Scattered Memories

Summary: Scattered memories; a dark future. When Sakura loses her memories, can she overcome her fears and regain her memory all the while trying to save Sasuke from the horrible future fate has given him?

Pairings: You'll find out: D Unless, of course, you're smart enough to guess!

Disclaimer: These characters are NOT mine, I just torture them. XD All Naruto characters are copy-righted to Kishimoto-sama. The plot is ALLLL MINE though.

Time Setting: Right before the Sasuke Retrieval Arc.

How to Read:

"Speaking text."

'Thought text.'

Last Time: Bruised, burned and blood-covered, Sasuke returned to Sakura's body, kneeling infront of her, sighing.

"It's finally over." He said quietly, as if she were going to answer him.

To him, it hadn't sunk in yet. It was almost as if she were in a coma and was going to wake up sometime in the future.

Even though, without her…there was no future.

He heaved a heavy sigh, easing his hands underneath her and picking up her body. He suppressed his tears and jumped off; leaving a place he'd never come back.

Maybe he would.

He just couldn't leave the other body there, too.

Chapter 10: Of Love and Death

"It's not…" The blonde gasped, tears dropping from his eyes. "It's not possible!!" He yelled, staring at the body of the girl he loved, running his fingers through her hair.

His attention fully focused on the girl, he absolutely forgot where he was and who he was with.

Naruto stood in the Hokage's office, crying his eyes out. He'd shown up like that, though. He had explained to Tsunade what happened, how Sakura had kneed him to go to Sasuke.

Tsunade wasn't all that surprised. She'd tried to calm him down, telling him that Sasuke wouldn't let anything happen to her, but just as she got him to calm down, Sasuke crashed through the window.

Sasuke could barely stand up, holding Sakura in his arms, both of them covered in cuts and bruises.

Naruto went off the deep end when he realized Sakura wasn't moving.

But before Naruto could do anything other than cry and scream, Tsunade took Sakura's body from Sasuke, letting him sit before he passed out and clearing her desk for her body to lay on.

That was when Naruto went over to her, still crying, proclaiming that it wasn't possible.

He still thought that as he looked over at Sasuke. "This is all your fault!"

Sasuke, who was utterly exhausted, sat in the chair Tsunade provided him, leaning forward, head in his hands. He mumbled something.

Naruto didn't care if he was dying, Sasuke needed to be punished. "You were supposed to protect her!!" He yelled through sobs.

"So were you!" Sasuke hissed, eyes closed, head still in his hands. It was just setting in that Sakura really wasn't coming back.

Tsunade, standing in between them just in case, bowed her head. They both had the right to be angry, to hate each other. But being former teammates and friends, they should be able to make up…right?

"Well, I'm not the one who let her die!" Naruto retorted, holding Sakura's hand, still crying.

Sasuke frowned. "I'm not the one who got tricked by her and let her leave the village, like I told you not to!" He snapped.

Naruto growled. "I'm not the one who left the village and started this mess in the first place!!"

"Boys, calm down!" Tsunade yelled over the two of them, a headache forming in her mind. "It's everyone's fault, not just Sasuke's," She looked over at Naruto. "Or Naruto's." She looked at Sasuke, who didn't even bother looking up. "Okay?"

"But, Tsunade!!" Naruto screamed. "Can't you bring her back?! Can't you do something?!"

She shook her head. "No…I'm sorry." She paused, sighing and looking down. "I can't bring back the dead, no one can."

His anger was yet again turned to Sasuke. "Why did you let her die?! It was you – "

"I'm sorry."

Naruto fell silent, staring at his former teammate. Only once had Sasuke ever said he was sorry; and that was when they thought they were going to die. Hearing it now, he didn't know what to do, frozen stiff.

Tsunade was just as surprised as well.

Sasuke shook his head, running his hands through his bangs, letting them fall back around his face. "I'm so fucking sorry!!" He yelled, voice filled with sorrow, standing in rage. "None of this was supposed to happen!!" Breathless, he continued. "It's just…it was the only thing I could think of!!"

Still staring at him, Naruto felt…guilty. Or at least, a little guilty. His anger made him forget that Sasuke loved her too.

Tsunade was the first to move, walking over to Sasuke. "It's okay, Sasuke." She set a hand on his shoulder, making him look up at her. "Really," She said, hiding her surprise at the Uchiha's teary eyes. "It's okay. Sit down before you hurt yourself and let me clean those cuts before you get an infection."

He did, falling back in the chair, again, his head resting in his hands. He was ultimately silent.

