Elphaba versus herself

Disclaimer: I do not own wicked

Authors note: Wicked's Elphaba versus the Wizard of Oz's version of Elphaba.

How it all began

Well not one single solitary citizen of Oz knows how it happened and none of them will even dare try to understand the event. You see Elphaba had never really died and all of us of Oz know that now. We are most proud of Elphaba for defeating herself without a past. I mean, so OK this person who portrayed Elphaba had no recollection of her college years. No recollection of Glinda becoming her friend. No recollection of her sister before death. Not even the name Fiyero brought up emotion.

... And so our story begins!


UP THE EMERALD PALACE walls she climbed, yes it's true this person you hear of now looks exactly the same as Elphaba Thropp, which we now know it wasn't her. The impostor opened Glinda's bedroom window climbed into the room and slowly snuck over to Glinda's bed. Roled her onto the floor stabed a dagger through her heart and roles her back over onto her back. Mistress Glinda now laid dripping with blood on her bedroom floor.

Elphaba shivered now awake from what seemed like a dream the visions flashed through her head, but Mistress Elphaba knew she would never do anything like murder anyone and Glinda would never be on that list. Being a daredevil like she was Elphaba decided to check up on her friend. Flying fast the wind playing with her raven hair made her happy, it was something she enjoyed. And to know that the citizens of Oz were happy because she was dead or so they thought.

Until she entered Glinda's bedroom that was kept a secret to all of Oz, Elphaba rushed to the side of Glinda's bed and looked down there she was dead and lifeless Glinda "the good" was dead. Her pretty blue dress ruin with blood stains her golden blond hair needed a comb through it.

Time had given Elphaba no mercy for the moment she knew the sun had risen the Palace guards had open door only to see her standing there over Glinda's dead body.

" Halt witch" they bellowed in unison.

" Wait I can explain". Elphaba said backing away from the body of Glinda.

The truth was she could' t explain what she had just stepped into and she knew this was nothing to blame her for.

" Obviously she thought it best to return to the scene of the crime". One of the guards bellowed sarcastically.

" What do you mean return?" Elphaba demanded.

" You come here silently in the middle of the night and then return to clean up the mess you made" one of the guards said through laughter.

" She's a sly one isn't she David, to be able to fake death and then come to kill her goodness". Said Elliott with a chuckle.

" Yes, she is very sly". Said David now looking at Elphaba straight in the eyes and stroking her chin with one finger.

" Don't touch me". Elphaba said pulling her head back from his hand.

" Well aren't we a little ornery this morning". Said Elliott from behind her.

Elphaba felt her right fist fly right for Elliott's jaw. Elliott now was holding his jaw in pain.

David pulled the pepper spray out of his pocket and spray Elphaba directly in the eyes with it. " There that should hold you for a while". David was now in the back of her putting shackles on her wrist. " Damn it". She cried silently.

Now David was on her left and Elliott was on her right and their arms looped through hers. " To the dungeon with you witch". Elliott snarled.

Down, down the long spiral stone staircase went the only light cast from torches held in place on the wall. Elphaba's boots clacked against the stone floor as she was forced to walk down the narrow path to her cell. Soon they came to an abrupt stop, it happened so fast Elphaba had no time to think. An iron door gave a screech like nails on a chalkboard, as it swung open.

As the two guards tossed Elphaba in the cell they said " Hope you like your new home, witch". The whole sentence was heartless, but Elphaba did not like their note when they landed on the word " witch".

Face first was how she greeted the hard hay covered stone floor of her new home. Her witch hat had fallen off when she hit the hay with a plop. She crawled to the far wall of the cell, she did not know how she always got into messes like these but she did.

Elphaba had nothing to do but fall asleep. Her green eyes flutter closed and slowly she drifted...

A puddle of water on her tower floor.

The puddle of water began to whirl like a tornado forming a green body. But there was something different about this impostor, this her, this Wicked witch of the West, for she was or at least looked older than she and Elphaba knew this for a fact. Elphaba examined the wart on her chin and those teeth could they be any more crooked than already they were.

" Did you like my surprise, Elphaba?" She asked. " I know it was absolutely unfair for you to lose Glinda like that, but all good witches must come to an end including Glinda: the Good Witch of the North". Said the Wicked witch of the West.

" You take that back Glinda never deserved to be stabbed". Elphaba grunted through her teeth her eyes seemed to turn red.

" No, it can be". The Wicked witch said dramatically putting her the back of her hand on her forehead. " Is this love I detect for the Good Witch of the North?"

" No". Elphaba said not giving her imposter a hint to any love she might feel for Glinda.

" Lie" the Wicked witch said giving Elphaba a dirty look. The look startled Elphaba so much she slid back against the wall her knees buckle.

" You are a heartless bitch who doesn't know anything about Glinda or anything that I've been through". Elphaba said coldly.

" Till the day that Gregory man gave you a soul you were on my side of the deal we were one of the same, and now you think you can easily pass as a good witch".


"He is the reason what you believe this rubbish about us, I mean you actually believe you have a name and that you have a reason for being the way we used to be before he cut us apart and put us in separate worlds very much alike". The witch explain through venom that poisoned Elphie's entire existence and she fell weak to the floor, her vision going dark and waking up in the cell where she had fallen asleep.