. Clearly satisfied with her drinking buddies speechlessness, she tried again.

"What's a guy like you doing in a place like this?" she asked taking a swig of her beer.

"Looking for a bit of peace and quiet" he replied his eyes glazing over and regaining the cold hard look they had minutes earlier. Sure she was hot but what's new there? After all he was one of the most sought after bachelors in the whole town he could have his pick of woman but tonight he really wasn't in the mood.

"Subtle" she snorted. He gazed ahead of him avoiding eye contact or any contact for that matter.

"So you're not much of a talker, I get that. But you know that's ok 'cause I'm gabby enough for the both of us" she said her eyes twinkling mischievously.
He sighed realizing he was fighting a losing battle,

"You don't give up do you?" he said turning to look at her, a smile hovering on his lips.

"Nope" she replied.

"What's it gonna take for you to leave me alone with my thoughts?" She thought for a moment a smile rising to her eyes,

"A game" she said gesturing towards the pool table.

The juke box played some generic 80's rock track but it didn't matter- background music. This was exactly what Brooke needed something to take her mind off the evening waiting for her. This guy was a challenge to say the least. Mysterious, guarded, clearly troubled but very hott. There was no doubt about that. There was something about him, something she couldn't put her finger on the way he bent across the table taking his shot. He had an air about him, he knew who he was and he didn't try to hide it, unlike so many others she had met.

This triggered a feeling of dread within her, great soon she would be back to the social circle that is Tree Hill's elite. Where everyone knew everyone's business, full of sheep and plastic surgery gone wrong. She made her way around the table to in front of where he stood, taking her time to line up her shot and bend over the table slowly to give him a perfect view of her ass.
The ball went in, but she didn't move,

"You ever wish you could start over? New town, new life, new person?" she said glancing over her shoulder to see him fixated on her.

"All the time" he replied. He had been fully distracted by the way her body stretched out across the table, she gave a whole new meaning to the phrase easy on the eyes. Her question had caught him off guard, one minute she was flirty the next serious. She was intriguing.

She stood back to watch him take his shot, resting her chin on the end of her pool cue. He made the shot easily looking up at her smirking. He was beginning to relax, maybe he needed the company after all she smiled slightly cocking her head in approval.
She circled the table deciding her next move, but stopped short to ask him,

"What's with the cold outer shell? Its alright to be fragile you know?" never one to mince her words our Brookie.

"No its not. That's the first rule; 'never let them know you care'" Lucas repeated, robotically. The phrase emblazoned in his mind.

"Rules are there for breaking" she said with a smile as she potted her ball.

They had been at it for about an hour, this cat and mouse game. Not exactly conversation, disjointed comments, subtle flirting. He watched her as she potted another ball effortlessly, she had already beat him once and was in his opinion, far too good for a girl. He startled her with his next question,

"Do you think it's actually possible to be happy? You know laugh out loud, no worries, stupidly happy." She stopped what she was doing and looked up at him, took a breath and said,

"I don't know. Let me know if you find out." with that she potted her last ball.

"Looks like I win again…" she said pivoting to face him.

"How is it possible you beat me twice, I never lose…" Lucas said in disbelieve.

"Well I think you just met your match…although you do get the consolation prize" she said walking towards where he stood leant up against the wooden banister.

"Oh yeah and what's that, the complimentary bar nuts?"

"This" She placed her hands on his chest and leant forward playfully capturing his bottom lip in between hers. Nipping and teasing it slightly, she ran her warm tongue across his lips causing him to open his mouth a little just at this exact moment she pulled back. Grabbing her clutch off the table she started toward the exit. She turned as she reached the door, to see a look of longing and utter confusion filled his face. She kinked her eyebrow and smiled,

"Cheer up Broody, it may never happen"

She could avoid it no longer. After spending a good ten minutes unloading her luggage from the car she now stood on the porch in front of her family home. Summoning all her courage she knocked the door. She made a mental note to get a key cut ASAP. The door opened almost immediately to reveal her mothers beaming face.

"Brooke honey, you're here!" Deb Scott's false smile was placed firmly on her face showing no signs of faltering.

"Hi mom." Brooke muttered as she was pulled into a bone crushing hug.

"We had no idea what time you'd be getting in…" Deb began but was soon rudely interrupted by

an icy voice.

"Well well, my daughter the harlequin returns. Didn't manage to tarnish our reputation any further on the way home? No sordid affairs with hitchhikers or roadside trysts with police officers?"

"Dan, that's enough!" Deb said coldly.

"You're right where was It again… ah yes, the principals desk? That's more your style hey Brookie?" Brooke stared back at her father, her eyes glazed no emotion evident.