Tsunade looked back between both boys before exiting the room, going to get a medical kit from down the hall. She sighed. "What a night…"

"Look, Sasuke – "

"Just say it, okay?" Sasuke snapped, eyes closed. He knew Naruto hated him even more now, all Naruto needed to do was say it.

Naruto sighed, letting Sakura's hand go. "I'm sorry, too."

Confused, Sasuke looked up, seeing blue eyes starting back at him. "What?"

"I'm sorry, too." He repeated. "Part of this is my fault…so I can't put all the blame on you." He turned away from Sasuke, looking at Sakura's closed eyes and the mark on her face and neck. "Did she jump in the way?"

Sasuke nodded. "Yeah. I tried to stop her…"

"Well," Naruto started off, drying his eyes. "It's definitely gonna be hard without her around…but, seeing as how I have my brother back, I think things will be okay, don't you?" He smiled slightly, looking straight at Sasuke.

Sasuke blinked at the blonde. Was Naruto really forgiving Sasuke? He waited, seeing if the blonde took a sudden 180 and started beating the hell out of him, but the blonde didn't. "Yeah." He said, very sure. "Yeah, I think it will." He even tried to smile. "When did you go and grow up?"

Naruto frowned, crossing his arms. "Very funny, teme."

Suddenly, the door opened and Tsunade walked back inside, smiling. She'd heard the whole conversation. "I'm glad you two made up."

"You were listening?!" Naruto yelled, staring in disbelief at her.

She nodded. "Yeah."

"I thought you would've noticed, Naruto." Sasuke said, wearing his usual smirk on his face.

Naruto crossed his arms, frowning. "I hate you all."

"Yeah, yeah," Tsunade began, setting the kit on the floor near Sasuke and beginning to clean the cuts and bruises on his arms. "Tell it to someone who cares."

Sasuke chuckled.

Naruto stared at her in disbelief.

When Tsunade looked back at him, she smiled. "Just joking." Her attention soon went back to Sasuke's wounds and she sighed. "You know, boys," She said, breaking the silence.

Both of them looked at her strangely.

"There might be a way to bring her back."

"But, I thought you said – " Sasuke began, his voice barely a whisper.

Naruto was speechless, just staring at her. Even though, he managed to find a small part of his voice. "How?"

She nodded. "I did say I couldn't bring her back…and it's true, I can't." She looked up at Sasuke. "But, if I had help, I think I know a way."

"Anything! I'll do anything!! Just tell us how!!" Naruto yelled, jumping over to the chair, tears coming to his eyes again.

She chuckled, smiling just a bit. "Calm down, Naruto." She sighed, stitching a deep cut on Sasuke's arm. "It's not going to be easy. And we can't do it here."

Even though he didn't show it, Sasuke was just as, if not more excited than Naruto. I mean, who wouldn't be? Maybe his dream wasn't shot after all. "Do we care?"

"OF COURSE NOT!!" Naruto answered, smiling.

Tsunade smiled at them, finished stitching, and stood up. "Alright, but I'm warning you, - "

"Tsunade." Naruto said, eyes filled with determination. "We don't need a warning. We just want Sakura back, don't we?" He looked down at Sasuke.

"Do you even need to ask?" Sasuke asked back, standing up slightly, but then leaning on the armrest.

Tsunade sighed, shutting her eyes. "Alright then." She took a moment of silence, thinking about where they could go…until she looked at Naruto. "I'll take Sakura – "

"But – " Naruto opened his mouth to speak.

"No, Sasuke's tired enough as it is, you need to take him." She said, walking behind her desk.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Sasuke asked, watching as Tsunade slipped her hands under Sakura's body and picked her up.

Tsunade looked at him, eyebrow raised. "You can't even stand. You're leaning on the chair. Just do it."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine."

"Come on, teme," Naruto started, ribbing him gently. "We get to see Sakura again. Who cares who's taking who?"

The raven sighed, realizing Naruto was right. He didn't move from his spot, but let Naruto move first, pulling the raven's hand over his shoulders.

"Just follow me." Tsunade said as she left the room in a poof of smoke, Naruto and Sasuke following soon after.

"Tsunade!!" Naruto whined. "Where the hell are we?!" He asked as he walked behind Tsunade, still helping Sasuke walk along.

Sasuke begged the same question, looking at the small cavern they were traveling down. They were definitely outside the village…near an old battlefield, since the land was pretty much scarred and ruined…but where, exactly, Sasuke didn't know.

She turned her head, keeping her eyes ahead of her. "You'll see."

They both sighed and watched as the small cavern suddenly opened up into a dark space, where both boys had to blink to let their eyes adjust.

They could barely see Tsunade stop and set Sakura's body down. "Okay, guys, we're here."

