Hey guys, this is my final epilogue and now my beloved Warren Peace's Undoing saga is over, thank you for staying with me, thank you for all the wonderful reviews and thank you for reading, I really and truly appreciate you giving me ego boosts every few weeks. After all, who doesn't love a good ego boost?

I love you all

Andrew's Slinky


Anna groaned as she bent down to pick up the dark-haired girl before her. She was already seven months along and her pregnant belly was causing quite the hindrance in picking up little four-year-old Sonja.

"Here we go." She said sweetly as she swung the brown-haired, blue-eyed girl up onto her hip, hugging her gently. The pair of them were out on the lawn enjoying the sunshine of a Saturday afternoon.

"Hi Sonja."

"Hi." Replied Sonja in her still slightly baby voice, big blue eyes smiling up at the woman holding her.

"Look there's your daddy." Pointed Anna as a man with dark-hair that matched the little girl's walked towards them, a wide smile on his face.

"Sonja baby!" he called as he held his arms out to his little girl and Sonja repeated the gesture, a wide, and beautiful smile on her face.

"Daddy!" she called as the man reached them and swung the little girl from Anna's arms into his own.

"Hi baby, did you have a good time?" he asked her and she giggled.

"I painted you a picture."

"Oh you did?"

"Yeah, I wanna show you." She told him, wiggling down from his grasp and running back into the house to retrieve her paper.

"Hi Anna." The man greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi Michael, that girl of yours is so hyper I can barely keep up." She giggled as her friend placed a hand on her pregnant belly, gauging the movements of her unborn child.

"I know it, just like her mother. Speaking of mothers, how you doing?"

"I'm feeling good, you know, a little huge, mammoth, I feel like a house, but," she shrugged as she trailed off and he smiled at her.

"That's what Sarah said, always prattling on about how she felt huge, but I always thought she looked beautiful, and I think you do to." He soothed her fears and she grinned at him.


"Thank you for taking care of Sonja again, I hate to do that to you, but since both Sarah and I have jobs we're trying our best to juggle things."

"Don't worry about it, I love Sonja, she's a great kid, and I think it prepares me for when this little one comes along."

"Anna, you've taken care of Charlotte practically since she was born, you're going to be a great mom." He told her, holding her hand and then he gasped in surprise as a pair of arms came out and put him in a hold.

"You hitting on my wife?" came the growling, but playful voice of Warren as he let go of his friend and smiled.

"Well I can't help it, she's very beautiful." Grinned Michael as Sonja came barreling back out of the house, her paper in her hand.

"She certainly is." Replied Warren as he settled in next to his wife, giving her a sweet kiss on the lips before cuddling up with her, his warm hands resting protectively over her stomach.

"Here it is Daddy." Stated Sonja with a smile as she held her paper up to her father and he took it with a smile that was identical to his little girl's.

"Its beautiful baby, lets get home and show it to your mom." He told her and she nodded her head quickly to agree as he swung her up onto his hip.

"Say goodbye to Uncle Warren and Aunt Anna, and say thank you." He instructed and Sonja grinned over at her family.

"Bye Uncle Warren, Aunt Anna, thanks." She called to them as Michael started back over his car, waving over his shoulder to his friends before loading his little girl into his car, buckling her in carefully, and getting in himself, driving off to his house and his wife.

"How did today go?" asked Warren as he and Anna held hands, walking up the lawn towards the front door.

"It went just fine, I'm glad I have all that experience handling Charlotte, otherwise I might just have gone nuts." She replied as they entered their foyer, heading back through the hallway towards the kitchen.

"Where is Charlotte?" asked Warren as he helped Anna sit down on a chair at the table.

"Over at Layla and Will's visiting Dominic." She replied as she set a hand on her stomach and winced when the baby kicked.

"Who would think that your sister and Stronghold's kid would be together?" asked Warren, shaking his head as he dug around in the refrigerator for a drink.

"True, but then who would think that Layla and Will would adopt someone who's fourteen?"

"They're good for Dominic, with the hippie's attitude, she was bound to be a great mother, it was always in her nature." Remarked Warren as he poured himself and his wife a glass of grape juice.

"So I was thinking…" started Anna once Warren had sat down and he sighed, shaking his head, knowing that nothing good had ever followed that sentence coming from his wife's mouth.

"About what?" he asked her somewhat apprehensively.

"About baby names, I really think that we should pick one before I have the baby." She replied, a tinge of annoyance and amusement to her already tired voice.

"Okay, what did you have in mind?" he asked her, settling in for a long list, knowing that he was going to be tired once this was all over.