"It's good to see you too dad. I'm gonna go unpack" Brooke started walking up the stairs but was stopped in her tracks when the cutting voice of her father started up again,

"Not so fast Brooke, I'm on a business trip until next week. Now I want you to listen to me, I want you to be good for your mother even if it kills you. Just because I'm not here doesn't mean I won't be checking up on you. We've worked to hard too have it all go to waste, have I made myself clear?" Dan Scott asked stiffly.

"Crystal" Brooke said turning around and making her way back up the stairs.

Boxes filled her room; she stood in the doorway looking in. Not exactly the way she remembered it. It was empty except for her queen size four poster bed, the walls had been repainted and all her belongings she had left behind now boxed up and piled up in the corner. She wandered in to the stark room running her hand across the dressing table that stood opposite her bed. No traces of her existence.

"Home sweet home" she muttered to herself.

"The wild child returns" spinning around, she came face to face with her brother. His bright blue eyes filled with warmth. Her one ally in this house, her twin.

"It's good to see you Nate" she smiled pulling him into a hug "God, I missed you" she exhaled enjoying the comfort of his arms.

"I missed you too Brookie" her childhood knick name sounding completely different coming off his lips rather than those of there father.
The let go of each other and Nathan took a seat on the edge of her bed, Brooke sat on the floor pulling one of the many boxes in front of her.

"So how was boarding school?" Nathan asked, Brooke looked up of him disbelieve evident in her expression.

"Don't play dumb Nathan. I would bet my life on the fact that dad has been going on about me since he found out I was coming home. I thought he was gonna have an aneurysm when he found out, I could just picture that vein on his head pulsating…" Brooke joked.

"You got kicked out Brooke" Nathan said shaking his head, Brooke made it seem as though she just woke up one day and decided to come home.

"I haven't forgotten. Although if you ask me that punishment was totally harsh" Brooke answered busying herself with the box she had been trying to open for 5 minutes.

"It was your final warning, you know that right?" Nathan questioned his sister, she hadn't changed a bit. Had an excuse for everything.

"Come on Nate, I was just having a little fun being a teenager, finding myself- isn't that what boarding school is for?"

"Oh so that's what you were doing in the principal's office after hours, finding yourself!" Nathan said in fake realization. Brooke avoided his eye staggering to keep a straight face as Nathan questioned her weak excuses.

"And the captain of the football team, what was he doing there?" Nathan probed her further.

"Helping me look?" Brooke tried her dimples now fully visible- her brother knew her too well.

"Nice try Brooke"
Brooke snorted and continued digging through the now open box, she stopped suddenly pulling out a pile of photos. The one on the top of the pile was a picture of her and her two best friends a red, with a mischievous look in her eyes and a blonde girl with wild curls. The three of them couldn't have been more then 10 years old. They were all clearly laughing at some inside joke unable to contain their happiness, Brooke smiled nostalgically. She put that one to the back of the pile. Her breath caught as she saw the next photo. It was just her and Peyton this time. They were asleep on her mums bed, curled up into each other a picture of childhood innocence.

One of the hardest parts of leaving tree hill was leaving people behind. Growing up Peyton and her had been inseparable; they were sisters if not by blood by heart. Leaving Peyton behind had been like leaving a piece of herself, it was like when you go on vacation and your convinced you've forgotten something but you cant fro the life of you work out what it is. An aching void. What hurt the most was that no matter how many times Brooke had called her and tried to explain, she wouldn't talk to her.

Two years later came the ultimate betrayal after another infamous argument between Nathan and Peyton (they had been dating on and off for around a year, it was more of a love/hate relationship full of constant arguments. But for some reason they always wound up back together) she did the unthinkable and fell into Lucas Roe's open arms. So that was that. Peyton was a valid member of team Roe and Nathan hated Lucas more then he thought possible.

"She's long gone you know" said nodding towards the photo, bitterness laced his voice.

"And whose fault is that?" Brooke answered cattily not missing a beat.

"You don't know what you're talking about. A lot's changed since you left. God Brooke, when are you going to grow up? You thought it was bad when we were kids; it's ten times worse now. It's us and them. The sooner you realize that Peyton is gone for good the better. This is the real world Brooke. Dad needs you. I need you, I need you to be 100 with us, you know he's on the brink of a new deal. The family needs you." Nathan finished, his eyes searching for some kind of reaction from his sister.

Brooke took a deep breath, she hated all this rivalry shit, but it was what her family was built on, what choice did she have? She looked back at Peyton's smiling face, a pang of betrayal shot through her.

"I'm with you. Your right its us against them." through the pictures back in the box she looked up to meet her brothers smug satisfied expression.
"Let's go eat".

Monday morning came around quicker than Brooke would have liked, after dressing in a cute mini, a white shirt and her beautiful Kors jacket, she slipped on a pair of stilettos and made her way down stairs to find Nathan.

