
"And in graver news convicted super villain and murderer Baron Battle escaped from jail this morning, he was serving a sentence of…"

Anna tuned out the rest of it; her numb brain could barely register what she had just heard. Warren's father was out of jail. Poor Warren.

"Anna?" Charlotte's sleepy voice called from the back room of their new apartment and Anna slowly got up from the couch and her homework to check on her sister.

"What's the matter Charlie?" she asked her gently and Charlotte looked up at her big sister with the most serious expression that Anna had ever seen on the young girl's face.

"Is Warren going to be okay?"

"What? What do you mean?" asked Anna quickly as she sat on the edge of her sister's bed, wondering where this had come from.

"Warren, is he going to be okay? I got one of my feelings."

Anna looked at her sister for the longest time before she could find a truthful answer.

"I promise that I will do my best to keep Warren safe, just like he did for us."

Charlotte nodded and snuggled back into her covers, sufficiently soothed by her sister's answer.

"Goodnight Charlie."

Anna headed back out into her living room and sat down to do her homework but she couldn't get the news out of her mind. She grabbed the phone next to her notebooks and quickly dialed Warren's number.

"Hello?" he sounded like he had been crying, but she didn't mention that.

"Did you hear?" she asked him and there was a silence on the other end of the line.

"Yes." His answer was short and full of pain and she could feel her heart break at the fear in his voice.

"You okay?" she asked him and he paused again.

"I think so, I can't really tell."

"Don't forget that I love you." She told him and he chuckled.

"I won't, I love you too, tell Charlie I love her and that I'll be around to see her in a few days."

"Okay, I will, and if you need me, anytime, anything, just call okay?"



"I promise Anna, now don't you have homework?" he was avoiding and she let him, for now.

"You know me too well."

"Goodnight Anna."

"Goodnight Warren."