Halloween For The Straw Hats- Accidents Or On Purpose?

It was a normal day as the Thousand Sunny sailed toward an autumn island.

The crew onboard was just hanging around with nothing to do.

No Marines, no storms, no problems… except one.

That one little problem grew until…


Sanji kicked the captain straight in the head causing Luffy to hit the deck.

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!" Sanji bellowed angrily.

Luffy sat up as everyone looked over except for Nami.


Luffy walked over to Nami who was sitting down and reading one of her navigation books.

"Hey Nami." Luffy said to the navigator.


"Why aren't you doing anything?"

"I'm reading, Luffy."

Luffy pouted and said.

"I meant doing something fun!"

Nami looked up at Luffy and plainly said.

"I am. I'm reading."

"That's not fun though." Luffy said waving his arms around.

"I don't feel like doing anything else, Luffy."

Nami went back to reading her book as Luffy stared at her.

He then sighed and was about to turn away.

Suddenly, the ship lurched cause of the waves.

Everyone looked around and gasped at what they saw.

The lurch had caused Luffy to trip forward into Nami.

That wasn't the thing that made them gasp though.

Luffy had fallen, and his face had touched Nami's, causing their lips to kiss.

Nami grew red in the face as Luffy just stared surprised.

-End Of Flashback-

Nami was still red in the face as Luffy ran away from the furious Sanji.

"It was an accident, Sanji!"

"Like Hell it was!"

"It was!"

Luffy quickly climbed the crow's nest and Sanji yelled upward.

"If you ever step another step near Nami-san, I'll flatten you!"

Everyone stared from Sanji, to where Luffy was, and then to Nami.

"It was just an accident though." Usopp said quietly.

"It was a beautiful one though." Franky said happily.

"This might be interesting." Robin said with a small smile.

"I hope Luffy's okay!" Chopper said scared.

"I'm sure Luffy is alright, but Love Cook isn't." Zoro said with a smirk.

Nami was growing more red in the face as she overheard the others.

Sanji looked over at Nami and said.

"It was just an accident, right Nami-san?"




"I think she's speechless." Usopp said to Sanji.

"I wonder if that was an accident…" Franky said curiously.

Nami's face turned crimson at that and she stood up.

Franky flinched and braced himself, but Nami just calmly walked into her room.

But she didn't calmly close the door, she slammed it.

Luffy was leaning against the windowsill as he looked down to see everyone looking at Nami.

"It was just an accident though. Why did they make such a big deal about my head hitting Nami's?"

Luffy scratched his head in confusion and waited until Sanji was gone to climb back down.

Everyone then turned their attention to Luffy.

"Are you okay, Luffy?"

"That was beautiful, Mugiwara!"

"Not bad, Captain-san."

"Am I the only one who thinks this wasn't good?"

"Hey Luffy, try to do it on purpose next time!"

Luffy stared at the others and tilted his head. "It was just an accident though."

Zoro started to laugh and Franky joined in.

"You call that an accident? That's classic!"

Luffy stared at the two in confusion and said.

"All we did was hit heads."

"Huh?" Everyone said plainly.

Nami was lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Did Luffy do that on purpose and used the lurch as an excuse? No, Luffy's too dumb to come up with that."

Nami raised a hand and covered her eyes.

"Maybe it was an accident then? Probably, but… Luffy kissed me! Even if it was an accident, he still kissed me!"

Nami sat up and sighed as she looked out the window.

"It must have been an accident, he didn't kiss me, we just hit our heads that's all."

Nami stood up and walked over to her desk, picked up a pen and started on another map.

She found out however, that she couldn't concentrate on any of the maps.

Her mind kept on going back to Luffy.

"We didn't… it wasn't…" Nami never finished any of those sentences before Sanji called out a while later.

"Lunch Time!"

Nami stood up and walked to the kitchen to try and tried to forget what had happened.

Nami entered the dining room and the first thing she noticed was that everyone was staring at her.


"Nothing." They all said.

Nami sat down and noticed that Luffy wasn't in the room.

Zoro caught her looking to where Luffy usually sits and said.

"Luffy's in the crow's nest so Sanji can't kill him."

Nami looked over at Zoro and then stared down at her plate, shrugged and began to eat.

Sanji sat down and they finally had a quiet meal where they didn't have to yell or shout at Luffy.

Robin looked at Nami and then rasied her glass to Sanji.

"Cook-san, could you get me some more?"

Sanji's eyes became hearts as usual and took the glass to the kitchen.

Zoro smirked and quietly muttered to Franky.

"Good thing we took the drinks."

Franky grinned and nodded happily.

"So Nami, what happened between you and Luffy?"

Zoro asked and was replied by a harsh glare from Nami.

"Nothing happened. The ship just lurched and Luffy lost his balance and fell."

"I've never seen Luffy trip before though."

Nami glared at Zoro who was grinning happily.

"There's a first time for anything."

"Including kissing your captain." Franky added.

"Including kissing your cap- hey!" Nami said and then shouted.

Franky started laughing until he felt Nami's glare and quieted down.

"Anyway, nothing happened." Nami said returning to her meal.

"Except for you two kissing." Zoro said with a smirk.