"Well, I've been debating since we don't know powers or anything, I mean it is most likely that the baby will have powers that are the same or similar to ours, but I don't want to name our kid and then have them be the polar opposite, you know?" she started to babble and Warren couldn't stop the smile that spread over his face at the sight of his pregnant, slightly flustered wife, never thinking that she had been more beautiful than she was right at this moment.

"Well, I think that any name we give our baby will suit him or her, after all, who would know our child better than us?" he asked her and she sighed.

"I guess so, but it's still something I worry about, man will I be happy when these hormones stop."

Warren laughed.

"You and me both," she shot him a dirty look, "C'mon, what names did you choose?"

"Well, for a girl I was thinking Kellie Anne, or Colleen Sophia and for a boy I was thinking Charles Anthony or Shawn Thomas."

"Hmm, I like Colleen, but not Sophia, and if it's a boy I think we should go for Charles Anthony, I like that." He told her as he reached out and held her hand in his.

"You don't like Sophia, huh? What do you think we should use as a middle name?" she asked him and he grinned even wider.

"I think that we should use Colleen Paige."

"After my mother?" she asked, feeling tears well up in her wide blue eyes.

"Yeah, I think I like that."

"I think I do too."


"Oh my God, I can't do this!" shouted Anna as she was already in the stirrups and had been pushing for a good hour and a half.

"Yes you can baby, you can do this, just push." Murmured Warren as he wiped the sweat off his wife's forehead, her hand in his own.

"No I can't, I can't…" tears welled up in her eyes as she shook her head, her dark hair falling into her eyes.

"You can do this, just one more big push Anna." Came the doctor's voice and Anna gave out a frustrated cry.

"I can't, I'll just carry this baby with me for the rest of my life!" she replied, shaking her head adamantly.

"Yes you can, baby, yes you can, just one more big push." Retorted Warren, smoothing her hair away from her face and kissing her temple.

"Okay, one more, but that's it." She snipped in reply as she readied herself, took a deep breath and pushed.

"Oh my God!" she screamed until a sharp cry resounded in the room and the doctor grinned up at her.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." He told her as Warren went and cut the cord.

"I get a little girl?" asked Anna, tears welling up in her eyes again as the nurse cleaned then wrapped the baby and handed her off to Anna.

"Hi baby, hi. I'm you mommy." The tears found their way down Anna's already damp cheeks as Warren came to stand by his wife and new baby girl.

"Hi little girl, we've been waiting for you."

"Hi, hi Colleen. Oh Warren she's gorgeous." Anna looked up at her husband, who had tears running down his own cheeks, his wide brown eyes locked onto his baby girl.

"She looks just like you."

"You think?" Anna looked back down at the tiny bundle in her arms and felt happiness and a completeness that she had never felt before.

"Yeah, she's just as gorgeous as you are, she's absolutely prefect." He leaned in and kissed his wife's temple before planting a tender and loving kiss on his new baby's forehead, his heart swelling with pride and love. He found it strange that he could love someone so much when he didn't even know her, when she had only been in his life, hell, in this world for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes.

"Go tell the others, I know you're dying to." Anna smiled up at him as baby Colleen settled into her warm embrace, wide brown eyes staring contentedly up at her parents.

"Okay, I'll be back." He kissed both his wife and daughter before bounding out the door, down the hallway towards the waiting room where their family was waiting.

He burst through the double doors and was greeted by Charlie, who was holding Dominic Stronghold's hand, Layla and Will just behind them, Will's parents to their left and his own mother to their right. Zach and Magenta with their daughter Georgia, Ethan and his current girlfriend Fiona next to them and Michael, Sarah and little Sonja sitting just to the left of them; all of them with large and expectant smiles.

"So?" asked Will, excitement lighting up his voice.

"I have a beautiful, healthy baby girl." His voice was bursting with pride and he couldn't control the ridiculously wide smile splitting his face.

"Oh, I have a granddaughter!" his mother was the first to reach him, throwing her arms around her son and hugging him tightly. Warren leaned into her hug, pulling her tight against his chest before the pair of them broke away and Charlie filled the space.

"I have a niece!" was her squealed reaction and he bent down to kiss her forehead.

"Yeah, you do." He told her as Will came and shook his hand, Layla giving him a one-armed hug. Congratulations and handshakes went around the room before Warren excused himself to go and check on his wife as the rest of his family headed down to the maternity window to get a look at their newest addition to the family.


"How you feeling?" asked Warren once he and Anna were alone, the pair of them sharing the hospital bed.

"Tired, but good." She replied softly as she rested her head against his warm and muscular chest.

"I love you Anna."

"I love you too Warren."

Falling together was their destiny and now they could teach their daughter everything they had learned. Ying and Yang, Fire and Ice, both with abusive fathers, the same yet different. And through it all, love was the common factor; all they had to do was look.