Disclaimer: Not Mine.

A/N: So here it is. The story you've all been waiting for! The sequel to Perfect Kiss. Sorry it took me forever to get it started but I will try to make it worth the wait. You guys are fantastic, thanks. BTW, this story is bound to be just slightly darker than Perfect Kiss but i hope you'll like it.

Dumbledore was dead.

It never seemed possible for that man to die and yet . . . he was gone.

Murdered by Snape, that double crossing snake of a spy.

This couldn't possible.

And now, we were defenseless against Voldemort without a spy.

"I'll go," I found myself saying.

The Weasley family, Hermione, and Remus Lupin all stared at me in shock. Mrs. Weasley jumped to her feet. "No. Absolutely not. I forbid it."

"But why?" I asked.

"It's bad enough Ron, Hermione, and Harry are planning to sneak off somewhere. I will not have you becoming a spy for You-Know-Who, Melody Travis."

"But . . . it might actually work," Remus said, even though he looked as though he wasn't too keen on the idea either. "Think about it Molly, she's just a child. Voldemort won't expect her to be a spy."

"She is just a child, Remus!" Mrs. Weasley cried.

"I'm almost seventeen," I said, but of course no one was listening.

"Mel, are you sure about this?" Ron leaned over and asked.

I nodded. Underneath the table, George, my boyfriend for a year and a half, took my hand and gave it a small squeeze. I intertwined my fingers with his.

We were still kind of a secret even though the only people who mattered who didn't know about us were the adults, his older brothers, Ron, and Harry. Hermione and Ginny knew, of course, and so did Fred, but only because they'd been there through the whole process.

But it didn't matter because right now, I knew George and I would make it. For a whole school year, he wasn't around, having already graduated (or, if you want to be technical, dropping out) and we were still together. I glanced at him now to see that he was glancing at me, giving me a small smile.

"Melody?" I looked from George to see Mr. Weasley staring at him. Next to him, Mrs. Weasley fumed while Bill and Charlie tried to consul her. "Are you sure you want to do this, Melody? It's going to be tough work. You'll have to be able to keep your mind clear around You-Know-Who unless you want to be found out? Are you sure you want to do this?"

I nodded. "I'm sure."

"Also you'll have to leave soon, because we have to make sure they won't come and attack us while we're bringing Harry over here."

"I can handle it."

"But," Mrs. Weasley said, tears coming to her eyes, "you're just a child."

"She won't be for long, Molly," Remus said, sending me a smile. "And she wants to help. If this isn't an adult thing to do, I don't know what is. We'll make sure she's okay."

Later that night I snuck over to George and Fred's room. George met me at the door, taking my hand and led me down the creaking stairs.

In the living room, he pulled me down to sit in his lap. "Are you sure about this?" he asked.

"No," I confessed.

"Then why are you doing it?"

I shrugged. "Someone has to do it. . . . I have to leave tomorrow."

"Why so soon?"

"We need a spy now, I suppose. Make sure we get Harry out of Privet Drive safely."

"Aren't you scared?"

I hesitated, turning over so that I could lay my head on his shoulder. "Horrified."

George wrapped his arms tighter around me, kissing the top of my head. "You'll be fine. You can always come home if you need to."

"I know. . . . You think Harry will hate me?"

It was something I'd been worrying about. They wouldn't tell him because of his connection with Voldemort, to protect me. So he would think that I betrayed them until after this thing was over. . . . Now that was something I don't think I can handle.

George shrugged. "I don't know."

I looked up at George who was looking down at me, his brown eyes shining with love and sadness. "Think of me?"

He kissed my forehead. "Everyday."