A/N: Whew! I haven't updated this story in a while! But I'm hoping you will all forgive me and read this chapter! I hope you all enjoy it!

She was having a bad day.

If that's what you could term two frantic calls from her publicist, one horrible interview, one accident, a mound of paperwork and a burn on her hand.

When she rolled over in the morning and found Booth missing, she had the feeling it couldn't be good. He had left her a note stating that he had to run in to the office and he would see her later. She got up and headed to the shower only to discover that their hot water wasn't working. She forced herself through a cold shower and then headed into the bedroom to get dressed.

The first shirt had a stain on it. The second ripped when she picked it up. Finally, on the third, she got lucky and quickly dressed, heading downstairs.

She pressed the button on the coffee machine and a sputtering sound came out. But no coffee. She tried again, refilling the water and changing the filter. Clearly that wasn't the answer.

Sighing, she turned to the kettle and placed it on the stove, heading into the living room to relax on the couch while she waited. That was the plan until she tripped on the rug and almost face planted into the coffee table.

She spun on her heel and turned back into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as the water boiled. The kettle began to steam and she reached for it as she glanced at the clock. It was 9:15! She was horribly late. Startled, she reached for the kettle, missing the handle entirely and hitting the blazing hot side instead.

She pulled back instantly but the damage was done and tears pooled in her eyes as she turned and ran her hand under cold water. Cursing, she examined the wound. Her fingers were bright red and were throbbing. Thrusting them back under the water, she bit back tears.

She could hear her cell phone ring in the other room and she guessed it was probably Angela or Cam, wondering where she was. She headed for the bathroom and rooted around for some gauze and cream, hoping that would help.

Fifteen minutes later, she was bandaged and ready to go to work. Turning the keys carefully in the ignition, she was greeted with a sputtering sound that was similar to what the coffee machine had made. After trying five times, she called a cab and headed towards the Jeffersonian.

Her publicist called and reminded her about the interview she had at 11. When she explained about her burned hand, Shelly freaked out and hung up the phone rapidly.

She made it to her office, where she sunk down on her chair. Turning her computer on, she briefly checked her email before heading out to the lab. She swiped her card and it didn't beep. She did it again and it still wouldn't grant her access.

Cam was rounding the corner and let her in. Looking at the tables filled with bones, she knew that at least she could do this part right.

Or so she thought.

Instead, the bodies proved difficult to diagnose. Plus, her hand was bandaged and it made it hard to thoroughly examine. Add to that Cam, Angela and Hodgins all wanting to know what happened. And the annoying grad student corrected her on something she missed.

By 10:30 she excused herself and headed for her office, thinking up possible interview questions on the way. Booth told her she was getting better; she only hoped that this interview would be as good as the last.

Unfortunately this interviewer only wanted to ask her personal questions about her and Booth and roped her into admitting several things she really didn't want to share.

Her publicist called afterwards and chastised her for the things that she said. She was lying down on the couch, trying to get some rest, when she heard the alarms go off.

It turned out her over eager grad student was experimenting and let some supposed toxin in the air which had them shut down for two hours and turned out to be nothing but harmless bacteria.

Head pounding, she tried to focus on the paperwork in front of her to no avail. She had dialled Booth's cell phone several times and got his machine, which slightly worried her. He always answered his phone.

By the end of the day, she was ready to tear her hair out. She had barely got anything done and Cam was expecting several reports by tomorrow. She had tripped again and bumped into the ladies room door on her in.

She sat on her couch, her eyes closed, hoping her headache would go away.

"Bad day?"

She quirked one eye open and saw Booth standing in front of her, hands in his pockets, smirking.

"Yes." She grumbled, crossing her arms in front of her.

"Can I make it better?" he said, waggling his eyebrows.

She fought the smile that threatened to appear on her lips just because she wanted to remain grumpy. That was her prerogative after that day she had.

"C'mon Bones." He pleaded, reaching for her hand. "Let's go to Wong Foos and eat. You know you want to..."

She sighed and let him pull her up, as she attempted to move towards her desk. He had other plans though and held her tight against him.

He pressed her lips against his cheek and then whispered in her ear. "Love you."

She figured it wasn't that bad of a day after all.