And while this was all going on…the Turaga were still conferring in the deepest bowels of Ta-Koro. Although Matoro had endured longer meetings, he was still starting to get a little antsy. The Village elders seemed to be circling the same points over and over without any signs of reaching a conclusion…As was usually the case in such weighty topics as this one.

"The Toa are starting to come apart at the seams." Nokama said gravely, looking around at her brothesr, "They have never experienced anything like this before,"

"How I wish we could tell them fully what we know!" Vakama sighed, slamming his firestaff on the ground in his frustration, "But there is a time when such stories may be repeated, and when such stories must be stifled…"

"If what we know can help them on their greatquest, then wouldn't it be heartwise to let them know?" Matau asked, a worried expression behind his mask, "For true, brothers and sister! I do not know how much longer I can stand by and seewatch our island stumble when we hold the key to its salvation!"

"It is hard, Matau." Whenua said in a low voice, "I will agree with you on that count—but the Toa need to learn what the humans really are, and what they need to become. Unfortunately if it means that Mata Nui must fall in order for them to see this, then so be it!"

"How can you say that!" Onewa leaped to his feet, outraged, "Are you so ready to admit our defeat, brother? Are you so ready to hand victory to the humans when really it's not them the toa should be fighting!"

"Don't get your mask in a fix!' Nokama chided gently, "Onewa, you know as well as I do that our Earthy brother here would never do such a thing."

"The most we can do is watch them, and pray to the Great Spirit that they find the true answer in the end." Vakama sighed, looking at the tip of his firestaff, which was now slightly bent from his mad attack of the ground, "For now, my brothers and my sister…we are needed in our own villages and not here."