(a/n) the not so long awaited sequel to the Fifth Dragon is up and ready to be read. I just couldn't wait to get started on this story, so that explains why it took me 4 days to right the first chapter. now, a few things before you get started. this story will be a bit more mature than the last one. but I still dont feel that it needs an M rating. T will do just fine. next, I couldn't fit all the pairings into the summary, so I'll have to list them here: RaixKim, ClayxOC(Saya), OmixOC, JackxOC, and finally, there will be one OCxOC. and finally, I strongly suggest than nobody drink anything while reading thins chapter. wouldn't want you to spray something all over your computer and ruin it, now would we? trust me, take that worning. so, with no more things to say, Ill leave you to read Seven Sins chapter 1.

Seven Sins

Chapter 1: New Students

"I can't believe that idiot Jack wouldn't take me back and all because he rebuilt that stupid detect-o-bot or whatever it's called! Ok, maybe the fact that I tried to kill him had something to do with it, but it's not like it's never happened before." Wuya grumbled as she weaved her way through a dark, moonlit forest somewhere in Romania. Recently, the heylin witch had once again suffered a defeat at the hands of the Xiaolin monks. She figure that with Hannibal off somewhere licking his wounds and Chase having mysteriously disappeared that is was time for her to take another shot at world domination. So, she Jack (who still trusted her at the time) steal the Reversing Mirror from the monks and the Serpents Tail from Jack so she could regain her physical form and proceed with her plan (no details included). Unfortunately for her yet fortunate for the world, Omi, Clay, Raimundo, and Kimiko managed to stop her yet again. Afterwards, Wuya was reverted to her ghostly form, though she was never put back into the puzzle box, and left for dead from there. She'd been hovering through the same forest in Romania for hours now and she was really starting to get pissed off. If she were still physical, she would've burned the whole damn thing down in a blaze of green fire. Every tree, whether it be dead and barren, or half lifeless with gray, drooping leaves would go up in smoke and burn to the ground. She'd leave the low fog, which barely hid the ground from sight. She thought that would be a nice touch to the destruction.

Wuya sighed and crossed her arms, which almost went right through her body. "I can't just keep wandering through this forest aimlessly." She grumbled. "I need to find place to stay and another insect I can mooch off of."

"I know not where you can find someone to 'mooch off of', but I can offer you a colleague."

Wuya turned her head over her shoulder to see who had spoken. She gasped when she saw who it was. Behind her stood a tall and broad shouldered man with a short beard and mustache. His face was mostly hidden by a strange helmet in the shape of an eagle's head made of some kind of black metal and he had iron plates with many bone spikes covering his shoulders. What could be seen of his light brown hair was a single long braid which reached down below his knees. He was dressed in something very similar to a Xiaolin robe. His shirt and sash were black while his pants were red. His shirt also had two strange symbols on it: the first was a seven pointed star; the second was a gray and white flame. Most people would though that this was just some guy in a bad Halloween costume, but Wuya recognized him immediately. "Pride! What're you doing here? I thought you were banished with the others."

"Making to many assumptions, as always, I see. You haven't changed a bit over the past fifteen hundred some-odd years, Lust." Pride said emotionlessly.

"Actually, it's Wuya, now." Wuya corrected.

"Fair enough. Now, as I was saying, I have merely been in hiding. I've been in suspended animation deep within the bowls of the earths crust, waiting for you to come and resurrect me." He stopped there, seeing the look on Wuya's face which obviously meant that she knew she was in trouble.

"Yeeeeeeah… about that…" Wuya started, but Pride cut her off.

Pride moved swiftly, shoving his face right in front of hers. They eyes on his helmet were glowing hellfire red. "You, the only surviving member of our organization, have made no attempt over the past fifteen hundred years to resurrect or even reform us!" he spoke in a harsh, almost violent tone, growing louder as Wuya slowly moved back and cowered in fear. "After the others were banished and I went into hiding, you continued your attempts at world domination. You attempted it once and you were defeated by that Monk, Dashi. From there, you were trapped inside a puzzle box until this time period. That, I can forgive you for. However, you should've begun searching for a way to bring us back as soon as you were released. May I ask why? Did you forget that without me, you would've remained a lowly house wife of an abusive husband back in ancient China? Did you forget that it was I who gave you your magic powers?"

