Ouran High Is Not a Ninja School

By xSoulScarXx

Summary: Hinata Hyuuga has been cast out by her father. He, a high class business man capable of managing a first-class corporation sends his eldest daughter to a private school filled with as she would say 'rich, vain, spoiled brats'. She moves in with her commoner cousin Haruhi Fujioka, not knowing she'd be plunged into a world filled with cross dressing kooks.



Omg crossover! Yay

I will still continue Hyuuga Hinata has changed… I'm just suffering from writers block (go ahead and send me your ideas if you have any, I would really appreciate it!)

I only saw 2 Ouran/Naruto crossovers and… I couldn't help myself!! Hinata is just too awesome to be kept in one dimension!

'' : Thinking

bold: A/N

Italics: Flash Back


Time: Modern Day

Place: Ouran Academy


Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor do I own Ouran High School Host Club.

But I do own what little plot structure I have….


Chapter 1 - Meet Your Relatives

She stared at the school campus. Her eyes widening as she observed the vast fields, the detail of the buildings and the gardens of flowers that sprawled across the lush green grass.

This was her new school? It couldn't…. what had her father been thinking when he sent her here? She barely knew her uncle… cousin? Or whatever he was to her for that matter.

Sure, they were related somehow, but it dated back to a REALLY long time ago. The Fujioka's even lost the signature lavender Hyuuga eyes.

Her father pretty much dumped her here, saying that she was a disgrace to the Hyuuga family and that she can't become a proper heiress for a first-class cooperation. He sent her away from all her friends and family, with a loaded credit card, a car and an apartment he bought ahead of time for her.

She was told she was going to a "prestigious" school where she could learn the roots of managing a major corporation. The word "prestigious", to her, pretty much just meant that it would be a school loaded with rich-spoiled kids.

Oh, how she wanted to go back to her former school. She missed Naruto and Kiba's loud obnoxious behaviour toned out with Shino and Sasuke's quiet demeanour. She missed Sakura and Ino's squabbling and how Tenten joked about them behind their back. She missed Lee's enthusiasm and even her cousin's over-protective behaviour. And she even missed Shikamaru's troublesome remarks.

Heck, she even missed the teachers! They were her friends; they acted like a second parents to her.

She even made some new friends with a group called Akatsuki before she left. They were the heartthrob of the century in Konoha High. But they were good people to her. Deidara, Tobi, Sasori, Pein, Konan, Kisame heck even Itachi. (Kisame will be a human boy in this… with blue hair… yeah)

She sighed at the thought of all she left behind, letting a single crystal drop roll down her cheek.

She knew nothing of her uncle Ryoji or her cousin, some "Haruhi Fujioka" or other. Why had her father decided to send her here? And this school? Way too snoby for her taste.

Her cousin told her you had to be either super rich, or super smart to get in, and hey she was both.

She let out another sigh before walking back to her car. She wanted to check out her school campus before going to meet her uncle and cousin.

"Oh, Hinata. How are you going to survive this kind of life?"


Hinata knocked on the door of a nearby apartment complex. Before it opened, she took one last glance at the piece of paper, indicating which number was the Fujioka's residence.

When the door opened, she found a tall red-headed women looking down at her.

She remembered how her father had mentioned that Haruhi had no mother, like her. He believed they could 'sympathize' with one and other for this tragedy to have occurred.

'Feh, another excuse.'

"Oh, sorry, I believe I have the wrong do-"

Before Hinata could finish her sentence the red-headed women threw her arms around her a lassoed her into the room.

"Ah! Hinata-chan! I can't believe you're here! I-AM-YO-UR-UN-CLE!

Hinata looked in horror as she broke from the man-woman's embrace.

This was her uncle?! I-it can't be! An okama?

'Oh god,' she thought 'I can't expect this kook to be my guardian!'

Before she had time to respond a girlish-looking boy walked in the room.

"Otou-san, I'm sorry I'm- Huh? Who's this?" The boy took a long look at Hinata, who was flushed a scarlet red.

"HARUHI!! This is your cousin Hinata-chan!"

Hinata's eyes widened in shock. This was Haruhi? Haruhi was supposed to be a girl!