Sasuke pulled his hand away from Naruto's shoulders, falling onto the ground.

"And where is here?" Naruto asked, trying to peer into the darkness.

She smiled, even though they couldn't see it, and turned toward them. "You should know it, Naruto." She looked down at Sasuke. "Got enough chakra for a light?"

Confused, he nodded. "Yeah, I think."

"Good. Naruto," She said, turning to him. "do you have a chopstick or something on you?"

He smiled. "Of course! I always carry around my lucky chopsticks!" He yelled, pulling a pair of chopsticks from his jacket pocket.

She smiled again. "Sasuke, go ahead and light those on fire for me, would you?"

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other.

"NO WAY. You are NOT lighting my lucky chopsticks on fire!" Naruto yelled, starting to put them back into his pocket, until he felt a tug on his pants. "What?"

"Just hand them over. I'll buy you a new lucky pair." Sasuke said blandly, reaching up, taking the chopsticks and lighting the edges on fire.

They barely lit the room, but nevertheless, there was light.

Still smiling, she walked over, taking the chopsticks from him and walking away.

Both watched as two flames became three, then four and soon there were more flames than either boy could count and what they thought was a large space, was actually a cave the size of a living room. The flames they saw were many melted candles that looked as if they had already burned down once before.

Naruto, strangely enough, felt like he had been there before. "Have I been here before?" He asked, looking at Tsunade, who stood only feet from them, Sakura's body a few feet from her, lying inside a wide circle of candles. "Yes." She nodded. "This is where the Kyuubi was sealed." She answered.

"…" Naruto was silent, staring blankly at the space. He knew he felt nostalgic for a reason.

"So…uh…" Sasuke started off softly. "What're we doing here?" He felt weird being there, as if the spot was sacred – at least, to Naruto, it probably was – being that this was where the Kyuubi was sealed within him and where Naruto lost his father.

Tsunade looked at both boys and smirked. "Raising the dead."

"So, do you both understand?" She asked, looking at two somewhat confused boys.

"Kinda." Sasuke answered.

Naruto shook his head. "Not really."

She took a breath, ready to explain again until Sasuke stopped her.

"Wait, lemme see if I get this." He said. Because if he could understand it, he could surely explain it to Naruto. "You're going to use a jutsu, a jutsu you made, to take our chakra and…give it to Sakura? Won't that just replenish her own chakra?"

She shook her head. "You've got half of it." She said, kneeling beside Sakura, the boys seated on the other side of her. "This jutsu takes another's chakra, such as yourself, and the person who starts the jutsu turns it into life-force and lets it seep into the dead person." She explained. "But, there's a 50-50 chance it will work, depending on how long the said person has been dead."

Sasuke nodded in understand. "Okay."

"I'm still confused." Naruto said, raising his hand.

"Look, dobe, Tsunade-sama's going to take my chakra, turn it into life and give it to Sakura. Then she'll wake up, understand now?" He said slowly, trying to make sure Naruto understood.

"Ohhhh…I get it now!!" He tilted his head. "But…why are we only using Sasuke's chakra? Why not mine?"

"Because I've got to have one of you near consciousness. Sakura, if she wakes up, will feel like she just woke up from a coma and you won't feel any better, Sasuke. I need someone to help me take them back." Tsunade explained, cracking her knuckles.

Sasuke took a moment and looked at Sakura, running the back of his hand against her cheek. "What if I don't have enough chakra?"

Tsunade smiled, looking at him. She figured he'd ask that. "Don't worry. The smallest amount of chakra can last a lifetime…literally." She said in reassurance.

He nodded, taking his hand from her and looking up. "Than let's get started. I miss her too much."

"Okay." She nodded, not surprised at the emotion from the Uchiha. From what Naruto had told her and what she heard earlier, he'd done everything for her…so why would emotion be anything more surprising?

She sighed heavily. "Just be careful. I don't want you passing out and falling back on a candle."

"Tsunade, wouldn't it be smart to heal that cut on her face first…ya know, before you bring her back to life?" Naruto asked, pointing to the large cut on her face and neck.

She was surprised she hadn't caught it herself, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess so."

Sasuke watched, waited, as he let Tsunade slowly drain his chakra, forming it into life for the lifeless in front of him.

Naruto also watched, standing behind his teammate, just in case he fell back from exhaustion. It was strange, seeing as how his teammate never needed – or wanted – help from anyone and now, was taking help in any way possible. He wondered why.

Until it hit him, when Sasuke reached out, hand shaking, to grab Sakura's, his eyes so soft, Naruto didn't even recognize him.

