Chapter 5

Ok, OK! I know it's been forever since I've uploaded anything, but I've been stuck with doing too much work at school and at home. I used up two days of lab doing this, so you all better be happy! I hate that no one wants to leave reviews! Come on folks, even a little advice would be great. I don't even care if you bash my story. I just want to know how people think of it, damn it! Now that I got that out of my system I have work to do. Enjoy!

"Summoning Jutsu!" I slammed my hand on the tree branch. The summoning seal appeared, a cloud of smoke, and then my lord formed from the cloud. His body was much bigger then any humans, but he was only ten feet tall. His ears were long to the point ware they looked like little swords in an ear shape. His nose was just like any other bat you would find in a cave, but his most outstanding feature was his wings. If you looked hard enough you could see scars all over his wings. He could have the scars healed away, but he wanted his enemies to know he was a strong warrior. My lord took in a deep breath he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Hunamaru, why have I been summoned?" His voice was a high but serious pitch. I looked down from the tree to see myopponent standing in his Iron Fist stance with his diamond-like claws shone in the sunlight. I pointed to him and said in a nice tone,

"I need help to defeat him."

My lord looks over to him, studies him, and then looks back at me. "Just him? I should consenter this an insult!"

"I'm sorry, but he's put me past my limit." I explained.

"My best servant pushed past his limit, interesting!!" My lord said, surprised. After a moment of thought he opens his wings and yells to my opponent,

"Great Job Human! You've impressed me by pushing my best servant around, so as a reward you get to fight me; Kuramoishi the Bat King!"

"Bring it!" Was all my opponent said. My lord, Kuramoishi, leapt into the air ready for an entertaining fight.

I can't believe I had to summon Kuramoishi. I have no idea what Ino and Choji are up to. I hope nothing bad happened to them! I can't take anymore! Why was I dumb enough to think that the Thunder-nins wouldn't be listening when Shikamaru and I made that plan last night?!? Now Ino and Choji have to fight on there own and I won't be there to help them. DAMN IT! I hate having to leave my comrades to fend for themselves! It's not like I don't trust there abilities, it's just I don't want a repeat of what happened to my family! Plus, everything was going so well this morning

-Earlier that day-

The doors to the forest gates opened and everyone raced in. All the teams,eight total, had there own door. The teams where mine, Kiba's, The Thunder, two Grass, one Waterfall, and two Mist; a nice variety of people, don't you think?

My team was on the far west gate, so there was some shade to cover our tracks. We raced in, and after a few hours of running and jumping in the trees, found a little clearing to camp. I wondered if anyone knew how to do Genjutsu that would cover up the clearing for the night, so I asked.

"Hey Choji, do you or Ino know a Genjutsu that would disguise this area?"

"I think Ino does." He answered opening a bag of chips.

"Give me a minute and I'll have it up." She said doing some hand signs. Then a dome of what looked like a watery shell formed all around us.

I looked around and thought about setting up traps. Its better to be safe then sorry, but I don't want to waste wire I may need. Then it hit me! We should do shifts, that way the other two can save energy. So who should go first? The best choice would be me since I can detect sound movements better then any normal ninja, but I better ask them. They are my friends. So I went and sat down next to Choji and Ino.

"I think we should do shifts to save energy. What about you guys?"

"Sounds good to me, Ino?" Choji asked happily enjoying his chips.

"Sure, but who goes first?"

"And what do we do if we get found?" Ino asked in a worried voice.

"I got that all covered." I said cheerfully. "I should take the first shifts and if I keep my deal to Shikamaru this plan we made should work flawlessly!" I pulled out a scroll.

"SAY WHAT!?!" Ino screamed. "What deal did you make with him!?!"

"Yea, what deal?" Choji asked who stopped eating his chips.

"Well, (Sigh) I promised him I would watch over Temari after this part of the exam is over."I held my head down in shame. Why is it I always promise to do things just for small pieces of info? I hate myself. They looked at me questioningly, then at each other, and then back at me. After a long moment of silence, they both started laughing.

"It's not that funny, Damn it!"

After Choji was done laughing he took a few breaths to clam down. Then he asked, "So what's the plan then?"

I waited for Ino to clam down, then I opened the scroll. It showed small drawings of us in a combat situation. I explained to them the meaning of the drawings.

"The best why to boast our abilities in battle is to have Choji and I distract the enemy team. Then you, Ino, would hide in a tree and we would discover which one of the enemy team members would have the scroll we need. Next unit A, that's Choji and me, would then trap the other two in a net and then unit B, that's you Ino, would take over the body of the 'holder' and throw the scroll to your position. Then trap that body in a similar net, go back to your body and then we all get our asses out of there! Any Questions?"

