*******You Can't Have Him*********

A/N: Ok here's the prologue to my rewrite. I didn't want to change up the beginning too much so this chapter is not all that different from the original (I just fixed a couple of things that were really bothering me so now it's slightly better written) but the chapters will start changing up soon! I hope all my readers from the original will still be interested! I hope you will like it! And please review! I want to know if this story is a lost cause or not.

BTW: This story takes place mid…second season sooooo YED is still alive, Dean is still kinda gung-ho about hunting cuz papa Winchester died for him, Sammy is still very confused about what the heck is going on with his powers and stuff. Ok on with the chapter


Pain. His whole body was throbbing with it. That is the first thing that came to mind as Sam slowly regained consciousness. Then the cold hit him, sharp and brittle. The cold floor beneath him and the cool air his lungs desperately tried to draw in. But after those realizations finally kicked in his mind started to process other thoughts, first among them was "where am I?"

Sam shifted on the cold floor and slowly opened his eyes, only to let out a quick groan and shut them again. "Why is it so bright?" his brain felt foggy, an nothing seemed to be making any sense, what had happened?

"Dean?" Sam started, where was his brother? Why would he leave him here? Was he kidnaped? Is Dean ok? What-That's when it all came flooding back to him.


"Dean come on! We have to get out of here!" Sam called out as he dodged another swipe from this week's creature.

They'd been fighting this odd beast, if you can call dodging and poking fighting, for about thirty minutes and they were beginning to tire. They had originally thought they were up against some sort of shape shifter but when they followed the shifter back to its lair it turned into this large were-cat. Its fur was grayish brown that had this odd shimmer to it that made it look like it had a mind of its own, moving smooth and swiftly despite the cats' acrobatic moves.

"No Sammy! I think we've almost got it!" Dean insisted as he looked up into the cats large storm gray eyes and gave off his oh so famous smirk.

"Dean don't be an iggit and listen to your brother! We need to get the hell out of dodge!" Bobby called as he jumped back away from a claw that got a little too close to his hat.

Dean could only nod as a sign that he understood and, to their dismay, the beast seemed to know that it was running out of time to kill them. It started moving faster than it had been before, clawing at the group of hunters in front of it. It tried at Dean again, but missed. And just as it had failed at reaching Dean, it turned its head towards Sam and jumped at him, and though Sam stabbed the beast in the heart as it flew towards him, the beast continued its come towards him…its claws now aimed strait at his chest.

"Sam!" Dean screamed out, as the claws plunged through Sam's chest... Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Dean watched his younger brother fall into a hole that the cat had been nesting in earlier.

Sam felt the sharp pain in his chest that he concluded was the stain of his heart, trying to pump blood through his body, even though there was a claw in the way of his major artery, and for a second that was all Sam knew… pain…he looked up and saw the cat take its last breath, the cat's body eclipsing the bright lights of the warehouse, leaving Sam to fall into Darkness. He hit the bottom… another wave of pain, and then… nothing… he felt no pain in his chest, and heard no pounding in his ears …just silence and black.

End of Flashback

Sam opened his eyes again trying to see his surrounding, but once again saw nothing but a bright light. "Am…am I dead?" He questioned as he shifted again, the motion seemed to ignite his body with pain and he let out an awkward, painful laugh. "No…I don't think there would be this much pain if I was dead…" He thought as his laugh started to get hysterical. Painful tears streaked down his cheeks as he stared at the light. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pushed himself to stand despite his body's protests. He stood and looked down, once again opening his eyes, this time able to see something other than a large blinding light. A frown crossed his features as he examined himself…he looked like crap, and the way he felt didn't exactly give him an upside either, and every second he seemed to feel worse.

'You are not safe here…' A voice whispered. Sam's head shot up only to flinch at the glaring light. "Who's there?" He asked as he tried to ignore his growing pain. He held his hand up to his eyes, hoping to block some of the light, but he still saw nothing.

'That isn't important right now…you need to start moving before the pain increases…and you can move no more…' The voice said as Sam tried to see the edges of the large hole that was just slightly taller than he was.

"And how am I to get out of this hole?" Sam asked as he felt his head start to throb, he did in fact feel worse than when he had awaken, and his back felt funny, it felt… tingly, and his head felt like it was being split in two. Why did it feel like he got hit by a train?

'Jump of course…and as for your other questions…I shall answer them soon enough…but for now you must get to safety…there is a church about three blocks from here…you must go there…' The voice instructed as Sam started to rub at his temples. Sam looked up and jumped stumbling as he landed on his feet. Now normally he would have been a little freaked out by the fact that he just jumped at left six feet with little trouble, but seeing as both his mind and body were experiencing pain like he had never felt before, he had a hard time thinking about it.

'Good…now walk swiftly…' the voice instructed as Sam walked out of the warehouse, a slight limp in his step. His back arched forward as he walked, he cradled his arms in hope that it would ease some of the pain that was coursing through his body. Every step he took felt like it shattered his bones and tore his muscles, but when he would stop the voice would return and urge him forward. And at this point Sam couldn't really think, all he knew was that he was walking towards a Church…and that he was starting to get deathly cold.

'Yes…you are almost there Samuel…you can make it…' The voice cooed as Sam saw the Church, his legs wobbling and his face was covered in cold sweat, but yes…he was almost there. Despite his worsening condition Sam walked onward…stumbling over every other step. But to his surprise he made it to the Church doors.

Sam reached for the door and pulled, frowning as the door didn't budge…it was locked, and he let out a great sigh and laid his head on the door, suddenly becoming aware of his tightening shirt. He just stood there…holding the door, and watching his chest move up and down, felling the pain increase as he breathed. But his patience was rewarded as he heard the door unlock. He looked up and saw a small man standing in front of him; he had ruffled brown hair and a scruffy face that told Sam he hadn't shaven in at least ten hours… 'What time is it?' He thought to himself as the man examined him.

"Oh my…please come in…" The man said as he opened the door wider. Sam walked into the church, not saying a word, and he turned and looked at the man, frowning slightly …why did he seem familiar?

"Please…follow me…" the man said as he pushed softly on Sam's sore back, making him walk. Sam followed the man farther into the Church, past the Alter and into the back, into the living quarters for the priests. Sam could feel himself weaving in and out of conciseness but he was still aware of all the priests standing at their doors…all looking at him…some praying, some crying, and some just looking upon him in shock.

He tried to make a mental note to ask what was going on, but the second he had thought of it another wave of pain wrapped around him and the thought was lost. Sam almost fell over, but to his surprise ever person near him he reached for him, stopping him from taking a nose dive onto the floor, and once he stood with some confidence again the priests let him go and the man that had took him in continued to lead him down the hall.

The little man took Sam through many hallways and turns until he reached an open door on the right. He pushed Sam into the room softly, obviously not wanting to cause him any more pain. The priest helped Sam lay on a bed, exposing his warm back to the ceiling. He kneeled in front of him and felt his face for the obvious fever Sam was experiencing.

"What's your name?" The priest asked as he grabbed a bowl of water from the night stand to the left of the bed. He placed a towel in the cold water and pulled it out again, placing it on Sam's face.

Sam looked at him and whispered in a barely audible voice, "Sam…" and the priest just nodded to him.

"Well…Sam, you're in good hands now…" He whispered back, Sam watched as the man faded from his view and he drifted off into a much needed rest.

A/N: ok, I hope to have the next chapter revised within this upcoming week so please keep a look out!