"Except for us two kiss- hey! Knock it off!" Nami shouted angrily.

Zoro just replied with a laugh and went back to eating.

After Sanji had returned and attacked Zoro and Franky for hiding the drinks, lunch was over and the crew returned to the deck.

Zoro climbed up the mast into the crow's nest and saw that Luffy was gone.

"He's probably trying to get some food." Zoro said and then sat down to fall asleep.

Down below, Usopp and Chopper had started fishing out of boredom.

"I wonder where Luffy is?" Chopper asked as he held the rod tighly.

"He might be trying to steal food again." Usopp said.

"Probably." Franky said as he joined them.

"I just saw Captain-san go into the kitchen." Robin said from her chair nearby.

"Yep, he's stealing food." Usopp said with a sigh.

"Maybe." Robin said mysteriously.

"What do you mean by maybe, Robin?"

Chopper looked over to Robin who had a small smile on her face.

"Maybe he's there for food, or maybe he's there for something else."

Robin smiled and started to read her book with a sip of coffee.

Franky tilted his head and then his face lit up and he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Usopp asked curiously.

"Nami is still in the kitchen." Franky replied.

In the kitchen, before Robin saw Luffy enter it, Nami had her arms crossed on the table and her head was resting on them.

She didn't want to go outside in fear that Luffy would be there waiting for her.

She just sat there until she heard the door creak open.

"Hey Nami." Said a cheery voice.

Nami's eyes widened and she gulped.

It was Luffy.

"If you want food, you're too late." Nami said as she continued to stare at the wall.

Luffy nodded and then sat down in front of her.

"What do you want? I'm busy."

"You're just sitting here alone though." Luffy said and tilted his head.

"I'm thinking."

"Is thinking like reading?"

Nami frowned and snapped coldly.

"If you have nothing better to do, then go bug somebody else and leave me alone!"

Luffy looked at Nami and then stood up and left without a word.

Nami placed her face on her arms and muttered.

"Why did he have to come? Why not Robin or Sanji?"

Nami felt something touch her cheek and she quickly straightened up and looked over.

There are Luffy with his hand in front of him.

Luffy poked Nami's cheek again and grinned.

"Everyone else is too bored, so they sent me back in here."

Nami narrowed her eyes and asked.

"Really? Or are you just saying that as an excuse?"

"What's an excuse?"

Nami hit her forehead annoyed and stared at Luffy.

"Then just go to your room and wait till we reach the next island."

"I'd rather be here next to you."

Nami blushed lightly and asked.


Luffy started mumbling words and then said.

"I-I ment cause since there's nothing to do, I wanted to talk."

Nami stared at Luffy as he sweated a little.

"Whatever." Nami said and put her head back on her arms and continued to look at the wall.

Luffy mimiced her and sighed.

Nami looked over and gave a small smile at Luffy.

Unfortunately for her, Luffy noticed.

"You smiled." He said grinning.

Nami playfully punched him in the head and said.

"Am not."

"You still are."

Nami smiled more and Luffy grinned wider.

"See?" he asked and Nami looked at him.

"Whatever." Nami said and she lifted her head off her arms and got ready to leave when the ship suddenly lurched.

Nami closed her eyes as she fell over and then she felt someone holding her.

Or to be more accurate, someone she was holding.

Nami opened her eyes and blushed deeply.

It had happened again.

Luffy and her were kissing again thanks to the lurch.

Nami backed away and stared at Luffy as he stared back.

"It happened again." Nami said sadly and Luffy tilted his head.

"I thought last time we had hit heads?" Luffy said confused.

"Huh?" Nami said looking up.

Luffy grinned and then said.

"What did we do then?"

Nami blushed deeper as she tried to find the words.

"We… kinda… I think we…" Nami said embarrassed.

Luffy tilted his head and then asked.

"I thought you said we kissed?"

Nami turned from scarlet to crimson again and she punched Luffy harder in the face.

"Did not!"

Luffy grinned from the floor and stated.

"You just did though."

Luffy sat up, brushed dust off of him and stood up.

"I just said that? I did not Luffy."

"Yes you did. You said we kissed again."

"No I didn't."

"Then what did we do?"

"… We hit our heads."

"No we did this." Luffy said and then leaned over and kissed Nami on the lips.

Nami stared wide eyed as Luffy straightened up and grinned.

"We did that right?" he asked again.

Before Nami could reply, Usopp shouted from the deck.


Luffy turned around and raced out of the kitchen while calling behind him.

"Hurry up Nami!"

Nami just stood there blushing as she tried to understand what just happened.

"Luffy kissed me… and this time it wasn't an accident…"

Nami stared after Luffy, and then tried to calm herself down as she walked onto the deck.

In front of them, an island was coming up first.

Nami looked at the island and narrowed her eyes.

"How come there are carved pumpkins outside?"

XD Accidents are evil! Or was it on purpose? Anyway, enjoy this Halloween fanfic! More LuNa moments and humor coming soon!

Note: If you want to know, next update will be tomorrow, and the last chapter on Halloween! XD

Writer's Block has no effect on me so I mainly type most of the story before I post it. XD

XD... Okay... I'm back to normal... XD Or not...