My faithful cast once again!
Tohru: Lindsey
Kyo: Cooper
Yuki: John
Shigure: Anthony
Ayame: Trey
Hatori: Conor
Momiji: Heinz
Kagura: Rebecca
Hatsuharu: Danny
Rin/Isuzu: Liza
Kisa: Jamie
Hiro: Austin
Ritsu: Seamus
Kureno: Lee
Arisa: Kaley
Saki: Katie
Mayuko: Maggie
Hey, I'm back! This is the real sequel to Furuba Our Way!, not the one written by linzaglyphics29, so I hope you enjoy it!
To recap…
Trey, Lindsey, Katie, and I were sitting at a table, watching everybody else dance the night away. The time on the clock on the wall was "10:52".
"So, that's it, then?" Trey asked us.
"Yep, that's the end of it," Lindsey said.
"Come on, you guys, this is getting boring," Katie said. "Let's go dance."
"Yay!" the three of us said, running to the dance floor with Katie.
In the present…
The entire 8th grade class was gathered in the church parking lot waiting for our bus to come. We all gave a whoop of excitement when a big black and silver bus pulled up in front of us.
"OFF TO FLORIDA!!" we all screamed, crowding onto the bus. Luckily, Lindsey, Katie, Anne, Nicholle, Paola, Rebecca, and I got seats pretty close to each other initially, but our teacher had prepared a seating chart for no particular reason, so we had to split up. We all sat next to the person we liked, so that wasn't too bad….
After about an hour of talking about what we'll do when we get to Florida, I got tired of hearing the schedule over…and over…and over. Apparently, Lindsey and Katie were getting bored too, so they decided to annoy me.
"I'm bored!" Katie whined first.
"I'm bored!" Lindsey whined really loudly.
"Okay, I'm having this really weird déjà vu moment," I muttered. "Have you guys ever said that before, just like that?"
"Nope!" they both answered cheerfully.
"Well, don't say it anymore," I said. "It's kind of annoying."
"I know what we can do!" Katie cried suddenly. "Let's act out a random scene in Fruits Basket!"
"Aah! Déjà vu! Déjà vu!" I yelled.
Paying no attention to me, Lindsey said, "I'll be Tohru, Katie is Saki, and Liza is Rin! Wait, I'm having the déjà vu thing too!"
"OK, if you have a déjà vu moment from now on, don't say anything about it!" Katie cried, obviously annoyed that she hasn't gotten a déjà vu moment yet.
"So, who's going to be Kureno, Ritsu, and Arisa? Lee, Seamus, and Kaley aren't here…," I said.
"Yeah we are!" came three unanimous voices behind me.
"Aaaah! What the heck?! Where did you guys come from?!!" the three of us screamed.
"Kaley used magic to get us here!" Lee said.
"Okay…," Katie said skeptically.
"So let's get started!" Kaley cried. "This time, we'll wing it and not use a script. Well, actually, I happen to have a spare script in my bag…." Kaley twirled her hands, and a stack of paper fell neatly onto the floor.
"Wow…. OK, so we have scripts! That's cool," Lindsey said optimistically.
"Hey, everybody that was in our last play, get your butts over here!" Kaley shouted.
"Huh?" some of the class answered, not having a clue to what we were talking about. There were cheers from the rest of them, and they were the rest of the cast.
"All right!" I cried when the cast (which included Jamie, Rebecca, Maggie, Trey, Austin, John, Conor, Cooper, Danny, Heinz, Anthony, Lee, Seamus, and, of course, Lindsey, Kaley, Katie, and me) had gathered around near us. "We have another script! Are you guys up for it?"
"Yeah!" John, Cooper, Rebecca, Danny, and Maggie responded enthusiastically. The rest of them shrugged, not caring one way or the other.
"Let's get started then!" Katie yelled.
"Wait," Kaley said, interrupting. "We need some privacy, right? We can't act out the play with the rest of the class and the teachers thinking we're crazy!" Murmurs of agreement responded to her.
Nodding, Kaley said, "OK, let me just cast a spell on everybody…"
"Hey!" interrupted Lindsey. "You're forgetting that me and Katie are magical too! Can't we help?"
"Yeah, sure," Kaley said calmly. All three of them muttered something that the rest of us couldn't understand. When they were finished casting the spell, they raised their heads simultaneously and smiled.
"There," Katie said. "The spell is cast."
"But it won't take effect for another hour or so, so just chillax until then, OK?" Lindsey said. All of us agreed, and we settled down in our seats, unaware of all of the strange stares we were receiving from the teachers, parents, and 8th graders.
OK, so, like last time, we will start acting out our parts in the next chapter, 'kay? All right, please review!