Wuya remained silent, cowering like a frightened puppy in Pride's shadow. Pride spat at her in disgust before continuing. "Luckily for you, I am a forgiving man. I am going to give you one and only one chance to redeem yourself. I have begun to reform out organization. I have already recruited new suitors for Wrath and Gluttony. However, I am having trouble finding a likely candidate to take your place. So, choose now,"

Pride waved his hand. A puff of golden smoke engulfed Wuya and when it cleared, Wuya had regained her physical body. Her dazzling auburn hair moved ever so slightly in the gentle breeze and her emerald eyes gleamed in the moonlight. She looked down at her body to admire her shapely figure, as she did every time she became tangible again. But this time, her clothing was completely different. Instead of the usual dress robe she wore had been replaced by a simple black sash which reached across her chest and tied off in the back and another garment covered her lower torso, but left her legs completely exposed. This also had a sort of cloth that reached from her pelvis down to her ankles on both the front and back sides. There was also one more change. She had a sort of tattoo, exactly like the star on Pride's shirt. The lowest point on the star reached down just above her naval while the two top most points stopped just beneath the sash that covered her chest. Wuya took in a deep breath and sighed. "It feels good to be back in the old uniform." She said.

"So, will except my offer, Wuya?" Pride asked. "Will you abandon your lone quest for world dominance and return to your place as the Sin of Lust? Will you rejoin the Seven Sins?"

Wuya laughed in her amusement and offered Pride her hand, which now constantly glowed faintly of her dark magic. "Sure, I'll call you boss again. I was starting to miss the title of Lust as it was."

Pride smiled devilishly, his smirk barely visible under his helmet. "Excellent. Now, let us return to our dominion. I'm sure Wrath and Gluttony are getting impatient and I still need to find replacement for Envy, Greed, and Sloth." And so, Pride and Wuya vanished with the wind, off to reform an evil more powerful than any could imagine. The wind would bring dark things in the near future. Fire would burst from nothing, water would turn to poison and acid, humanity would completely unite for the first time in known history to fight a losing war against demonic armies, and it would all be the doing of one group…

The Seven Deadly Sins.


Birds sang happily outside of the temple on this sunny day. Inside, four teenagers were walking lazily into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing their eyes every step of the way. The first to walk in was Raimundo, a tall Brazilian boy, with his arm wrapped around a petite Japanese girl's, Kimiko, waist. Next came in Omi, the short, bald, Chinese boy who'd lived there all his life, or at least most of it. And finally, Clay, a large Texan boy, brought up the rear.

Kimiko yawned and stretched her arms. "Man, I slept great last night!" she announced as she and her boyfriend separated, Raimundo sitting down at the table and Kimiko heading for the sink to get a glass of water.

"Yeah, me too." Rai agreed as he pulled an apple out of the basket on the table. He took a bit and started munching away as Clay and Omi took their seats on the other side. Omi was slumping over looking tired as if he'd slept on a rock or something and Clay was just staring out the window deep in thought.

"Is that so?" Omi asked. "That is most strange because I didn't sleep at all last night." He grumbled.

"Why's that, Omi?" Kim asked as she took her seat next to Rai.

"Because some inconsiderate and uncaring people insisted on making strange moaning noises in the middle of the night."

Raimundo and Kimiko cringed and stopped what they were doing at Omi's words. They began to nervously glance between each other and the little monk as thoughts of the night before went racing through their head. "I thought you said they were both asleep!" Kimiko whispered to him. Rai responded by giving her a glare, trying to nonverbally say that he thought they were. Truth was, this wasn't the first time they'd been caught. Clay and Dojo had confronted them about their actions multiple times over the past six months, though no one had actually even walked in on them or anything. Clay usually just said that he knew, and kept joking about it throughout the remaining day while Dojo just told them not to do it again, though the couple begged, bribed, and threatened him not to tell Master Fung. It was probably a miracle that master Fung hadn't found out by now. They'd always been worried about if Omi ever found out. He'd always seemed like a bit more of a nark in extreme situations like these, though he was getting better about keeping secrets these days.

"Yeah, about that Omi…" Rai said, "Let's not let Master Fung find out about that, ok?"

"You have my word that he won't know so long as I can sleep soundly from here on out, deal?" Omi asked.

"Deal!" Rai and Kim said in unison.

At this point, Clay slammed his fist on the table and got up from his seat, muttering, "I don't need t hear this." Under his breath as he walked out of the room. Everyone was silent for a while simply looking at the door waiting for Clay to come back. Eventually, however, Raimundo broke the silence by asking, "What's his problem?"

"I must say, I am as confused as you are, Raimundo." Omi agreed.

"You mean you guys don't remember?" Kimiko asked with a shocked expression. Rai and Omi simply shook their heads. "It's been six months to the day since… well, you know." When the two boys continued to look at her stupidly, she groaned and began to explain.

