An Endless Forbidden Love

"Love is great; but the consequences are hated."

Prologue: The Holy War

Screams and roars were heard on in the depths of the clouds. Rage and malice was thrown at everyone. Chaos has erupted and the deaths of angels and the devils were resoundingly high within every minute. The clashes of swords and weapons groaned and wept as they rang in the air. Blood of the holies and evils was smelt throughout miles and miles.

On the peaceful Earth it was raining.

The clouds were heavy with rage…

And the rain was deep and thick with forgiveness…

Two lovers fought against each other angrily but hesitate to do any damages that might cause death. Duty before honor was necessary for both of their kingdoms.

"Sas-" An angel was cut off as a sword flew to her face and nicked her porcelain cheek. The scar ran wickedly along to her ear till it reached the edge of her ruby lips. She placed a hand on her pale cheek and winced as it stung cruelly. Haruno Sakura narrowed her expensive emerald green eyes at her ex-lover. Her rosetta hair was flying everywhere due to God's rage and his power to control the winds. She was to win this battle for the sake of Heaven and Hell. To throw the demons back into the devil's throat.


A devil stood few yards from her as he smirked at her angered face. The ex-Angel, ex-child of God stood with such power coming from Satan, that anger and malice was making his hair stand on the edge. His obsidian eyes that use to drown her as if it were the abyss. The hair, much like a color of a raven, was swaying gently and mockingly before Sakura. Uchiha Sasuke, was the demon that was to destroy and rip apart his ex-friends and ex-lover.

"Hn." He grunted as he eyed Sakura. "I see you haven't changed at all, from the past three years." He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "Still the weak, dependent, pathetic girl."

She narrowed her eyes dangerously and raised the sword in her hands. "I'm not like how I use to be." Her voice strengthened and her orbs flared with hatred. "I will kill you for the sake of my kingdom."

A small smirk appeared on his face.

In a flash, Sasuke ran towards her and raised his hands, as he whispered words beneath his breathe.

Flames were ignited and the scorching heat shot towards Sakura quickly.

Her eyes widened and she dodged the fireball, before it even had a chance to touch her skin. But she was too late to have the blaze lick her white satin-like gown. The red liquid had made the bottom of the hem sing with ashes and dust. Sakura quickly pat it out before it even had a chance to travel more. Unfortunately, the fire had eaten the gown till it reached her knees. She growled in hate and glared at Sasuke, who smirked off in the distance.

"BASTARD!" She roared angrily. "I've come too far to lose!"

A pair of massive wings ripped from her back and from the satin gown. The wings spread wide open and towered above her as the air vibrated and hummed with glory and awe. Sakura snapped her fingers and the fingertips began to illuminate in a bright yellow light. In her hand, appeared a magnificent steel-silver sword that had bible verses engraved in it. She held it as if it were a badge of honor.

"By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return." 3:19

"But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." GEN 2:17

"If this is how you are going to treat me, put me to death right now-if I have found favor in your eyes-and do not let me face my own ruin." NUM 11:15

Sasuke expressed a bored look to Sakura. "It's not like you're the only one who could do that." As Sasuke raised his hands up in the hair, bat-like wings ripped from his black shirt and the spread at his sides. He threw his head back, opened his mouth, and a tip of a sword seemed to be coming out of his mouth. He didn't even gag as the hard part came. Soon, a sword was in his hands, which shined in the light because of his saliva. It was pure black, and flames licked it eagerly. He grinned as he noticed that the expression on Sakura's face didn't even change.

"Let's begin our dance of love, sweetheart." Sasuke jumped on his feet and flew forward, as his sword was by his side.

"And I shall end it with a stab of my sword at your black heart!" Sakura's wings swept downwards and propelled her into the air.

Two birds that flew in the air

One will be struck and fall down

To the pitiless of Mother Earth

The other will stand tall and strong

And victory shall glow on the face

They have only just begun the fight and Sakura started breathing hard. Perspiration clung to her face and flowed freely down as if it were a river. Her hair was getting in the way and it began to annoy the hell out of her. Sasuke wasn't doing well himself. His hair was raveled in different directions and his sarcastic smirk wasn't plastered on his face anymore. His clothes was rumpled and torn from Sakura's sword. Underneath them was the war that was continuing to get worse and worse. Dead bodies piled on the ground and blood was splattered everywhere.

Sakura and Sasuke were the only two who were flying in the sky.

They soon flew straight at each other and their swords clashed in a metallic duo. Sakura snarled madly as their swords were fighting to control the other. Sasuke only looked at her with emotionless eyes. Suddenly the past was brought up.

