'Hmm. It's so beautiful out here. I knew this would help me relax more,' Kagome Higurashi thought as she gazed out at the sea. It was night and a beautiful full moon was out, and she was sitting on a beach chair on one of the most luxurious cruise ships of all, the Titanic II. As she kept looking at the spectacular view, she started to wonder why she was here, as she was lost in the shimmering white light on the blue water that was from the moon.

Then when she looked to her left she saw Inuyasha Takeda going into the lobby that led to the cabin. That's when she remembered why she wanted to come on this cruise in the first place.


Inuyasha was on his knee, holding a black velvet box that was opened to reveal a stunning diamond ring. He took the ring out of the box and placed it on Kagome's left ring finger as he asked her the question.

"Kagome Higurashi, will you marry me?" he asked.

"Oh Inuyasha, I...I'm not sure what to say," Kagome said surprised by his proposal.

"Just say you'll marry me."

"I wish I could, but...I just...I need some time to think about this first, please."

"Okay I understand, take as long as you need, but is there anyway I can help?" Inuyasha asked hopefully.

"No not really I just need to get away for a while, take a cruise, cle-" but before she could finish Inuyasha interrupted her.

"A cruise?" he asked.

"Yeah a cruise. Ever since I was a little girl and I needed to think to make a decision, my parents would take me on a cruise, the ocean breeze always calmed me and helped me to clear my mind and relax," Kagome explained.

"Well I'll go with you then, well if your okay with that."

"Yeah I'm okay with that, and you can bring your family, and we can have my family and then it'll seem like a regular trip."

"Are you sure that you wouldn't mind?"

"I'm positive."

With that Inuyasha went to tell his parents and his sister, who told him that Sesshomaru was finally home and he should invite him too.

End Flashback

Now here she was, sitting on the side deck, trying to decide if she really wanted to marry Inuyasha. 'Do I love him enough?' kept running through her mind as she kept trying to figure out if she should marry him or not.

Meanwhile a waiter came out on the same deck where Kagome was sitting carrying a bucket of water. He was going to throw the water over board, when he tripped on a toy that a little girl left out there, when she was playing earlier, and spilled the bucket of water right in front of the entrance to the lobby. The waiter got up and went back inside to get a mop. Unfortunately he ended up doing something else and forgetting about the spilt water.

On the Other Side of the Deck

Sesshomaru was gazing out at the water where the moonlight hit its surface.


Sesshomaru was in his office trying to get rid of the paperwork on his desk. He just got back from Japan, it was for a business trip. And now here he sat being stressed with paperwork. He needed to relax, take sometime to do nothing.

There was a knock at the door just then.

"Come in," Sesshomaru said in his cold, emotionless voice.

When he saw Inuyasha pop his head in he asked, "What do you want?"

"Mom, dad, Rin and I are going on a cruise with my girlfriend and her family. Mom told me I should ask you and you know Rin wants you to go."

"Hmm. Well I'll go," 'Kami knows I need it' he thought to himself.

"Alright I'll tell them. Later." And with that he was gone and Sesshomaru was once again back to his work. He actually found himself wishing his half brother had stayed.

But that still wouldn't hide the fact that he was miserable, there was something that he needed but he didn't know what it was. 'Well, at least this cruise should calm me enough. Then maybe I can figure out what's wrong with me,' he thought.

Later on the ship

He walked out of the cabin, to the lobby, and then to the side deck of the ship. He went to a railing and watched out at the water, as the sun was setting. The same questions kept running through his mind, 'what is wrong with me? Why do I feel empty? What am I missing?' Sesshomaru just couldn't answer any of those questions. He had everything that he's ever wanted, so why wasn't he happy? Soon he gave up on trying to find the answers thinking, 'the answers will come on their own, the least I can do is enjoy the view.'

End Flashback

Now it was night and he continued gazing out at the water. His lean muscular figure was now leaning against the side of the ship, and he stared blankly at the water enjoying the feel of the wind in his hair. His long, smooth silver hair was now free, not in its usual low ponytail. Soon he got up and began walking back to the entrance where the lobby was.

Back to Kagome

Kagome decided that it was now time to sleep she was tired after all, so she got up to head back to the entrance to the lobby. On her way, she slipped on the spilt water until she almost fell. That's when two arms wrapped around her waist, saving her from kissing the wood deck.

When she regained her balance, she looked up and almost though it was Inuyasha who saved her. But the man she was looking at wasn't Inuyasha, true both their eyes were gold, but this guy's eyes were a brighter gold. And his hair was silver-white like Inuyasha's but his hair was more silky and smooth. His complexion was a pale white and when the moon shined on him, he seemed like a god.

While Kagome was studying him, Sesshomaru was studying her. He had noticed her when he was heading to the lobby, as she was sliding, and he saved her when she was about to fall. When she looked up at him he was amazed by her beauty, she was the most beautiful woman he ever saw. Her eyes were as cerulean blue as the sea they were sailing on. Her raven black hair was flying wildly about her, and it reached to the middle of her back. Her complexion was a creamy color. They stood there looking at each other for 10 minutes, then Sesshomaru snapped them both out of their trance.

"Are you alright?" He asked her. Kagome heard him speak to her in an emotionless, yet silky voice.

"Um...yeah, I'm fine thanks," Kagome replied, looking down to hide her blush.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, thanks for saving me."

"It's okay there was just some water down there and you slipped, just be more careful," Sesshomaru said.

"Hmm. Well good night, and thanks again," Kagome said.

"Yeah, good night," Sesshomaru said.

As Kagome walked the rest of the deck to the door, she was careful this time and went through the lobby, and to her cabin. Sesshomaru watched her go, then looked back at the water on the deck. He turned back to the door and went inside. Before going to his cabin, he stopped at the counter in the lobby and told the clerk (A/N: I'm not sure if that's what they're called) to get someone to clean the deck because of the spilled water and then he went to bed.