Exactly six months ago, there hadn't been four members of their team, but five. Her name was Saya: Omi's long lost adopted sister, Clay's girlfriend, and an all around good person. She returned to the temple after a seven year journey to find her Wudai Weapon, the Plasma Sceptor, which still sat in her room today collecting dust. A lot of good things came out of Saya's return. Were it not for her Raimundo and Kimiko would've more than likely never gotten together, Omi would've never discovered that he actually still has a living family member, Clay may not have gotten a girlfriend until he left the temple, and they probably wouldn't have defeated Chase in his attempt to take over the world. In all of their minds she was a hero. And whether she was alive or just off somewhere thinking things over is still unclear.

It had been six months to the ay since the battle with Chase and Saya's disappearance, so, now that Omi and Rai thought about it, it was perfectly clear as to why Clay was depressed. "But why aren't you mad or something, Omi?" Rai asked. "She was… er, is your only living family member, after all."

Kimiko elbowed him in the ribs. "Don't get him started too!" she snapped.

Before another word could be said, Clay walked back into the room. He was slumped over slightly and had his hands in his pockets, so he was obviously hadn't gotten over his mood yet. "Hey guys, Master Fung wants to see us outside after breakfast." He said before walking out of the room.


It didn't take long for the others to finish their breakfast and get ready to meet Master Fung outside. They eventually found Master Fung and Clay sitting silently under the shade of a small tree. This tree in particular had a few precious memories about it. This was the exact tree that Clay and Saya had shared their first kiss under. To Clay, it was practically forbidden ground these days. He usually tried to avoid any and all memories of Saya whenever possible.

"Ah, there you are." Master Fung said as he turned his attention to his other three students. I have a favor to ask of you four." The old monk reached into his sleeve and handed it to Raimundo. "I would like you to take the Silver Manta Ray to the air port in Hong Kong and pick up a few new students. They are listed on that paper and should be able to find easily enough."

Omi's jaw dropped at his sensei's words. More new students? How many Dragons in training could there possibly be? As if he was reading Omi's thoughts, Master Fung continued. "These new students are coming to the temple to learn our ways and to learn our fighting style. They aren't more Xiaolin Dragons, though there have been as many as twenty in the past." He paused briefly as he reflected on his days as a young monk at that very temple. "Now then, be off. Their planes should be landing shortly and I'd like them to be here as quickly as possible."

"Hey, wait a minute!" right on queue, Dojo the dragon came falling out of the tree branches above. Lazy dragon was sleeping in the trees again. "Why can't I go?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, Dojo. But I've recently acquired the information that most people aren't accustomed to seeing dragons flying through the skies. Something about dragons being mythical creatures these days. Anyway, you will only accompany the kids when they are searching for Shen Gong Wu from now on."

Dojo grumbled darkly as he slithered away, slinking into some dark corner of the temple to get more sleep most likely. After a few more instructions from Master Fung, the gang grabbed the Silver Manta Ray from the vault and headed for Hong Kong.


The gang stood in a circle in the center of the crowded air port. According to Master Fungs note, by some stroke of luck or irony, there were four of them and four new students. One from France, one from Spain, one from Australia, and the last from South Africa. They decided to split up and gather all four simultaneously to save time. Clay quickly stated that he'd fetch the one from Spain and was out of sight within thirty seconds. Kim gave Rai a quick kiss before she said that she'd get the French student and walked off. Rai and Omi played Rock Paper Scissors over who would take the other two, not that either actually cared. Omi ended up getting the Australian while Rai got the South African.

Rai leaned against the wall as he waited for the new student to show up. He held a sign in front of his that had a name printed on it that he couldn't even begin to pronounce. He was there for a good fifteen minutes, watching face after face walk past him until finally someone walked up to him. He was a black kid about Rai's age. He wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a purple basketball jersey with the number eight on it and a white T-shirt under that. His hair was short like Rai's, but more curly than straight. "Hi, you must be… I'm sorry, I can't even begin to pronounce your name."

"Yeah, no one can." The boy stated. "You can just call me Rush."

Rai simply shrugged and the two walked off, back to where the gang had split up to begin with. Along the way, Rai learned a lot about Rush. Apparently, Rush came from a middle class family in a small coastal town back in South Africa and the only reason he was allowed to come to China was because he'd already graduated high school, even though he was only fifteen. Rai didn't believe him at first, but, just to prove his point, Rush started to explain some extremely complicated chemistry that Rai couldn't even understand. Ria ended up stopping him half way through, claiming that he was getting a migraine and that he believed Rush now.

On the other side of the air port, Kimiko was impatiently tapping her foot on the floor and checking her watch every thirty seconds. She, like Rai, held a sign in front of her with a name written on it. Unlike Rai, however, she could easily figure out what the name said. She was waiting for a girl named Mimi Cooper from France. Kimiko sighed and checked her watch again. "Man, what is taking this Cooper girl so long?" she mumbled.