"Did you savor it? HUH?" Sakura screamed. "Do you savor his power?"

"…" He said nothing until he pushed her away. "Don't." His deep voice was mesmerizing and filled with the promise of lethal harm.

Sakura still flew towards him in such hate that he could feel it radiating from her. "One day you just disappear and the next thing I find out is that you've join HIM!" She wildly swung her sword so hard that it sliced his chest. The wound was about half an inch deep.

Sasuke winced and brought up his hand to tenderly touch his cut. He then snarled and stared at the swollen red flesh. The blood was leaking out of him uncontrollably.

He hated being wounded.

"I did it for a reason-"

"What reason? You left me and ripped my heart out!" Sakura was so angry that her sword disappeared in a poof and she lashed out her leg. Sasuke's sword also disappeared as he brought up his arms to block the kick.

That was a huge mistake.

He was kicked down fast as if he was a comet flying from the sky and plummeted down the ground. He groaned painfully as he lifted himself from a crater his body has created. "Damn," He cursed. "I forgot about that destructive power she has." When he looked up his eyes widened as he saw Sakura flying down at him, at such a speed, that he didn't even have time to move.


Sakura pulled her arm back and punched it at Sasuke with all her might. Sasuke immediately grabbed it before it can cause a deadly impact and threw her to the side. She gasped out in pain as she hit a tree. She coughed out blood and glared at him weakly.

Will we ever be together again?

Sasuke stood up and staggered a bit before regaining his composure.

Will we ever be happy again?

Sakura also stood and grabbed at her side in pain.

Will we ever be lovers again?

Within a second they both flew at each other and fought. Their swords appeared instantly and were banged together with a clash. Sakura thrust her sword out but Sasuke instantly dodged it and threw out his sword.

Will I ever be able to-

Blood splattered on the ground.

Forgive you again?

Sakura doubled over in pain as her shaking hand reached towards her chest slowly. Her hand didn't even reach two inches from her skin and blood flooded out of her mouth. Her wings disappeared like dust bursting in the sky, her porcelain skin became deadly pale and her lips began to become chap. Sasuke's sword penetrated though her heart and in any time soon she was to die like a wilted flower.

She fell to the ground and the sword vanished within an instant. She looked up at Sasuke as tears fell out of her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks.

"Will," She chocked on the blood exiting from her lungs. "I ever be able to forgive you?" Sakura whispered as blood trailed down her lips. Her eyes then dimmed and her body went slack.

Everything alive must perish sooner or later.

Everything with wings must die within a few moments.

Everything that's soft and fragile will die in a painful situation.

Because Death is the only thing that clings to it.

Sasuke bent down to her and moved a couple strands of hair from her face. He looked down at her emotionlessly and then brought his lips down to hers. One last kiss he will steal from her lifeless body, as she has stolen and ripped his heart out in the past. Sasuke growled at the taste of her as his body roared, sing with vitality. He'd never again sampled anything sweeter than her pouty lips; never again smelled anything more invigorating than her clean, rosey scent.

Something in Sasuke had awakened him.

Flames shot right through his skull painfully.

Tears began to spill and a heart began to ache.

He has killed-

Haruno Sakura

A liar

God's child

A legend

His ex-lover

God's favorite angel

A killer

An arch angel

A betrayer

His ex-partner







His heart

Lies and deceit has soon plagued Sasuke's mind and he has finally realized what has been going on. All the promises Satan had told him were to be diminish to dust. All the rumors of affairs and cheats going around Heaven's kingdom were lies and blasphemy. The lies began to run through his head.

She's cheating on him with Miroku!

Are you serious?

Yes! And he doesn't even know!

But wouldn't she go to Hell for this?

Yeah. But because she's God's favorite angel he wouldn't even dare put her in Hell.

Poor Sasuke-kun.

I can give you power for the revenge you need, Sasuke.

Am I never again to hear her sweet voice?

Am I cursed never again to feel her soft touch?

Cruel Fate has robbed Uchiha Sasuke of all his treasure.

Due to the fact that we are all merelydust in the wind.

Wordlessly, he stood and starts to walk away. Even till this battle, Sasuke has left Sakura's empty, battered body on the battlefield, and has left Satan's side. He is neutral and walks alone by himself on this God-forsaken Earth. Till this day, Sasuke will find the revenge he needs and will find his love once again.

Haruno Sakura

It was time the angel became horribly stained

It was the devil that has driven her insane.

Finally the devil's beloved angel is killed

And the joy of protecting his kind...

The guilt for this deed...

Has led him to insanity.

"Will Death be an innocent act of creation?"