Hinata was starting to feel dizzy, and uneasy. Her relatives were cross-dressers.

"Gender-bender…" was the only thing Hinata muttered before passing out from all the oddities that were happening.


Hinata woke up with the face of a worried Ryoji glaring down at her.

When she saw Hinata waking up a sigh of relief passed her red-lipsticked lips.


"Oh Hinata! I'm glad you're alright! You're father would kill me if he found out what happened to you!"

'Huh. That's and understatement.' She thought sarcastically.

"Well, I didn't really expect you to be that shocked…"


"Heh… guess he didn't tell you we're…. cross dressers…." He said scratching the back of his head"

"Uh.. well-"

"Otou-san, you shouldn't be that shocked… after all Hinata didn't expect this." Haruhi cut in. "Well, anyways if you're wondering I am a girl and he is a guy…"


"Yeah… we have our reasons. Anyways you're coming to school with me tomorrow right? We won't be able to get you a uniform so soon."

"Um… it's alright. I'll be able to get it by the end of the week… So, I wanted to know where my apartment is considering how father sent all my luggage there and I have no idea where it is…"

"Ah, come with me, kay? I'll bring you to your apartment."

"Uh sure, Haruhi-san"

"You can call me Haruhi-chan, after all we'll be together a lot from now on, ne?"



At Hinata's Apartment

Hinata POV

"Wow," I could only gape at the apartment. It was gorgeous. Dusty blue coloured walls with yellow lace curtains enclosing the windows. All the furniture was a white, yellow, or blue, and it was in a rich neighbourhood to boot.

'At least father gave me a decent apartment. I kinda expected a beaten down place, with druggies walking around outside…'

"Wow, Hinata-chan. Your place is really beautiful!" It seemed Haruhi was gaping too. It really was a beautiful apartment.

'Haruhi seems nice enough. Out of her school uniform she actually looks like a girl…'

"Ah, it really is beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here… Wow it seems that food's already been stocked here too."

"Yeah, well I guess I'll head home. It's not far so I can walk. So I guess I'll come and pick you up in the morning? 8:00 ok?"

I agreed. I didn't have much choice in the matter either since I had no clue how to get to the house from here. And with Haruhi pointing out to me where to drive it'll be a hell a lot more easier to get to school.

She asked me if I needed help to unpack, but I refused. It's not that I didn't trust her, but I didn't want her to see all of my pictures I'm going to unload. All of my friends I left behind… no I can't cry. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and I was making a futile attempt to fight away the tears, but I tried until I finally burst out in tears.

I started to unpack, if you call dumping all of the contents on my bed, unpacking. I opened my jewellery box and I saw a silver locket that Kiba had given me before I left. It was a heart-shaped locket containing a picture of us as kids in kindergarten. I knew everyone since I was a child. I felt comfortable around them, like I didn't have to impress anyone. I could just be who I am.

I put my locket on my nightstand and started to unpack all of my things. I had chosen what I wanted to wear. I thought since it was a rich school, might as well ware something classy looking.

I had chosen an ivory-white blouse and a navy blue skirt that came just above my knees. I chose a black pair of shows with low heels. My outfit seemed nice enough, so I continued unpacking all of my things.


I was restless all night. I kept on tossing and turning trying to get to sleep but it didn't help at all. I walked into the living room. On the mantle above the T.V. was a wide array of pictures of my friends.

Starting from the right was a picture of all of us on JR High graduation, me with the Akatuski club, a picture with Tobi hugging me from behind, a picture of the winter formal dance with Naruto as my date, a picture of me and Hanabi at the lake. I sighed at the memories consuming me. I didn't feel sleepy nor sad. Simply empty.

The next was a picture of us, the whole gang at a ski resort. My father had been kind enough to reserve a place for all of us in the resort in winter… no doubt he was trying to get me out of the house.

Nevertheless, I was playing the picture of that marvellous week in my mind. It was the first time in a long time where I could let loose without worrying what my father would say. Every detail of my memory seemed so clear… I didn't even notice I was drifting off to sleep….


Yay! I can't believe I actually know what's going to happen next :D

Reviews make me happy so please review! Constructive critism good, flaming fine with me, praise yay!