"Bonjour." Knowing that the word that had just been spoken was French, Kimiko turned her head to find a girl who she hoped was the one she'd been waiting for. She looked about a year or so younger than Kim. She wore what Kim guessed was a school uniform: a plain white blouse and a blue plaid skirt. She had long, auburn colored hair. "You're from the Xiaolin temple, right?"

"Yeah." Kimiko offered her hand to the other girl for a hand shake. "I'm Kimiko Tohomiko. And you're Mimi Cooper, right?"

"Oui." Mimi replied, shaking Kimiko's hand. Good thing Kim at least knew the basics of French.

"So, if you don't mind my asking, what's with the uniform?" Kim asked.

"Oh, this? I went to an all girls private school back in France. My plane left, like, fifteen minutes after class let out that day and I didn't have time to change before it left." Mimi replied. The two girls continued their conversation as they went to rejoin the others.

Clay sat silently on a bench with his hat pulled down over his face waiting for the new student from Spain. From the sign he had, he learned the he was waiting for a girl named Elena Murrieta. Unlike Kimiko, he was actually enjoying the long period of time that this new girl was taking to show up. It gave him some time to just be alone and relax. As much as he tried not to, his thoughts kept drifting back to the fact that it had been half a year since Saya had disappeared.

Clay turned his head just in time to see a girl with short brunet hair walking his way. She wore a pair of tight blue jeans with holes in the knees and a purple T-shirt with some smiling pink rabbit on it. There was a sentence written under the rabbit, which Clay guessed was in Spanish because he couldn't make heads or tails of it. She stopped in front of Clay, confirming his suspicion that she was who he was looking for. "Hola, I'm Elena Murrieta. And you are?"

Clay stood up, stretched his arms and yawned as he answered, "Clay Bailey." Without so much as another word, Clay motioned for Elena to follow him and walked off. They didn't speak to each other all the way to rejoin the others, though Elena did try to start a conversation a few times. Eventually, she gave up, deciding that Clay was just a quiet or rude person by nature.

Fifteen minutes later, Raimundo, Kimiko, Clay, Rush, Mimi, and Elena were all sitting at a table eating food from the air port McDonalds. Most everyone got cheese burgers, Kimiko and Mimi ended up getting salads, however, because Kim wasn't that hungry and Mimi was a vegetarian. They'd been waiting for Omi and the other new student for almost a half hour now and they were all getting impatient. This did give everyone a chance to get to know each other, however. Over the half hour, Elena revealed that she could speak three different languages, not counting English and Spanish; Mimi said that she'd won multiple surfing contests ever since she was seven; and Rush had been working for a wild life preserve for the last year, working with everything from chimps to lions cubs to elephant calves. Clay remained silent through every conversation. At one point, Elena asked Kimiko why Clay was in such a bad mood. Kimiko, not wanting to reveal too much, simply said that Clay had some bad memories about this day and would be back to normal by tomorrow.

Finally, after almost an hour of waiting, Omi appeared next to the table with the new student from Australia: a girl about Raimundo's age with long raven black hair. She wore a pair of camouflage shorts and a blue blouse. Omi tried to introduce her, but claimed that he forgot her name after wandering around the airport for the last hour trying to find the others. Raimundo just stared at the girl wide eyed. She looked so familiar to him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on who she reminded him of.

"It's all right, Omi." the girl said. "My name's Julia Marsh, I'm from Sydney Australia."

"No way! Julia?" Rai asked,

Julia looked down at the Brazilian boy, confused at first, but then it dawned on her. "Raimundo Pedrosa? Is that you?"

Raimundo got up from his seat, throwing his arms around the girl and drawing her into a brief hug. It only took a few seconds for the two to break apart and start ranting. "Man, it's been way to long, girl." Rai said. "How've you been? And how're the waves in Sydney?"

"I've been great, Rai. But how're you? And how're things back in Rio?" Julia replied.

"Um, excuse me." Kimiko said. She got up from the table and snaked one arm around Raimundo's waist. "Confused girlfriend here who'd like to know what the heck's going on."

Rai chuckled as he and Julia began to explain everything. Julia had been born in Los Angeles, California. When she was five, she moved to Rio de Janeiro, right next door to Rai. Those two were apparently old friends. Julia ended up moving to Sydney when she was twelve, however, and they hadn't seen each other since until now. "We've got a lot of catching up to do, Jewel." Rai said. Jewel was a nickname that all of her friends called her.

"Save it, guys. We've got to get back to the temple." Clay said. "Master Fung wanted us back as soon as possible." With that, the eight of them made their way out of the airport, activated the Silver Manta Ray once in the parking lot, and flew back to the Xiaolin temple. From what they knew Rush, Elena, and Mimi would fit in fine at the temple. Julia, however, was a different story. Kimiko had already found a small dislike for the Australian girl. She'd have to keep an eye on Rai from now on.