Lucas walked into his kitchen and grabbed a bagel off the table, put it in his mouth and started towards the door.

"Lucas Eugene Roe, where do you think your going?" Karen Roe asked form behind her paper.

"You know they have this crazy new idea that kids should go to school, so I was thinking about giving it a go…"

"Don't be smart with me, sit down and eat your breakfast, its not too much to ask you to spend a few minutes with your family is it?"

"Fine" Lucas sighed sinking into a chair as his father made his way into the kitchen.

"Good morning" Keith Roe chirped.

"Is it?" Lucas muttered as he spread cream cheese on his bagel, shooting his mother a smile as she glared at him across the table.

"So does practice start up today?" Keith asked his son.

"Tomorrow" Lucas answered.

"This is your year Lucas, I want you to make the most of it, show Nathan Scott he has nothing on you…" but Keith's inspirational breakfast pep talk was cut short by a ringing in his jacket pocket.

"So much for a family breakfast" Lucas said to himself as his mother was now busy delegating duties to the staff. His cell rang in his pocket, flipping it open his saw his cousins name gracing the screen.

"What could you possible need this early Haley?" he asked in fake irritation.

"I'm outside" his cousins voice traveled down the line.
Lucas opened the front door and looked towards his car. There in front of him was Haley James, sitting on the bonnet of his pride and joy; legs crossed looking at her nails.

"You know you could just ring the doorbell like a normal person" Lucas said shaking his head and walking towards her.

"Where's the fun in that?" Haley joked.
She wiggled down the car slightly, trying to get down.

"Get off my damn car, before you scratch the paint work" Lucas said wincing as he saw her struggling to get off the car. He held out his hand to help her off.

"Someone's cranky this morning. What happened one of your bimbo's didn't deliver?" It was public knowledge that Lucas took advantage of the perks that came with being a Roe. What got to him was the fact that Haley had hit the nail on the head. He hadn't slept well last night; thoughts of the mysterious tequila drinking, pool playing beauty had plagued his dreams. That in its self was unusual- Lucas didn't really get hung up on girls he was more of the love 'em and leave 'em type.

"Ha ha. Get in the car Haley. You know I'm quickly forgetting why I drive you everywhere" Lucas answered shortly.

"Because I'm your favorite cousin. Well that and because my car is still in the shop" Haley said throwing him a winning smile.

"Really? Cause last time I checked Taylor was my favorite. You were just the annoying youngest that wouldn't leave me alone" Lucas smirked, his and Haley's relationship was always like this constant teasing.

"Cute, now lets get to school"

"NATHAN! I refuse to be late on my first day of school!" Brooke shouted up at her brother from the bottom of the stairs.

"Jesus, Brooke I'm coming. Partially deaf thanks to your big mouth" Nathan said as he jogged down the stairs.

"Well hurry up, I need to catch up with Rachel before class, she's gonna give me the cliff notes of what I've missed" Brooke said excitedly. She opened the front door and placed her expensive sunglasses on her face, walked down the drive towards Nathan's flashy sports car- candy red, nice.

"Believe me I know, she called me this morning to remind me to get you there early, I think she might actually be more excited then you…" Nathan trailed off.

"So what's with you two are you a couple or what?" Brooke prodded her brother.

"Ahh it's complicated" Nathan mumbled avoiding the question; he was distracted his eyes focused across the street.

Haley stopped as she opened the door to the truck, her stare landing across the street.

"I guess the rumors were right" her face switching from carefree to serious in a split second.

"What rumors?" Lucas questioned looking across the car at Haley.

"Brooke Scott's back" Haley said nodding towards the two teens stood in front of the Scott mansion.

Brooke looked up at her brother, noticing he was no longer listening to her she followed his intense stare. Across the street stood a familiar blonde haired blue eyed stranger, she lifted her sunglasses for a better look; this was more than a coincidence. Suddenly it dawned on her whose house he was standing in front of,

"Nathan is that…"

"Lucas Roe in the flesh. The girl with him that's Haley James, his cousin, they're fucking inseparable. Way to ruin my morning, can't even get outside my own house without seeing that loser…"

Nathan continued to express his distaste but Brooke could no longer hear him, she was too busy staring at him. His blue eyes suddenly dawned in realization, he knew who she was, she knew who he was. Shock was evident on his face. Nathan's voice became clear to her again,

"…what the hell is he staring at?" Nathan exclaimed anger rising.

"Let's just get to school, okay? Nathan!" she prompted him, he was now locked in a deathly stare with Lucas.

"Fine" Nathan mumbled slamming the car door.
Brooke looked across the street once more, oh god what had she got herself into?

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