Sesshomaru had attended breakfast with his family today. He thought he'd be meeting his brother's girlfriend but she never turned up at breakfast. Surprisingly to Sesshomaru, Inuyasha didn't yell and throw a tantrum like a five year old, like he thought he would. Inuyasha just waved it off saying that she's probably too tired. It was weird hearing and seeing his brother act so calmly. So here he was standing on the deck, leaning against the rail and looking out at the water.

It was almost lunch time so Sesshomaru decided to be headed on his way to the dining room.

With Kagome

Kagome finished her shower and getting ready. She was going to be late for lunch, and if she missed it, Inuyasha would really be pissed. She wasn't in the mood to have her peaceful cruise disrupted and ruined by him screaming at her.

With Sesshomaru

He was casually walking to lunch now when someone bumped into him. He looked down and noticed it was the beautiful angel he saved last night and smiled at her. He thought, 'maybe I can ask her to lunch now.'

Both of them

Kagome started running to the dining room when she ran right into a wall, or what she thought was a wall. Kagome looked up and realized she ran into the silver haired god that saved her from falling last night.

She was blushing now, "I'm so sorry I'm just going to be late for lun-"

"Its alright, I am on my way to lunch myself, would you care to join me?" the man asked.

"No I'm sorry I have another engagement to get too...maybe some other time?" she questioned.

"Okay, I'll see you around," Sesshomaru said walking off.

"Wait..." Kagome called after him but he seemed to have disappeared so she sighed, "I didn't even get his name again..."

So she continued to walk to lunch. She was just about there when a waiter walked into the room and spilled some drinks all over her. She of course didn't get angry. The waiter was apologizing repeatedly but she told him it was fine and left to go back to her room. She told the waiter to tell Inuyasha Takeda that she couldn't make it to lunch and that she's sorry. The waiter did as she asked and delivered the message.

She got to her room removing her clothes and cleaning herself off and then putting on new clothing, when someone knocked on her door. She walked to the door and opened it. It was Inuyasha, he of course just walked right in holding a tray.

"Inuyasha...did you get my message?"

"Yea its fine so I thought I'd bring you some food," he said and sat down on her bed.

"Oh how sweet, um...ok then lets eat," With that they both had lunch and then after talking for a while Inuyasha left. She sighed and decided to go out on deck for a while. She certainly wouldn't be seeing Inuyasha for the rest of the day since he would be sleeping. So she strolled out on to the deck, sitting down on a bench looking out at the sea. Sesshomaru saw her and decided to walk over to her.

"Is this seat taken?" he asked.

"Oh no..sure...oh its you," Kagome said looking up at him.

"Yes, I realized I kept forgetting to ask you...what is your name?" he asked her sitting down beside her.

"Its Kagome and yours?" she replied.

"A beautiful name fit for a beautiful woman," he said smiling at her. He took her hand and brought it to his lips and kissed it answering her, "I am Sesshomaru."

Kagome blushed and smiled at him. Neither of them knowing each others names as Inuyasha never mentions names and neither knowing they already had a connections through Inuyasha.

"So how was your lunch?"

"Oh I ah...I couldn't go, I ended up going back to my room."

"I I don't suppose you would like to have dinner with me later?"

Kagome though about it for a minute and since Inuyasha wasn't going to wake up until morning she decided to give him a positive answer, especially since she had no idea why but she really felt compelled to answer him with a yes anyways, "Yes I'd love too."

"Very well then, it'll be just you and me and meet me right here. I must be going but I will see you then," Sesshomaru replied. He then smiled at her and kissed her hand again but this time lingering for a bit then as he removed his lips from her hand he smiled a smile that very few people ever see and left her.

Of course Kagome was blushing a deep red now and she didn't know it but she was on a date with a man who rarely smiled so to her it must not have been a big deal. But unknown to them Rin was around the corner and was snooping. She didn't know Kagome either, in fact none of Inuyasha's family did. But Rin got really excited and decided to spread the news to the family.

A/N:I can't remember if I mentioned it but his whole family won't know her at all, not what she looks like or her name. Hope you liked the chapter even though its short. And again PLEASE REVIEW.