Suddenly, a kunai came flying right past my ear and into the tree right next to Ino. We all turned to see who threw the kunai and to my surprise it was the Thunder-Nins. Were they there the entire time!?! "Yea, I got one. Does the plan in vole a dumb fuck, a Fat ass and a Whore to live afterwards?!?" Juba said, making some hand signs. When he was done his gloves started to spark and he slammed his fists in to the ground. Blasts of lighting went charging at us and we jumped out of the way. Then the other two, Temelo and Kenya, threw Kunai at us. I made my hand sign for Beast Roar Cannon. My roar blast knocked the kunai back at them. At that same moment Temelo made an earth wall to protect them from the kunai.

Choji landed and yelled, "So what's plan B?!"

I landed on a tree branch. "One-on-one fights are the best I can think of!"

"Are you sure about that?" Ino asked landing next to Choji.

"I don't know what else to do." I yelled, attacking Temelo. Temelo and I disappeared past the Genjutsu barrier. Kenya tried to follow us, but Ino grabbed her hair and throw her into bushes. She went after her.

Now only Choji and Juba were left. They stared at each other with angry looks. Then Juba said to Choji "Looks like I'm stuck fighting the fat ass!"

Choji just got angry by that statement. "I'll show you who's the Fat ass, you DICK!" Choji Then did his hand signs for his Expansion Jutsu and became a big ball.

"Ha! The Fat a got even fatter!" Juba laughed and then he ran at Choji with his gloves sparking like crazy.

The Choji ball started to roll at Juba. Juba's fist connected with

Choji and then an explosion caused a dust cloud to form covering the entire clearing.

-Back to Hunamaru-

Temelo and I was trading blow after blow while jumping through the trees. Then we stopped. We jumped away to separate trees staring at each other. I was asking myself how they could have known about my plan with Shikamaru, but I couldn't think of anything. So I asked him. It's a long shot, but I needed to know.

"How did you guy's know about my strategy?" Without missing a beat he answered,

"Kenya was spying on you last night." He said in a clam voice.

"What!?!" I was surprised by his answer.

"I told her not to, but she can be a real handful sometimes." Then he bowed. "I'll take responsibility her actions if you would like."

I was a little shocked by his kindness. "That's ok, I'm good."

Then he went on to say, "But I can't deny that she does mark very skilled ninja. I'm so glad I get to fight you. She would just knock you over the head and take you back home for, how does she put it? 'Playtime'."

I was a little weirded out by that last commit. "And that's not the only reason is it?"

"Yes! I also want to know how well I would do if I fight a sound ninja!" He bowed again. "Excuse me, EX-sound ninja." Temelo said excitedly.

Then he pulled out a small book and a pen and started writing something down.

"How does this sound to you? I, Temelo of the Thunder, has the honor of fighting Hunamaru Karamu during the second part of the Chunnin exam."

"It sounds fine, but why'd you ask me?" I asked, wondering why he just suddenly did that.

"It's a journal for when I become a famous ninja. This thing could sell for millions, maybe more!" He sounded so happy telling me this.

I raised my eyebrow. This guy is really weird, but at least he's not as bad as that Juba or Kenya.

He put the book and pen back in his pocket. "My next entree should be your defeat."

He gave me a very serious look that made me forget about my questions about his awkward kindness. He stood in a stance I studied when I was younger. It was the Iron Fist stance.

(Sorry to brother you readers but if you want to know about Iron Fist fighting just look up martial arts on the net and look for Iron Fist style. I don't feel like explaining the stance. I'm lazy, OK! Now back to the Story!)

I better be nice and get ready for the fight. I hope he's good at Iron fist. This should be fun!

I pulled my headband over my eyes and stood in my Blind Serpent stance. I then focused charka to my ears. "You know the hard part would be that you have to DEFEAT ME to write that down." I said.

"But that's the fun part!" He said jumping at me. I jumped out of the way in time to hear him break the branch I was standing on. I did my hand signs for my roar. I aimed at Temelo and fired. It hit with pinpoint precision. But I hit a substitute in stead.

"Damn, where is he?!?" My question was answered when I heard him come at me form behind. He swung his right fist at my head. I dodged and grabbed it. He swung another fist and I grabbed it just in time. I put both hands under my armpits and started spinning. "WINDMILL SERPANT!"

It had hurt to catch his fist like that. It feel's like stone, but I have to win for Ino and Choji's sake. I hope I don't have to use my Secret Taijutsu for this fight. Grandpa would kill me if I even thought of using that, but what if I had to? Would it be right then? I don't know, but all I know is if I have to I will!

What will happen? Will Hunamaru use that Taijutsu of his or will he try something else? And what will happen to Ino and Choji? Can they survive there fights with Juba and Kenya? Read and find out next time on SCREAM, BANSHEE SCREAM!