Sasuke was really, truly in love with Sakura.

And thus, Naruto sighed heavily, closing his eyes. 'Come on…' He thought, reaching the depths of his mind and calling forth a chakra that was not his own.

"Naruto…What are you…?" He heard Tsunade's tired voice ask, as she opened one eye, feeling a strange chakra being added to the one Sasuke had already given.

"Letting two people in love, be in love. It's not fair if they live half as long as I do." Naruto answered, smirking down at the Uchiha.

Unable to speak from exhaustion, Sasuke leaned back, mentally thanking the boy that had become his brother.

Just as Tsunade let the force of life seep into Sakura's body, Sasuke could feel the warmth come back to her body, slowly. He could feel her blood circulating beneath his fingers.

And suddenly, a choking gasp filled the room and Sakura's lungs heaved heavily, breathing life back into her body and brain. She coughed and coughed until her breathing steadied, her hand gripping whatever it was that held it.

Something gripped back.


Her breathing almost stopped again. 'It's not…it's not possible! It can't be…' Her mind told her it was impossible. She was dead!

Yet, her heart told her the voice was real. The feeling was real.

And so, Sakura slowly opened her emerald eyes, sight coming from blurry focus to sharpened focus, clearly depicting everything around her.

He was the first thing she saw, her eyes pulled toward him, looking into the tired onyx eyes. Her pale lips formed into a smile. "Sa…" Her voice cracked, still coming back to her.

He smiled too, knowing what she wanted to say. He gripped her hand, closing his eyes. "I…know…"

She tried to sit up, pulling one hand behind her, but found her muscles were weak and fell right back down – almost – if it wasn't for Tsunade, holding her up.

"I think we should head back home, Naruto." She said, picking Sakura up off the ground, letting the girl close her eyes and rest.

"Yeah." He nodded, waiting for Sasuke to let Sakura go and then picking Sasuke up.

As they traveled home in the gray of the morning, Sakura opened her tired eyes, finding a pair of black eyes on her. She smiled.

He smiled back.

Taking a deep breath, she whispered something to him. "I waited."


"Daddy!!" The blonde called from the sandbox, staring at the boy who had sat near him. "Daddy!!"

Another blonde, a much taller blonde, his blue eyes locked on his child, came up. "What's wrong, Sora?" Naruto asked, reaching his son and kneeling down to him, his Hokage cloak folding under his knees.

Sora's nearly transparent eyes flickered to the dark haired boy across from him.

Naruto's eyes followed his son's eyes and when they fell on the raven, he smiled and rubbed his son's head. "It's okay buddy, he's a friend." He said, looking at his son. "Is your name Riku?" Naruto asked, looking from his son to the other boy.

The raven looked up cautiously, green eyes eyeing the large man. "I-I'm not allowed to talk to strangers." He said quietly.

"It's okay, Riku." Another, deeper voice spoke. "That's not a stranger." The other man said, kneeling next to his son.

The boy looked up at his father. "It's not?"

He smiled. "Nope." He stood up, reaching his hand out to the tall blonde. "Long time no see, Naruto."

"Yeah right, I saw you last week." The blonde replied, smiling.

Sasuke and Naruto shook hands, showing the boys at their feet that the other was no stranger.

Naruto's son, Sora, stretched his shovel out. "Wanna use my shovel?"

"M'kay. You can use my bucket." Riku replied, handing Sora his blue bucket.

Smiling, both of the older men left, knowing their sons were going to be good friends someday.

"Say," Naruto started, walking near the swings, seeing a familiar pink haired girl setting up a picnic. "Wasn't this near the spot where I said I hated you?"

Sasuke nodded. "Yeah. And this is where I told you that I loved Sakura more than you loved her."

"Seems like everything's smoothed out now." Naruto said, seeing the trees' leaves blow around.

"Yep." Sasuke said, meeting up with his wife, kissing her.

"You know what?" Naruto started off, interrupting the kiss, a smirk on his face. "You still owe me a pair of chopsticks."


Well, that's it. Not much more i can say, really, it ended how i wanted it to, and maybe a little different that what you were expecting. At least, i hope. So, i probably won't be starting anything new since school is starting to act up (end of the year and all). I'll keep working on the One-shots, which, if you haven't read, you should. They're just cute and fluffy, with a bit of drama on the side. Only two out of nine are up, but i'll get more up soon. Ten Tails (for those fans out there) will be started again soon, my motivation slowly returning. It'll be finished by this summer, and hopefully the one shots will be finished. So, that meanst i'll have time to write other stories!! Yay!! Anyways, i hope you enjoyed the ending!! I know I did. xD